Page 17 of Sexy Dirty Fun
“Thanks, Drew,” she said and attempted to give him a smile.
I got up off the bed and grabbed her suitcase. “Let’s go to my room. You can shower if you want and we can get room service.”
She bit her lip and nodded. She looked so damn vulnerable right now with no make-up on and her hair hanging undone around her face. A bruise was forming where Shaun hit her. It made my blood boil every time I thought about his hands on her.
Usually when I saw her she was such a badass with her blond hair and I wanted to fuck her silly. Right now, all I wanted to do was protect her.
“See you later, Drew. Call me if you need something.” I walked out into the hallway and turned to make sure she was following me. I unlocked the door to my room and held the door for her. Once she was inside I put out the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign and dead bolted the door. I set her suitcase down and watched her walk in.
She put her laptop bag on the table and sat down on the edge of the bed. I sat down next to her. “Are you okay, Lindsey?” I asked her softly.
She didn’t answer me at first - she didn’t even move. “Yes,” she finally mumbled. “I’m going to shower.” She went over to her suitcase and got out a few things before going into the bathroom.
I sighed and kicked off my boots. I sat further up on the bed and turned on the TV. Now that I had her here, I wasn’t sure what to do with her. I picked up the room service menu from the night stand. Maybe we should eat. I called and ordered a pizza and some other things along with some beer.
She came out of the bathroom as I hung up the phone. She was wearing shorts and a-shirt. I couldn’t help but grin when I saw it was a Hookers and Hand Grenades t-shirt.
“Nice shirt,” I teased.
She looked down and laughed. “Thanks.”
“I ordered some food.”
“Thanks.” She stood there and looked around like she didn’t know where she should sit.
“You can sit by me up here. I don’t bite.” I patted the bed next to me. “Well, unless you want me to.”
She rolled her eyes but I could see the smile on her face. She climbed up on the bed and sat next to me. She took a pillow and hugged it against her. “Thank you,” she whispered. “If you didn’t come when you did…”
“Shhh,” I said and put a finger to her lips. “But I did get there, so let’s not think about it, ok?”
She nodded. “Ok.”
“Good.” I sat back and tried to watch TV but the smell of her shampoo was distracting me. It smelled like a garden full of flowers in the spring. She crossed her long legs and I had to adjust to make room for the bulge that was forming in my pants.
There was a knock on the door and I sprung off the bed. Thank God room service was here. I wouldn’t have to worry about talking while we ate.
I tipped the guy and rolled the cart back into the room. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw her. She was on her knees in the middle of the bed without any clothes on. Holy shit.
“Cane,” she said. “I want you.”
“Are you sure? After what happened?” I walked around to the foot of the bed.
She crawled over to me and reached for my belt buckle. She looked up at me and nodded. “Yes, I’m very sure.”
She undid my jeans and freed my semi-erect cock. She put it in her warm, wet mouth and I tipped my head back with a groan. Maybe I would get laid here in Vegas after all.
Itook Cane deep into my mouth and teased the underside of his cock with the tip of my tongue, eliciting a groan from his lips. I brought a hand between his legs and cupped his heavy balls, massaging them with my fingers.
What occurred this afternoon was probably the worst thing that ever happened to me. I will admit I've messed around with a lot of guys and I've never been in a situation where they didn't stop when I said no. My mother always told me one day one of these "deviant boys" would make me regret my career choice and today she was almost right.
But Cane saved me. The last person in the world I ever expected, came to my rescue when I needed him most. He wasn't a total dick head like he wanted everyone to believe.
Maybe it was the adrenaline running through my veins, but I was never more attracted to him than I was now. It probably wasn’t a good idea to sleep with him after Shaun attacked me, but I needed him. I wanted to take back my sexuality in some way.