Page 50 of Indian Summer
We sat through a brief seminar on the importance of business society and then mingled in the room with some of the professors. Matt genuinely seemed enthusiastic and I listened quietly while he and his mom chatted with his professor about how well he was doing. It seemed Matt thrived in class and I didn’t miss it when the professor questioned where Colton and Theo were. Matt covered for them, but Mary Ellen noted that the professor wasn’t either surprised or disappointed that they weren’t there.
As we exited the building Matt’s phone rang. He hung back to answer it, I had recognised the ringtone so hadn’t slowed, knowing it was Colton. Mary Ellen and I descended the steps, we had a hike to the next event and I didn’t want to be late. Besides Matt had long legs, he could catch us up.
“Do you think they hold him back?” she asked me softly, “Colton and Theo?”
I was surprised she asked me to be honest. I thought back to the professor and shrugged.
“Do not shrug Arielle, ladies do not shrug.”
I laughed. I couldn’t help myself. I was nowhere near being a lady. She smiled at me indulgently but waited patiently for an answer. “No, I don’t think so. Matt’s smart and it was quite easy to see how much his professor liked him. I don’t think it is possible to hold Matt back.” I was truthful. Matt was properly smart, sometimes it irritated me how little he had to do to get through school, but I could hardly hate him for his IQ. He was just too darn likeable.
Mary Ellen nodded thoughtfully then laughed a little ruefully. “I couldn’t split them up anyway. The three of them are like glue, always stuck to each other.”
I nodded in agreement as Matt jogged up to join us.
“Everything ok?” I asked softly.
The arm was slung over my shoulder again. “Course Bit, Cole just checking in he wasn’t missing anything, you know what he’s like.”Yes, yes I did.
The rest of the day flew by. We attended a few more seminars, I witnessed Mary Ellen interrogate one of my professors with alarming tenacity and I was pretty sure that I would forever be burned into his memory. Matt had grinned at his mom in action likehewas the proud parent. We ate lunch in the canteen with the gentle reminder from his mom that we weren’t eating dinner until a while later. I had panicked again at the reminder, but she had brushed off my concern and my feeble excuses. The woman was as formidable as a natural disaster. She smiled and spoke softly, with all the southern charm and then when you got comfortable – bam – she had you in the crosshairs and there was nowhere to run.
The day was finally over, it had been great fun. I was so very grateful that they had let me be part of it. I knew they had both enjoyed themselves too.
Mary Ellen checked her watch. “Well the driver should be coming in five minutes. Arielle if you wish to freshen up then now is the time.” I couldn’t even take offence, she wasn’t being mean. She was politely letting me know I had five minutes if I wanted to check my appearance.
“If you don’t mind, I will take advantage of that time.” She smiled at me, Matt beamed. All of our earlier tension had disappeared. He was my Matt and I was his Bit again. We were just too close to be at odds with each other. I knew we needed to have things out but today proved we could cope with a little fall out.
As I stood in front of the mirror, I took my hair down from its bun. It was wildly curly because it had been up, but I had washed it last night and dried it properly before bed. I ran my fingers through it and searched in my purse for some hair clips. Finding four at the bottom I pinned the sides back and shook out the rest to hang down my back. I reapplied some mascara and tinted lip balm.
I assessed my outfit. The pants and the blouse had been a good idea. I opened the top buttons of the blouse for a more laid-back look. I wish I had a necklace or something to wear.
Just at that Mary Ellen entered the restroom to check on me. I looked at her in apprehension, half waiting for her to tell me to fix my hair. Instead she beamed at me and began fussing over the curls. She produced a small can of hairspray and gave me a couple of quick sprays. Then she reached under her blouse and unclasped a fine gold chain with a small gold bird pendant.
“It was my mother’s,” she said as she stood behind me and put it round my neck. “I rarely take it off. However, your neck can’t be bare, so if you would take good care of it, I would appreciate it.”
“Oh no, I can’t possibly,” I protested. She shushed me and gave me a sly wink. She stood back as she appraised me.
“Well you look lovely. Thank you.” I frowned at her.
“Why are you thanking me?” I asked with a bemused smile. Mary Ellen reached out and fixed a lock of my hair.
“Because you let me be part of this day for you.” She took a hesitant breath and slightly flushed. “And you make my Matthew smile. He avoids home these days, always with Colton and what Colton wants. I know he gets frustrated with his sisters, wants them to be more independent. But I see the way he is with you and I know I have a good boy.”
I took her hand and squeezed. “The best boy.” I said solemnly. Mary Ellen looked suspiciously teary eyed and I didn’t hesitate, I pulled her in for a hug, she squeezed me tightly in return.
“You are a good girl Arielle, I do not profess to know what was wrong with your mother, but she was a fool for never loving you the way you deserved. I am not the best mother, I know my failings, my children like to remind me of them daily. However, if you ever need anything,anything, you come to me. You have Matthew for life I know that, please know you have me too.” It was my turn to be emotional and I was so scared I was going to start bawling like a baby. “Well I think the car should be here by now. Dinner awaits.”
The drive to Boulder Country Club took about twenty minutes. The three of us rode in comfortable silence, broken occasionally with a question or murmured comment. I was so nervous about this dinner, Mary Ellen was as unmovable as a mountain when it came to trying to get out of this. I couldn’t tell herwhyI didn’t want to be in the same room as Jake Dawson and his sons. Matt was enjoying my discomfort too much to assist me.Asshat.
I ended up just going with it. After all, if I had to be on my best behaviour, Jake Dawson had to be on his. Mary Ellen was not a woman to be trifled with and she would not tolerate a scene of any kind. Armed with the knowledge she would probably behead him with her butter knife. I relaxed a little.
I asked if my outfit met the dress code, country clubsalwayshad dress codes and Matt confirmed it did. He also reminded me Theo would meet us outside with a coat for me. Though it wasn’t cold. I needed to have a coat, it was a club thing. I think. Maybe it was a Mary Ellen thing. I wasn’t sure and I wasn’t arguing.
We pulled up outside and the driver opened the door for us. Matt had gone to do it, but his mom had placed a hand on his knee and he had pulled back.Right, so we don’t open our own doorsI thought to myself. How was I back in this again? I didn’t belong here. I liked my little apartment. I didn’t like fake and it always seemed like there was fake in these stupid clubs.
Boulder Country Club was a pretty wood clad building. The main club was on the upper level with a wrap-around terrace and the lower level was stone. The grounds were immaculate. As we ascended the stairs to the upper level, Matt informed me there was a swimming pool and tennis courts too. He also commented that the venue was very popular for weddings. I saw Mary Ellen frown slightly, must be too commercial for her tastes I thought to myself.
Matt caught sight of Theo who came swiftly towards us. He dropped a kiss on my head as he handed me a black velvet blazer. It was slightly snug as I shrugged it on but opted to keep it anyway, I wasn’t about to make a fuss.