Page 64 of Indian Summer
“Your girl thinks she can beat me,” he answered. He stood tall leaning against his cue.
“That’s not even…” I stuttered. “That’s complete bullshit!” I blurted.
His roar of laughter was odd in the complete silence. A few nervous titters joined him, but I saw far too many people gawk at me. Jesus this guy was like a mad mafia godfather the way these people hung around him. I looked at Jay and he was shaking his head.
“I leave you for two minutes,” he muttered. I found it oddly discomforting that this was totally something Matt would say.
I shrugged. I eyed the table. He’d pocketed 4 stripes. Damn I was going to have to play well to get out of this. Then I thought about it, why should I? I didn’t want to play him, let’s fluff this up and lose well. He would leave me alone, I reckoned.
Armed with a plan, I stepped up to the table. Unfortunately for me, Tattoo Neck must have guessed my intentions. He sidled next to me and leaned in close.
“Bring you’re A game Arielle, else I will need to find bigger guys to fight your boys next Friday,” he smirked. “I like to winfairly,” he said softly as moved away from me.
Thatwas fairly? Scaring me half to death with threats? I was so out of my depth here. An understanding of why the guys had been so keen to keep me away from this complete lunatic was dawning on me. Maybe I owed them an apology? I could deal with that later. For now, I needed to get out of this situation. I could still lose, I pondered, I just had to lose convincingly. Somehow, I knew winning wasn’t an option, even if I was good enough to beat him. I wanted off his radar and quickly.
I took my shot, I pocketed a spot. I potted the next two and through carefully constructed chance, missed the fourth. His eyes were narrowed as he watched me. He didn’t watch the game or the shots. His eyes never left me. I wasn’t sure if it was to intimidate me or because he was watching to make sure I was giving it my all.
I met his gaze and shrugged. The fact I had left him completely lined up for the next shot wasn’t lost on me, him, or anyone at the back of the bar. I ignored the catcalls and the shouts of encouragement from his groupies, who were completely ignorant of the fact that I may have missed on purpose.
He bent to the pool table and I exhaled when he finally took his eyes off me. I looked for Jay, he was at the other end of the area talking to a blonde girl. She had her hand on his arm and he was smiling down at her.Yeah leave me with your psychotic brother why don’t youI grumbled inwardly.
The girl’s hand ran up his arm and over his bicep. He didn’t move her or move away. Well that was interesting. I took a swig of my drink. Then another. God this night was not at all what I thought it would be. I glanced at the table, he only had the black to pot.Thank Christ, this ordeal at least would be over. Tattoo Neck flicked his eyes up to meet my gaze. With a lazy smile, he hit the ball and purposefully didn’t sink it. My eyes widened incredulously.
“Are you kidding?” I snapped as I marched forward to the table.
“Ooops, I missed,” he commented. I seriously considered walking away, but I remembered his reference to the guys. He wouldn’t though would he? Over a game of pool? What was his issue with me?
I flicked my hair over my shoulder. “So, you want to lose to a girl?” I challenged. The bar was loud and noisy and only a few people heard. I didn’t give a rat’s ass anymore. He had seriously gotten to me and I was not being pushed around by this twat anymore.
“I don’t want to beplayed,” he answered. “You play the rest of them, I’m not sure yet if you’re playing with my little brother. Show your true colours,” he spat out at me.
Wow.I looked at him, I didn’t even have a response. I glanced at Jay who was completely oblivious as he still chatted to Little Miss Blonde. I wondered briefly why I wasn’t even jealous.
“Fuck you,” I retorted softly. He snorted in amusement, I brushed past him and in four shots, I put the cue down and met his eyes. “I win.” Ok I was maybe too smug for my own good and given the situation I was in, maybe I shouldn’t have been.
I picked up my bottle of cider and turned away as I finished it. I walked to the bar. Good grief I needed out of here. This was a bad situation. The noise and laughter resumed quickly as he made a joke and I heard raucous laughter follow whatever he’d said. I had no doubt it would be uncomplimentary about me.
My hair got tugged and I whirled around sharply to confront whoever it was, only to find Jay. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the bar. My head was swimming and I felt weird. Probably adrenaline. I was wound up so tight from that encounter I just wanted out of here.
“Darling,” Jay started. I held my hand up.
“Donotdarling me,” I snapped. His eyes widened in amusement. I nodded in acknowledgment as the bartender placed another cider in front of me.
“She’s just a friend,” he began.What?I shook my head,oh right the girl. I shrugged. Jay chuckled. “So, you’re not pissed about Kayleigh, you’re pissed I left you with my brother.”
I rounded on him. “Of course I am! He’s a fucking lunatic,” I snapped. Jay’s mirthful demeanour instantly closed down. Brilliant. Another loyal brother. I took a deep drink.
“He was playing with you. Seeing how you held up under pressure. You did well.” Jay admitted.
“I don’t want to be played with!”
He moved in closer to me, I edged away. I didn’t want hugs and cuddles, he had left me to the wolf and I’d almost gotten mauled. Honestly, I still wasn’t sure I wouldn’t be if I stayed here. Jesus, my head was banging. I needed out of here. I drank down the rest of my drink ignoring Jay’s warning to take it easy. I pushed away from the bar and headed to the door.
Jay grabbed my arm and I shrugged him off as I staggered.What the fuck?The room was moving. Why was the room moving?
I stumbled again and knew I was going to fall. A strong pair of arms circled me. I looked up into blazing emerald eyes.