Page 61 of Ridge's Release
When I heardMantis announce from the cockpit that we’d be landing soon, I woke, surprised both Sera and I had slept through most of the flight. Since we had a few more minutes, I waited to wake her up, knowing how much she needed the rest.
I guessed we’d be in London for at least two days, maybe longer. In that time, I didn’t doubt K19 would be doing the necessary prep work in advance of the raid.
I wasn’t sure how much those of us from Los Caballeros would be asked to participate. Probably very little. Which meant we would have a lot of time on our hands, making the hours spent waiting for word feel endless.
“Do you have family still living in England?” I leaned over and asked Press.
“My grandparents have a place near Eaton Square and another in Southwold. They’re likely in the latter presently. Why?”
“Time will drag, sitting in a hotel all day.”
Press hit his forehead with his hand. “Why didn’t I think of that? There’ll be plenty of room at their place for the lot of us to stay.”
“I don’t know which hotel we’re booked in, but it can’t be far from Eaton Square.”
“I believe it’s under a mile.” Press looked behind him. “I’ll talk it over with Ares.”
When I nodded, he stood and walked toward the plane’s aft, where the man sat.
“What’s going on?” Sera opened her eyes and raised her seat from the lying to sitting position.
“We’ll be landing soon.”
She checked her watch. “I can’t believe how long I slept.”
“You needed the rest.”
“He doesn’t see it as a problem,” said Press, retaking his seat.
“What, or shouldn’t I ask?”
“Our group will be staying elsewhere,” Press said to Sera.
“Press has family who own a place in London. He believes they’re away presently.”
“It’s actually three places. Triplex apartments in the same building. It’s where we lived and is quite nice. The best part is there’s a common area for the family to gather, but they have totally separate quarters when we prefer not to.”
“You’re sure they won’t mind?” I asked.
Press raised a brow. “I’m the oldest grandson. I wouldn’t go so far as using the term prodigal—that would be my brother. However, they’ll be delighted to have us use the place.” He shook his head. “Apologies. Poor word choice, not that I can think of any better.”
It wasmidday London time when we deboarded the plane. Ares said transportation had been arranged to take us all to the hotel, so it wasn’t a problem to drop us off first. He also said we’d reconvene for a briefing at zero nine hundred the following day.
Press’ grandparents’ building—which was a more appropriate term to use than “three apartments”—was as swanky as I would’ve expected it to be, knowing his parents and him.
The apartments were all about the same size by square footage. However, one had four bedrooms, another had three, and the third had two. Press said he and Beau would stay in the one with the fewest.
“I’ll be staying with Seraphina for the time being,” I said after motioning Press away from the others.
“Understood. The two of you can stay in the one on the far right, and we’ll put the boys in the middle. It has four bedrooms.”
I had no idea what to anticipate after the raid and rescue operation, but if we needed to remain in England for any length of time, it might work out to stay here then as well since there’d be room for Luisa.
“I know I slept the entire flight, but I’m still so tired,” Sera said after Beau showed us to our quarters.
“I recommend following what your body is telling you it needs.”