Page 60 of Ridge's Release
“I agree.”
“As you have probably guessed, I’m from the UK and have requested assistance from previous co-workers along with translators and medical personnel. The more female support we can put in place, the more help we’ll be to the women.”
“How will you get them back to the US or wherever they were taken from?” Sera asked.
“We’ll arrange for private transportation.”
“Not by ship.”
“No, not by ship. By plane.”
I reached over and squeezed Sera’s hand.
“Any other questions at this time?” Merrigan asked.
“I don’t think so.”
Doc’s wife smiled. “We have a long flight, so if something else occurs to you, don’t hesitate to let me know.”
Sera said she would and thanked Merrigan, who took a seat closer to the front of the plane, next to Doc.
“How are you doing?” I asked. She’d been quiet since we found her mother at the meditation building.
“Out of sorts. Overwhelmed. Worried. More than worried—frantic.”
Everything she was feeling was understandable. I’d give anything to take away all the negativity Seraphina was experiencing, but until we found Luisa, nothing could.
“I was about to say my life is in limbo, but it makes me sound like the most awful person. My sister is in a shipping container, experiencing God knows what kind of horrors. I have no right to complain about anything.”
“You’re human, Sera.” I put the armrest between us up and wrapped my arm around her shoulders.
“When we get to the hotel, I’ve arranged for you to have a room of your own,” I said after explaining those on board would remain in London until we received official word when the container ship would arrive at Port Felixstowe.
“Where will you be?”
“I’m sharing a room with Dalton.”
Sera looked out the window, but turned back when I put my hand on hers.
“Hey, remember earlier, when you said you’d like me to be with you whenever I can?”
“Unless I say otherwise.”
“At times, I’ll also need you to say it is what you want.”
“Like now?”
I smiled. “Exactly.”
“If you wouldn’t mind and if it’s possible, I’d like you with me until we find Luisa.”
“I can do that.”
I waited a few seconds to see if she’d continue. “I know, Sera.” For now, our relationship and what may come of it was also in limbo, but I was in no hurry. As she’d said, God knew what horrors her sister might be experiencing.
“You do? Okay.”