Page 65 of Indian Summer
For the first time that night I felt myself breathe fully and I felt myself relax into him just as darkness washed over me.
I opened my eyes. It was dark, but I knew I was home and in my bed. I ran my hands down my side and panic flared through me as I realised, I was only in my underwear. I raised my head and almost groaned out loud at the searing pain.
I heard a movement in the apartment and tensed all over again. How the hell was I here? I didn’t remember much; did I remember Colton being there or had that just been wishful thinking?
I tried to lift my head again and this time I did groan out loud.
I heard my bedroom door open. Panic flared through me again, having no idea who was in my home with me.
“Bit?” I almost cried with relief. The bed sank as Matt sat on the side of the bed. He searched for and found my hand. I squeezed his hand with all my strength.
“What happened to me?” I wheezed. I sounded like I smoked twenty cigarettes a day. My other hand rested against my forehead.
“You passed out,” Matt whispered. I was very grateful he hadn’t raised his voice. My ear drums were roaring and every part of me hurt.
“I did? I only had one drink, no wait I think it was two,” I muttered, I tried to move but my head gave a loud internal protest. I lay still. Who needed movement anyway? It was completely overrated.
“You leave your drink unattended Bit?” Matt’s careful whisper had more bite than I was expecting and I thought long and hard.Yes, when I was playing king psycho at pool, I had left the bottle behind me on a table.
Jesus. Rule 101 for all females out there. Nevereverleave your drink. I groaned again. Some bastard had spiked my drink. I’d been too wigged out over Tattoo Neck, I hadn’t been paying attention.
Colton was going to go absolutely ballistic at me. Perfect – another reason for him to be disappointed in me.
“Yeah. Oh God I’m so stupid. I know better,” I grumbled, I tried to move again but it hurt. “Why do I hurt so bad?” I asked.
“You were sick. Like really, really sick. Your insides are probably going to be a little bit delicate.” I felt a tear spill over.
“Jesus Matty. I’m such an idiot. I’m so sorry,” I sniffled.
The bed dipped again, I felt Matt stretch out beside me. He clasped my hand in his.
“What were you doing?” He asked me softly.
“Ugh, I was being stubborn,” I ground out. I hated that I had been so stupid and had just been in this stupid situation.Whyhadn’t I just walked away? Normal people would have walked away. Corey, she was normal, she would never have been in that situation. She wouldn’t have cared about losing face, the minute Tattoo Neck had put the pool cue in her hand, she would have smiled, put it down and removed herself from the situation.
Oh no, not me though. Nope I was all about showing him he didn’t intimidate me, when in reality, he scared me shitless.
I related as much to Matt. He grunted when I finished. “Lecture me when I don’t feel like I have had a beating?” I asked softly. He snorted in amusement.
I took a deep breath. “Was Colton there or did I imagine him?” I whispered. Matt stilled.
“He’s here.”
Here? As in, in my apartment?I felt the panic rise again. “Here?”
“Yeah, he’s in the spare room,” he answered.
“Deep shit?”
“The deepest.”
“Double shit.”
“Go to sleep Bit,” Matt chuckled lightly, he moved and kissed the top of my head. My hand tightened on his.