Page 51 of Indian Summer
“Amy gave up her coveted blazer?” Matt seemed incredulous as the blazer caught his attention.
Theo grinned and winked. I saw Matt pale and Theo’s straight face crumbled. He earned a punch in the shoulder for his tease and I grinned at both of them.
Mary Ellen turned to us all and her gaze swept us all and after we must have passed the appraisal, she led us forward to the main dining area.
“It’s warm enough to sit outside,” I commented, looking out over the beautiful grounds.
“We are not picnicking Arielle, dinner will be held indoors,” she commented as Theo leapt forward to open the door for us.
On entering the dining area, I saw Colton before I registered anything else. He was standing next to a window, pointing something out to Amy. I was transfixed by him. He was wearing all black. Black trousers, black shirt, black tie. His hair was deliberately messy, his face clean shaven. He was impeccable. He must have felt me staring at him as he turned, and I was awarded with a small warm smile as our eyes met. He was simply breath-taking. His eyes shifted to Mary Ellen and his smile transformed into a beam as he quickly crossed the room, she was crushed in a hug. She protested but I noticed she hugged him back just as tightly.
Those green eyes were suddenly on me again and I felt nervous. His eyes swept me from top to bottom and I got a nod and an “Ari” in greeting. He turned back to Mary Ellen and held a chair out for her. A hand on my back startled me and Matt guided me to a seat to the left of his mom, a few chairs down, he must have been planning on sitting beside me I mused.
Amy came bounding across the room then, her long blonde hair captured into a French braid. She was wearing a long-pleated skirt and simple white blouse.
“Ari!” She squealed. I was in an enthusiastic hug and then she declared, we had to sit triangularly. Matt teased her that it was a round table and she explained the girls needed to be situated like an isosceles triangle, so we were evenly spread. I shook my head but moved my seat and sat as instructed. To my horror I had Colton on my right and his father directly across from me.Long night ahead for me, I mused.
Matt’s father had popped back to the hotel for a tie and Theo’s parents hadn’t arrived yet. Connor was also missing. Looking round the table that meant dinner was for eleven people? With that many people I may not have to speak at all, I could always hope.
“You look well.” Jake directed at me.
I felt myself stiffen. I nodded in acknowledgment.
“I must pass on my condolences for the passing of your father,” he continued. A quick glance at him and I gauged he was sincere. Another nod from me. “He will be sorely missed, I hope you are doing well?” He continued.
I couldn’t speak. Jake Dawson being civil to me wasn’t usual behaviour. My hands were clasped tightly under the table. A warm hand covered mine discreetly and I loosened my grip automatically as Colton took my right hand in his left and softly squeezed. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach and I scolded myself to behave.
“Thank you,” I answered, although in that moment I wasn’t sure which Dawson I was thanking.
“Arielle your hair isamazing,”Amy exclaimed. “It’s so pretty, I can’t believe how much it has grown.” I felt myself relax a little as I turned my attention to Matt’s younger sister. She started talking animatedly about theamazingday she had spent with Theo. Matt’s face was paling rapidly and it was too easy to tease him.
“What did you guys do?” I asked her, leaning forward. Colton let go of my hand and although I immediately missed the contact, I was grateful. I couldn’t think straight with him as close to me as he was. With him touching me, there was no point trying to form coherent sentences.
Amy launched into great detail about how Theo had hung out in her room and watched movies with her and made sure she had plenty of fluids. Matt was ghostly white when his little sister told the entire table that Theothe manwhore, had spent the day in her room. Colton was holding back laughter at Matt’s face, but he was doing a poor show of it. Amy was completely oblivious to the rising hysteria at the table.
Theo wasn’t helping things as he simply sat back and grinned at his friend. I was finding it hard to contain my own grin as she rattled on. Amy was 15 but she was what my dad would have called ayoung15. Her movies had been Disney choices and she was so innocent and naïve she was completely adorable. She was super smart in book knowledge though and had an uncanny ability to wind her brother up. At this moment in time, she was merely a 15-year-old girl whose biggest crush had spent the day with her watching the High School Musical franchise.
Mary Ellen had been listening also. “You don’t seem like you have been sick.” She mentioned quietly.
Amy turned to her mom in exasperation. “Of course, I was sick mom, Theo had to help me get dressed and everything!”
Mary Ellen’s eyes snapped to Theo, who quickly lost the grin. Matt choked on his water and sprayed a mouthful across the table. With that, Colton lost it completely. I couldn’t help it, I started giggling too. Even Jake Dawson’s shoulders were shaking with laughter.
“What does she mean you dressed her?” Matt spluttered with his chair half pushed back. Theo immediately raised his hands up in surrender.
“I didn’tphysicallydress her man, be sensible. I helped her pick out an outfit and then went and got one of the female staff to attend to her in case she needed help. Amy Lou tell him,” Theo almost pleaded. Matt’s demeanour relaxed slightly. I saw Mary Ellen crack a small smile and Amy just looked at us all bewildered.
Colton had tears running down his face at this point and my sides had a good ache from laughing too hard. It was the closest to normal I was going to get in this company and I felt my chest loosen a little more.
“What’s so funny?” Connor asked as he approached the table. He wasn’t alone, Corey was with him. She was wearing a floaty soft chiffon pale mint dress and looked exquisite. Amy muttered about her triangle being disrupted as introductions were made and Theo leaned down to remind her his own parents were yet to arrive. Amy beamed at him. Mary Ellen arranged for another chair and service to be set.
People shuffled round as Theo’s parents and Matt’s dad still had to arrive and Amy declared all couples needed to sit together. Colton didn’t move and neither did I. Matt slid into the seat to my left, giving his seat up for when his father arrived. I caught the quick warning glance Jake sent to his son and didn’t miss the fact that Colton completely ignored him. I smiled on the inside, which was absurd, but I couldn’t help it.
Theo plonked himself down on the other side of Colton as Connor sat down to the left of his dad and pulled Corey down beside him. A muffled giggle escaped from me, it looked like we were picking sides. Which was silly and a misconception, but it appeared like we were making choices.
Just as the rearrangements were made, the rest of the party arrived. I hadn’t seen Theo’s parents since my mother’s funeral and even then, I have no recollection of seeing them. They both hugged me and murmured their condolences.
Mary Ellen took control of the table and let us all know we were to consider ordering as we were already late. I saw Matt’s dad dip his head and Matt frown slightly. Everyone looked at their menu and soft conversations began between seating partners about what to order.