Page 16 of Sexy Dirty Fun
“Please,” she pleaded, unable to stop the sob that escaped. “Go away.”
I sent a quick text to Drew to get hotel security to Lindsey’s room ASAP. I shoved my phone back into my pocket and took a deep breath. I scrubbed my hand with my face. This was in; I was going in.
I stepped back from the door and kicked my foot against it. I didn’t even give them a warning. It gave a little on the first kick but didn’t open completely, so I kicked it again. This time it flew open and my jaw dropped when I found Lindsey on the floor with her robe up around her waist. That dude I saw her talking to earlier in the lobby was behind her on his knees with his pants down. What the fuck?
“What the hell man? Get out of here,” the guy said, standing up and pulling his pants up. He fastened them and came at me, his fist raised.
I wanted to help Lindsey, but I had to take care of this jack-wagon first. I punched him in the gut and kneed him in the balls before punching him right in the nose. He tumbled to the floor with a groan. I stood over him and put my boot right on his crotch. I applied pressure and he moaned again.
“You don’t even deserve to have a dick, you sick fuck,” I said and pressed harder with my boot. He squealed like a little girl, mumbling incoherently; I could only guess he was begging me to stop.
I glanced over at Lindsey. Tears were running down her face and she had adjusted her robe to cover her again. I wanted to reach out and touch her - comfort her and promise this jerk would never get near her again.
Hotel security showed up and I removed my foot from between his legs. I stayed near him in case he tried to run.
“What’s going on here?” One of the security guards asked, both of them looking around.
“He attacked me,” Lindsey sniffled. “He forced himself into my room.” She shivered and hugged herself. “Then he tried to force himself on me. If Cane hadn’t come in when he did, I’m not sure what would have happened.” Her eyes filled with tears and I went over to her, putting my arm around her.
The other guard got out some handcuffs and put them the guy on the floor. “We’ll have to call the police and report this. We can keep him down by us until they arrive. They’ll take him but you will have to go down to the station to make a statement.”
She nodded and snuggled into me. I rubbed her arm and pulled her close. They pulled the guy off of the floor and his face was all bloody from where I punched his nose. He’s lucky that’s all he got.
“We’re not done, Linds. Eventually I’ll find you and this time you won’t be able to get away,” he muttered at her, his eyelids hooded.
She whimpered and I started towards him. “You fucking asshole! You leave her alone!” I was about to punch him again, but the guard pulled him back.
“Easy now,” he said. “We will get him out of here. Should we call you here?”
She looked around and chewed on her lip. Her eyes were wide with panic. There was no way I was going to let her stay here alone tonight. “You can call my room. I’m next door. She will be with me.”
She glanced over at me, her green eyes full of surprise, but then a look of relief passing over her face.
The guard looked to her for confirmation and she nodded. “Ok, then. Sorry about this ma’am. Someone will call you soon.”
They turned to drag that asshole out the door when Drew came in. “What the hell happened here?” He asked, looking around the room.
“Hold on a sec,” I told him before turning to Lindsey. “Get your stuff. You’re staying with me.” There went my plans a sex-filled Vegas stay, but I didn’t care. I would live for a few days.
“Thank you,” she whispered and went into the bathroom.
“Is she ok? Why was Shaun being dragged out of here in cuffs?” Drew asked me again.
I shook my head and sat down on the bed. “That sick fuck broke into her room and was going to rape her.”
“Holy shit!” He rubbed the back of his neck and sat next to me. “What happened?”
“I got out of my shower and could hear someone making a lot of noise. At first, I thought it was two people going at it, but I soon realized one person wasn’t into it. I heard him call her Linds so I came right over. I and to kick down the door.” I ran my hand through my hair. “He had her on her knees and had dropped his pants behind her. If I was another minute longer…” I shuddered.
“Fuck,” he said. “Good thing you were next door.”
“Yeah. I’m keeping her with me while we are here. I don’t trust the cops to keep him from her.” I looked over to the bathroom door wondering if she was ok in there. I would give her another minute or two.
“Ok.” He stood up and got out his phone. “I’ll take care of this. You just take care of her.”
She came out of the bathroom in yoga pants and a t-shirt, carrying her make up bag. She threw a few things in her suitcase and zipped it up. “I’m all set.”
“Lindsey,” Drew said. “I’m so sorry. I will take care of everything. You just rest.”