Page 28 of Deadly Scorpion
Madden, Ax and I had gathered in my room, laptop ready for the Contenders Preview. About an hour ago we’d all received an email from the organizers, with a link to an invitation for a special preview of what we could look forward to. My stomach had been in knots ever since.
“You ready for this?” Madden asked. It was a loaded question if I ever heard one. Was I ready? Fuck no, there was no preparing for what was about to unfold. I just shook my head and let out a loaded sigh.
“Let's just get this over with,” I answered. Checking my phone one last time, still no answer from Blaze. That didn’t sit well with me, once we’d read the initial email, I’d reached out in order to find out more about the event, but there had been no reply which didn’t help with the angsty feelings I had.
Both men just looked at me, a silent message passed between them before Ax clicked on the link. I was thankful that I’d given Jonah one of the links for tonight, because it became evident rather quickly that we weren’t going to be able to get a look at the competition. I sent him a quick text to work on decrypting the blocks and get visuals. I’d want a full rundown on them after tonight. Maybe I’d be able to reach out to some and strike a deal.
The screen showed an ornate room, royal blue walls, with gold trims. In the forefront, was the degenerate whose sick perverted ways started this shitshow. He was seated at the head of a table. As the camera panned out, the others in attendance came into view. To his left was Eric. The conceited look he gave made me want to reach through the screen and end his sorry existence. There were several others we didn’t recognise, they were all business types, but looked shady as fuck.
“Some reputable characters I see.” You could practically see the sarcasm dripping from Madden’s comment. Blaze had warned us that there were many dubious players involved, but had never gone into much detail.
The final person to be revealed was Blaze, he was seated to Alexander’s right, he looked perplexed. I couldn’t be sure but if i had to make a hazardous guess, I’d say this whole thing had been sprung at the last minute, which meant he’d have no control over what was coming.
“I have a bad feeling about this,” Ax said, he’d read the room correctly, nothing about this was sitting right. Something was off, and the feeling within the room became palpable.
“Welcome gentlemen, I am honored that so many of you could join us tonight,” Alexander started. He leaned forward resting his hands on the table as he looked directly into the camera. “There are just five days left until the action starts, and I thought it was high time you got a little preview of what you are all fighting for. How many of you have dreamed about having your very own human pet? Someone that would answer to you and only you, the type that you could use and abuse in any way you saw fit only for her to come back begging for more?”
My nails bit into my skin as I balled my fists. Every word that came out of his mouth fueled the anger that had been building since the day Paige had left. The way he spoke about females in general, like they were nothing more than dolls put here to be used and tossed aside when they were no longer useful, boiled my blood. I was thankful at that moment that my camera was off.
“Now of course there is a substantial cash prize as well, but let’s be honest here, not many of you are here for that, I mean if it was just cash you were after, than you’d be going down more legit means, but with many underground fight clubs there is always something more sweeter on offer.” The sick fuck went on. He had stood up at this point, and looked far too confident in himself and proud of what he was about to do. “The point of tonight is to introduce you to the one thing you all signed up to win. The pet, a living breathing sex doll, and to show you how well-behaved and obedient she truly is.”
The sickly feeling flooded back at his words, I fucking hoped to god that the thoughts flying through my head were just that—thoughts. Both Madden and Ax shifted uncomfortably beside me. The looks on their faces mirrored mine. I’d been thankful that I’d not given the link to Killian now, because there was no doubt in my mind what he’d do. It was exactly what I was going to do.
“We have found the perfect specimen for you all and our very own Blaze has been taking the liberty to train her for you,” he went on as the camera now panned out giving us a view of the rest of the room. As Alexander walked over to an open space within the room, my heart sank as we watched his men bring in a St Andrew’s Cross.
“What the fuck does he need that for?” Madden spat, the disgust evident as his whole demeanor shifted. I couldn’t answer him, my body had tensed and I battled to stay in control. My last words to Paige came flooding back to haunt me. What the fuck had I done?
Alexander’s smile had changed from smug to sadistic as he motioned to someone off screen. My eyes focused on Blaze who was still seated at the table, looking disinterested in what was going on. I was beginning to question if trusting him had been the right thing to do now. As a robed figure started to appear, Blaze stood up and joined Alexander. Either this guy was the world’s best actor as he looked over the figure or we had severely misjudged his role; either way I’d get to the bottom of this.
“Get out,” my voice low and hard as I ordered my guys to leave. If what I believed was about to happen I didn’t want them in here watching. Fuck even I didn’t want to be seeing this, but there was no way I’d turn away now.
“Damon, I don’t think…” Madden started to say.
“Get Out Now.” I cut him off, my words were harsh and left no room for argument, they scrambled out the door. “Madz make sure everyone else gets off this stream now.”
“Got it Prez.” Madden paused for a moment longer, as if he wanted to say more but shook his head and left.
Now alone, I turned back to the screen unprepared for what was about to go down. The robe was now gone and there staring back at me was the intricate dragonfly tattoo that I’d spent many nights tracing over. She was barely dressed, her pert ass on full display, I could see the remnants of old bruises on her porcelain skin, an indication of the fight she’d put up and the abuse she’d taken.
“Kneel,” Blaze’s command was firm, I watched as my Princess dropped to her knees. The scene that unfolded, killed me inside. The camera had moved, I was now able to see her, chains criss-crossed over her body connected by thin scraps of black leather that barely covered her breasts, The underwear was worse, three sets of pearls ran down the middle and disappeared between her legs. I knew this had to be killing her inside.
“Don’t let this small display of obedience fool you my friends, I can assure you that there is still a defiant fire still roaring deep inside,” Alexander knelt down beside Paige and buried his nose in her hair. “Now for some fun. As part of the process we make sure to test out the goods, we certainly don’t want to give you sub par products. The lords of Salem pride ourselves on the quality of our merchandise.”
The fucking asshole was talking as if she was nothing but an object to be tossed aside when you’d had enough. I watched as he gave control over to Blaze, who had begun to unbuckle his belt.
I knew what was to come. I continued to watch as he gripped Paige’s head and ordered her to do the rest. If she was scared there were no signs except for the slight hesitation in her movement. Her hands slowly unzipped his pants, freed his cock. There’d be no coming back from this, I couldn’t look away at this point.
“Open,” he ordered her. What I witnessed next shattered me to my core. Paige complied, mouth open as he fed her his dick.
I watched, numb to everything as my Princess wrapped her plump red lips around his cock and blew him. Nothing was left to the imagination as he made her gag. His groans were like a death knell to my heart. This fucker was supposed to be one of the good guys and here he was taking pleasure out of this sick display of degradation.
It made me physically ill as I watched on for what seemed like forever. Tears streamed down Paige’s face but did little to alleviate the despair that had taken hold of me. Blaze ripped his dick out of her mouth and dragged her over to a bench I hadn’t noticed and strapped her down. That was the final straw for me, slamming the laptop closed, I wrenched it from the wall and threw it across the room.
“Fuck.” I roared, blood pounded in my ears, and my vision became hazy. How was I ever going to look at her in the same way again? Something new had taken up residence inside me—guilt. What happened tonight was partly my fault, would she even forgive me after tonight's event?
Everything had started to blur, I didn’t even hear the guys come back as I collapsed in a heap on the floor. I only had myself to blame though, as I'd told her to do whatever it took to get through this. I just didn’t think it would be taken so far.