Page 2 of Lost In Emotion
"I'm good." He glanced at Sarah and then at me, his gaze lingering on me slightly longer. "Looks like a party."
"Just hanging out. This is Sarah, my girlfriend and her best friend, Tiffany." Jim put the bottles of Coke on the table and sat down. "Girls, this is my neighbor, Justin. We've lived next door to each other forever. Do you want to join us, Justin?"
"Nah. I just got home from work. I'm going to crash." He looked at me. "Maybe next time. It was nice to meet you, ladies."
I licked my lips and hoped the disappointment didn’t show on my face.
Jim and Sarah were chatting quietly as I watched him walk away in his Levi’s.
"Take a picture; it'll last longer." Jim grinned at me.
“Shut up.” I glanced over, making sure Justin was inside and couldn’t hear me.
"Oh my god, Tiffany. I thought you would start drooling all over yourself," Sarah giggled. "He is cute, though."
“Hey now!” Justin pretended to look hurt.
“Well, not as cute as you,” Sarah replied, trying to recover. “Seriously though, you should set him up with Tiffany.”
"Maybe," he shrugged. "I don't see him much. He works a lot, and if he's not at work, he's with his band. He thinks he's going to be a rock star." He rolled his eyes.
He changed the subject then, but I couldn't get Justin out of my head. So the next time Sarah wanted to hang out at her boyfriend's, I wouldn't argue.
Iwent inside the house and down to my room in the basement before my mom could say anything. I wasn't even sure if she was home or not. She was probably out with one of her loser boyfriends that hated me.
I flopped on my bed and turned on the tape player, blasting the latest Judas Priest album. Unfortunately, work had sucked more than usual. Working at Skateland usually had its perks and was more like a party than work, but we had three birthday parties tonight. As a result, the place was overrun with snotty seven-year-olds.
We canceled band practice, so I didn't have that to look forward to after work. Also, two of the guys couldn't get off of work. We could sometimes get by with one guy missing, but not two. We practiced at the drummer's house, and his mom had been getting pissy about how much noise we made, so a night off was probably best.
But now I was stuck at home. I hated being home. Most of the time, my mom was a raging bitch, constantly bitching at me about my alcoholic father. It was almost like she thought I had something to do with how much he drank and how abusive he was.
I needed to get my own place, but working at a skating rink full time didn't bring in the money required to venture out on my own. Also, I loved my bandmates, but I didn't think I could live with them. Besides, every time I mentioned to Mom about moving out, she'd lay a guilt trip on me about leaving her alone.
Mom kept telling me I needed to get a full-time job at the mill but fuck that. I wasn't going to become a millrat like the rest of my family. I wanted more out of life than that. She constantly berated my band and told me how stupid I was to think anything would come of it.
It was great having such a supportive mom…not.
I threw a hand over my eyes. I should have taken the neighbor Jim up on his offer to join him and his girlfriend and her friend on their back patio. I wanted to; the girl Tiffany was hot. She wore a t-shirt that fell off the shoulder and came a little low, revealing her incredible tits. Her smile was gorgeous, and I got close enough to get a whiff of her perfume. I was pretty sure she wore Love's Baby Soft.
Tiffany wasn't like the other girls I was used to dating. She had her own car, and the jeans she had been wearing were Guess jeans. My guess was she came from money, and girls like her didn't like hanging out with grits like me. They always thought they were too good for me. So she probably wasn't worth my time.
We hadn't really hung out since we were kids, so I thought it might be weird if I stayed. I'd seen Jim's girlfriend numerous times, but that was the first time I'd seen Tiffany. I hoped she was around more often.
I soon fell asleep, dreaming about a dirty blonde in an off-the-shoulder t-shirt.
The following week was a blur, busy with work and the band. We had a few people gone from the roller rink, and I picked up some extra shifts for some extra money. It beat being at home as well.
When I got home from work the following Saturday night, there were quite a few cars in Jim's driveway and on the road. It looked like there was a party at Jim's house. My mom had mentioned she thought his parents were out of town.
I noticed Tiffany's car in the driveway, so I decided to stroll inside. I'd had a shit evening, and maybe there would be beer. Jim wasn't old enough to get a beer, so I was curious to see if he'd gotten some.
When I walked in the door, a couple was making out in the chair. I thought it was Tiffany for a second, and my heart sank. Then, the girl pulled away from the guy she'd been sitting with and giggled, revealing she wasn't Tiffany. I found myself relieved.
There were guys and girls all over the place. Some were making out while others were only talking. Finally, I paused and asked some dude where Jim was. He only grinned at me and told me he'd seen him go off to the bedroom with his girlfriend.