Page 3 of Lost In Emotion
Great. That meant Tiffany was more than likely alone. I'd been to enough parties to see the kind of guys I feared were preying on her. They would find the girls alone. They didn't always have to be cute. Tiffanywasattractive, though, making her more of a target.
I searched the whole first floor of the house and didn’t find Tiffany or Justin and his girlfriend. I ran my hands through my hair, becoming almost frantic that I couldn’t find her.
This was ridiculous. I met Tiffany once. I barely knew her, and it wasn't my job to make sure she was okay. If I interrupted anything, she might think I was the creeper. I should just go home and forget about Tiffany.
I was about to turn around in the kitchen when I noticed a big group of people outside on the back porch. So I would leave that way, and if I ran into Tiffany, good for me. If not, I'd go home and worry about myself. Maybe I'd even give the girl who gave me her number at the roller rink the other night. It had been way too long since I was with a girl.
I went out the back door and casually scanned the crowd. Dusk had settled in, making it hard to really see the faces of who was out there but then I heard her voice.
"That's okay. I'm not interested. I'm going to go back inside."
I followed the direction of her voice and saw some guy dressed in a white suit and pink shirt who thought he was Don Johnson corner her along the patio railing.
It took me two strides with my long legs, and I was by her side. She noticed me almost immediately, looking relieved to see me. "Hey, Tiffany. I was looking for you."
Iwas never so happy to see someone in my life.
Somehow I got stuck on the porch with this douchebag. This guy offered me a beer, and when I refused, he tried the harder stuff. He even wanted to get me a drink, but I was smart enough to decline. I'd read enough horror stories about girls getting drunk and waking up having been assaulted. Sarah's mom was obsessed with telling us about it all the time.
Sarah had gone up to Jim's room earlier. She told me tonight would be the night she gave him her virginity. I was excited for her but not thrilled with being left alone with many people I didn't know. They were mainly Jim's friends and older than us.
I'd noticed Justin's head in the crowd but didn't think he'd come this way. So I gave him a huge smile when he walked up to me. He glanced at the asshole that had me pinned against the wall.
“Can I help you?” Justin asked him when the guy lifted his sunglasses onto his head. I rolled my eyes. Who wears sunglasses at night anyway?
“I would appreciate it if you leave me and my lady alone.”
“I’m not your lady!” I gasped and crossed my arms over my chest.
"Not yet." He wiggled his nasty unibrow at me, and I almost threw up in my mouth.
Justin smirked and got closer to him. “What’s your name?”
“Well,Dick, I would appreciate it if you would leave my lady and me alone." He slipped his arm around my shoulders, and I snuggled in close. He smelled a little like Tide and some stale cigarette smoke, and I breathed him in, savoring his scent.
“Bitch. Why didn’t you tell me you had a boyfriend?” Dick stood up straight and put his hands on his hips.
Justin let me go and pushed Dick up against the wall. "I don't want to hit you because I don't want to ruin my friend's party, and I promised my girl I would keep the violence to a minimum. It would be in your best interest, Dick, to be careful what you call a lady and to get the fuck out of this party."
I'd never been more turned on in my life. Of course, I knew Justin was just playing, helping me get out of an awkward situation with this asshole, but holy shit, he was sexy as fuck.
Justin let him go, stepping away and watching with a grin while he gathered his couple of friends and hurried off the deck, going around the front of the house to their car. Justin laughed as we heard a car squeal away.
“What a bunch of pussies,” he shook his head and grabbed a beer from the cooler on the deck. “Where did you find him anyway?”
I shrugged. "I came out here for some fresh air, and that guy cornered me here. I haven't been able to get away. He was scaring me a little. So thank you."
He opened his beer and took a big sip. “You’re welcome. I hate guys like that. If you can’t get a chick without harassing her or forcing her, you’re a dick. Do you need a beer?”
"No thanks. I don't really drink." I hated the taste of beer, and the thought of losing any sort of control or not knowing what was going on scared me. I guess Sarah's mom's scare tactics were working.
He shrugged and took another sip of his beer.