Page 27 of Deadly Scorpion
It was time to put my game face on, it had been a week since I’d spoke with Damon. Blaze had spent that time telling me what he expected me to do, showing me how he wanted me to act, how I was to answer him and letting me know what I could expect in the lead up to the tournament.
Blaze was getting ready to introduce the “new” more obedient me to the others, to show that he’d made progress. After all the discussion we’d had, it was agreed that he’d made a breakthrough with the training. Alexander had planned a dinner party with some of his more nefarious business partners, and part of it was to show off the prize he had to offer to the fighters.
As part of the plan, Blaze and I agreed that I would follow along with most things he would request of me. This dinner party would be much like the first one I’d been forced to go to, I’d be made to sit by his side on the floor, let him feed me something I was not a huge fan of, but would go along with if it meant I didn’t draw unwanted attention to myself, but most of all I was to keep my mouth shut unless he directly spoke to me.
The last request was where the grey part of the plan came in, he’d let it be known that at some point in the night I’d have to ‘mess’ up and he would discipline me for it. This was to show the others that even though his techniques were of the more gentler nature, that he could shell out disciplinary measures when required. The plan was for me not to answer correctly whilst looking directly at him, something a good little slave would never do, and he’d punish me accordingly for it.
“Paige,” The way Blaze said my name, made the hairs on my arms stand up and I had an inkling I wasn’t going to like what was going to come next. He had stopped and pulled me aside out of earshot from everyone else. “I apologize now for what is about to come, but I need you to play along.”
“What the fuck does that mean?” I whispered at him, irritated that there was part of the plan I’d not been privy to.
“Just that you may have to do some things that we haven’t discussed yet, and that you will definitely not be comfortable with.” His frank confession made my mind race. His lack of elaboration had my mind going straight to a place that left me feeling sick inside. It wasn’t enough that I was dressed like some sort of low class call girl, but I was now expected to blindly follow him down the rabbit hole.
“That’s not what we agreed on Blaze,” I’d reminded him of our earlier conversation, where we’d hashed out the course of action for tonight, nothing but some heavy petting to show them that he’d been able to make me heel. “You can’t just change the game plan right before we go inside.”
“I know that but I want you to be aware that I have a role to play tonight too,” he countered, grabbing my chin and pulling it down so I wasn’t looking straight at him. “Ducane can be unpredictable as can Eric, if my cover gets blown then I won’t be able to help you, all I’m asking is that you just follow along. If I can, I won’t let them take it too far but we’re both gonna have to do things neither of us want to and for that I’m sorry.”
The whole situation had me feeling sick to my stomach, I’d allowed myself to be lulled into a false sense of security thinking I wouldn’t have to compromise who I was, yet now I wasn’t so sure. Damon’s words filtered through my mind, do what you have to do, but was this really what he had in mind, and what would he think about me when he found out about this. Regret had started to eat away at me, he’d sounded indifferent when we had spoken, I didn’t want to do anything else that would make it harder for me to fix what I’d broken.
* * *
We’d been one of the first to arrive, however unlike the last time there were cameras set up all around the room. It was apparent that Blaze was caught off guard by this yet he did well to hide it. This was not the usual dinner party, something more was at play tonight. His earlier comment about the unpredictability of the other players flooded back.
“Ah, Blaze, come, join us,” Alexander beckoned him over to the head of the table. I couldn’t help but notice the sickening grin on his face as he zeroed in on me. The slimeball had me wishing I was back home surrounded by my friends. “There’s been a slight change to tonight’s event.”
“I can see that,” Blaze answered, clearly vexed having been blindsided. “Care to enlighten me?”
“With the tournament just days away, we figured it would be beneficial, to allow the contenders an opportunity to get a look at what is awaiting the winner,” Alexander stated, the perverted grin on his face a reminder who was truly in control here. It was evident that tonight was not going to go according to how either Blaze nor I had planned. “Tonight, our little pet is going to be the highlight of everything.”
My shiver was involuntary, his tone was devious, this fucker held all the cards right now and I knew I’d been unwillingly backed into corner. Everything I thought was going to happen tonight, had been blown to pieces. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, two of the guards had flanked me, taking my leash from Blaze.
“What are you doing?” Blaze asked, the aggravated expression he wore clearly amused Alexander.
“Excuse our guards Blaze, but they are going to take our pet and get her better prepared,” Alexander went on, every part of me screamed to put up a fight, yet I tampered it down. “Don’t worry, she won’t be long.”
“That won’t be necessary Alex, I will do it. Remember you agreed that she is my charge until the winner is announced,” he retorted, as he stood up from the table and wrenched the leash back out from the guards. “Which room is she meant to go to?”
“Careful son, it appears that you may have become attached to her,” Alexander said with a smug grin. “You forget she isn’t yours.”
“You really think I’d develop feelings for this piece of meat.” Blaze laughed dryly, and roughly pulled me near, his hand entangled in my hair hard enough to elicit a strangled gasp. Before he threw me at the guards. “Take her, get her ready but do not lay a hand on this bitch, that’s my job. If anyone is going to be taking liberties with her tonight for the amusement of our guests it will be me, God knows I’ve fucking earned it.”
I didn’t hear the rest of their conversation after that, my heart raced as fear wormed its way in. The guards literally dragged me through a door on the far corner of the room and tossed a garment bag at me.
“Get dressed,” one ordered and leaned up against the wall. I knew better than to answer back, I had no idea who these guys were and I remembered my agreement with Blaze.
Slowly I opened the bag, it was already evident that I wasn’t going to like what was about to confront me. Sure enough, there in the bag was something that could barely be described as clothing, a few scraps of fabric held together by chains and pearls. Bile began to rise in my stomach, it finally dawned on me exactly what was about to happen. I doubt this is what Damon had in mind when he told me to do what I needed too.