Page 20 of Alice in Chains
I didn’t ask. I commanded, and knew she would obey.
Her eyes had this innocent look in the pale blue that made me want to reach out and hold her, just for a little while. She lifted her hips and I didn’t hesitate to grip the waistline of her pants, my hands gliding over her firm ass, and dragging the material slowly down her thighs.
Deep gashes outlined the flesh and she hissed, fascinated, while I traced the contours with my fingertips. Leaning down, I kissed each and every one. Her gasp was full of confusion and shock. I wondered how long it had been since anyone had shown her an ounce of tenderness.
I allowed myself a moment to get lost in her scent. Her sex a mere inch away from my mouth, I longed to place my tongue on her slit over the silk and watch her reaction.
Did I allow myself to do what I so desperately yearned for?
Her fingers dug into my hair and for a moment I thought,yes.Do it.
Her moan brought me back to reality. Leaving one last fluttering kiss on her heated skin, I swept her pants up, concealing her lower body from my lecherous sight. Sealing up my vile thoughts, I regretfully left the room, vowing never to let my guard down again or allow myself the inclination to seek out Alice for my own demented pleasures.
Chapter 6
Gnarled roots crawl at my feet
Blue mushrooms wild in their blooms.
Threats made against my defeat
As Wonderland shows just how deeply it consumes.
The soil feelssoft and dewy on my bare feet as I make my way out into the garden. Blades of grass tickle my toes and lightly scratch the bottom of my feet with every step. The air is silent as a soft breeze sweeps through my hair and lifts the strands, brushing them lightly against my cheek. My eyes lift and scan the lush bushes and exotic green plants populated with bursts of bright color.
Up ahead, a large greenhouse appears in the open field of tall red cortaderia that wave a silent greeting in the subtle wind. I slowly move toward the building with a mild sense of trepidation. Bright emerald shrubbery lines my path and hills of jade moss combines with tall pines that align a shadowy and twisted trail. The sweet and intoxicating scent of roses engulfs my senses as it saturates the air.
I reach the towering gate, my gaze dropping to the viridescent keycard glowing with soft sparks of green in my hand. The hard plastic seems to jump and then slides through my fingertips, levitating toward the keypad. Buzzing lightly before the gate slides open, I catch a glimpse of a figure in the distance. I squint but the shadow disappears almost as quickly as it appears. I push through the door and know that I’m expected, my entrance not only allowed but fervently desired.
The third world in this giant playhouse, I know the truth as it clicks into place. Each key serves a different purpose, and this morning, my purpose is this fragrant, blossoming garden.
As soon as I step in, a surreal haze surrounds my body, the same colored mist that accompanies every prepossessed world I enter, and guides my presence exactly where I am to go each and every time. A sweet, heady fragrance assaults my senses as I walk deeper and further into this secret garden.
In the distance, I can see the silhouette of a man, but it’s not the same shadow as before. This one is different, the body taller and more imposing. That familiar presence I feel every single visit embraces my senses as I feel his energy wash over my body in crashing waves.
On a hill, slightly ahead, stood my stranger. A row of blue lotus flowers leads a path upward and directly in front of his imposing frame. He reaches out, a puff of whatever blend he is smoking swirling and curling like a thick, light green vapor in front of my face, before rising higher into the air. I inhale, unable to resist. My hand rests in his large palm as I accept his outstretched invitation. A slightly light-headed feeling makes my feet almost numb and my knees weaken. I remain upright, but barely. His strength keeps my body from falling as the fogginess settles in.
“I want you to meet someone, my pretty Alice. He’s important to all of us here in Wonderland. A special individual just like you. Would you like to meet him?”
My willing response is unlike me, almost as if my ability to be rational or think clearly is being torn away. I’m not the type to be so eager to meet strangers, but for some reason I can’t say no to this man and everything he offers.
As we stroll along the path, I bend down to take a closer look at the flowers.
“What is this flower? It smells so uniquely alluring and pleasant.”
“That is Nymphaea Caerulea, or a Blue Lotus. It’s very powerful, but also very calming. Just inhale its aroma, and let the euphoria sink in.”
I obey and inhale the floral, silky, but heavy scent. Bright colors dart around in my vision like sparkling starbursts. Rainbows appear as amber and gold streaks of sunlight beam down from above. My skin soaks up the warmth as I feel all my inhibitions drift away.
I want to feel, to let my fingertips run along my body and embrace the sudden, undeniable sensuality that ripples across every inch of my flesh.
He laughs. “I see it is already taking effect.”
Grabbing my hand, he tugs me along as I almost stumble behind him. My feet are like heavy bricks and I giggle. We continue on our way to meet this important man. I don’t know and can’t remember if I heard his name. My curiosity is temporarily forgotten as we arrive at our destination.
The greenhouse is tremendously large, rising up high into the sky, so tall it touches the clouds. At the far-right edge stands a large oak tree, its thick roots pushing through the grass and dirt, extending above the ground in a cradle like manner as it twists and curls in a labyrinth of brown and gnarled fingers.