Page 20 of Deadly Scorpion
The shrill sound of a siren blared throughout the room I’d now renamed my personalised torture chamber. Ever since Blaze had walked out, the hits had kept coming. I don’t know how many times the sirens had sounded, but it seemed every time I’d start to drift off, they echoed around the room, jolting me from whatever escape I needed to pass the time.
The assholes were trying to use sleep deprivation to try and break me, and that meant that they either had an infinite amount of time to pull this off or they were shit out of ideas and had resorted to trying anything and everything they could possibly think of. Sleep deprivation being one of them.
I groaned as I tried to stretch, realizing too late I was still strapped to the vault like contraption from earlier. My back and stomach ached from being bent over for so long, my arms had gone numb due to lack of blood flow and movement. And I was starving. It had been like three days or more since I’d actually eaten something of substance and there was no end in sight on that front.
No one had entered the room since Blaze had left, yet I was aware there were eyes on me at all times. Isolation was something I had grown accustomed too a long time ago so it didn’t have much of an affect on me.
“Ah such a glorious sight seeing you strapped there, so helpless yet still full of spirit,” Eric’s voice came from somewhere in the room, it sounded a little distorted meaning it could have come from the speakers, however there was no hiding the mirth in his voice. “Tell me Paige, are you ready to give in and accept what lies ahead of you? Surely by now you’ve come to realize there isn’t a knight in shiny armor coming to your rescue.”
“Who are you trying to convince with that statement; me or yourself?” I rasped, I was in desperate need of water. I knew the shit he spewed was utter crap but he really believed that there weren’t people out there looking for me. “Answer me this Eric, are you truly this deluded or is it the false sense of self importance or your over inflated ego that has you believing that you’re more important than you actually are?”
“You still haven’t fucking learned yet have you?” This guy changed his tune quicker than most people changed their underwear, he was clearly unhinged and I’d definitely poked the hornet's nest. “Maybe another night strapped there with no food will have you more amenable or perhaps another lashing?”
“Or you could, I dunno cut your losses and let me go, you undoubtedly know who my family is by now, and trust me when I say they never leave a person behind.” I countered back, if I was going to be left here again then there was no harm in it, I’d been through worse.
“You mean the family that you ran from, that had stopped looking for you weeks ago while you were off on your little revenge trip?” He taunted me now, back in control of his anger. “Yeah I am familiar with where you come from, Harridan, do you really think the people you were with would go running back after they aided you and lied about your whereabouts?”
“You think that they wouldn’t? That I wouldn’t have a contingency?” My reply was fast, he knew nothing about me or my team and yet he assumed they would go running with their tails between their legs.
“Stop trying to bait her,” I heard another voice scold him, I couldn’t tell exactly who it was but it seemed familiar. They weren’t pleased, that was for sure. “Blaze was right at lunch, you did do a number on her. You’d better hope her back heals quickly son, I wouldn’t want to have to punish you now for such inept behavior.”
“He over exaggerated, it isn’t as bad as it looks,” Eric tried to defend himself to the other guy, a little of his confidence slipping away.
“Nevertheless, I agree with him until you can get your behavior in check you will not be having anything to do with her training, from this point on it all gets done by Blaze and you can take over all the tournament stuff,” This guy spoke with such authority, and finality. Even through his tone I could tell he wasn’t one to be messed with.