Page 21 of Deadly Scorpion
Everything had started to fall into place, once our little meet and greet with Blaze had ended more of the pieces had started to come together. Turns out that our initial suspicions were correct. Blaze was in fact a double agent. Undercover for the FBI working on shutting down the Trafficking side of the Lords of Salem. Although he couldn’t give us too much information he had told us that he was aware of who Paige was and the importance of her family.
By the end, we had an ironclad agreement he would try to get my Princess out before the tournament was due to start, however, if that couldn’t be achieved he’d make sure it never went past the first round and that he’d have the information we needed to get her out. He’d been working on this since before the incident with Phoenix and had hoped they’d have closed it by then but our rescue had hampered their investigation.
They had come across the case just days before Phee had arrived in the States, and had spent months building their case. By the time they were ready to move we’d struck, rescuing Phee and causing the Ducanes to go into hiding. We’d literally thrown a hand grenade into their investigation.
They’d held out hope that the Lennox’s would turn Kyle over but again, when the body of his mother had washed up they resigned themselves to having to find a new avenue. The tournament and sex club were that. He told us he’d be in touch and then disappeared back into the street. All we could do now was wait.
“Do you actually think he is going to call us?” Cian asked as he paced the space in front of the boxing ring. After the meeting Madden and I decided to join some of the others at a local boxing ring that the Lennox’s had hired for us to start our training. “I mean if he said he’d get her out then I don’t understand why we’re all here training especially if there won’t be a need to fight.”
Something about the way he said it irked me, the guy was chicken shit scared of the Lennox’s yet at every turn he complained about something or tried warning us off a certain path. I didn’t trust him. He’d been the one with her when she was taken and as far as I saw it he was just as bad as those that took her. His loyalty was in question and he just kept digging his hole deeper and deeper.
“Why are you still here? You’re as useful as an ashtray on a motorcycle.” Madden sat down on the bench, dripping in sweat, he’d been in the ring sparring with one of the guys Killian had sent down. Pointing towards the ring he turned to Cian. “You’d think for someone that has a lot to lose here you’d be the first in there getting ready.”
I stood there for a minute just taking in the pathetic mess that was in front of me. I’d never understood why he was her first choice to run too when it all went down months ago, I thought we were at a place where she could come to me and that hurt. I’d been pissed when I saw him with her in the pictures when we found her, and now I was livid he wasn’t pulling his weight to atone.
“First of all he said he’d try to get her out beforehand, secondly do you really think we’re gonna have weapons with us if we have to rescue her at the tournament?” I stepped into him, and glared. This guy was a poser, he had just as much compassion as a starving shark, and he didn’t seem to care who he showed it to just as long as it wasn’t a Lennox. “If we go into that tournament unprepared someone will get hurt, and I’m not about to let you hurt Paige again with your incompetence, so get your fucking arse in that bloody ring and fucking train.”
“Where the hell do you get off talking to me like that? You’re not even in charge here.” I watched his eyes widen when I got in his face. The small backbone he’d just had seemingly disappeared just as quickly as it appeared.
“That’s where you’re wrong fuck knuckle,” I grabbed him by the throat, his shocked cry drew the attention of everyone else in the room, I’d had just about enough of this shithead’s not so subtle digs. “The moment Paige was taken, I was put in charge. You should be grateful for that fact right now, do you really think that Killian would have let you live this long after he found out that you’d betrayed him not once but twice? Your incompetence is the reason we are all hear in the first fucking place.
Had you done the right thing to begin with, you know the thing you were being paid to do, none of us would be in this mess, and Paige sure as fuck wouldn’t have had the shit beaten out of her last night.”
I threw him into the mat and stalked back to the rental car. I was seething with anger at this moment and being in there where I could hit things would only end in trouble, because the poor fucker that went to spar against me would end up injured and I needed all the men I could get if I was to pull off a rescue during the tournament. What I needed right now was to clear my head and the only way to do that was to get on my bike and ride.