Page 21 of Alice in Chains
“Watch your step, love.”
I grip his hand, a sense of dread suddenly overwhelming my thoughts to the point of fear. “Where are you taking me?”
“To see our Master.”
He says the words, so matter of fact, that they induce a nervous gulp.
“But, why can’t I just stay with you? Why can’t you be my Master?”
He turns my way, his chestnut hair falling perfectly into place, shadowing his right eye. “I am merely your guide here, Alice.Heis the one you want to seek your answers from.Heis the one who will teach you.”
Searching the grounds, I see the shadow of a man leaning against the tree trunk, simply waiting for my arrival.
“Now, go on, you don’t want to be late.”
Nervous energy surrounds my body as I hesitate. “I don’t even know your name.”
“They call me Absolem.”
“Absolem? Don’t go,” I beg, unable to figure out why I’m so apprehensive.
“I must. Orders,” he whispers, giving me a slight push as he nods at the figure who is now staring intently in our direction, his face still encased in shadows.
“Go,” he ushers, his patience at an end.
I slowly walk forward to meet the Master, every inch of my body trembling with the unknown.
The euphoria of the blue lotus winds its way through my veins, and I can feel the overwhelming sensations building into something I can’t describe.
It isn’t long before I reach the Master. His face is still hidden in shadows and I’m unsure of how to address or greet him. He solves the problem for me, holding out his hand in a sweeping gesture.
“Sweet Alice, it is so wonderful to finally meet you.”
There’s something about his voice that is both terrifying and soothing, controlling but seductive. The deep timbre isn’t sexy, not really, it’s enticing but I can’t decide if it’s a sound I like or not.
“Um, nice to meet you, too,” I blurt out, my tongue twisted from the drugging effect in my head and the vulnerability I feel in his presence.
A slight chuckle leaves his lips. “You’re so innocent. I love it. Absolem is right.”
I want to ask what he means but I don’t get a chance.
“What do you think of Wonderland so far, Alice?”
Without hesitation, I reply honestly. “It’s addicting.”
He tilts his head to the side and laughs again, his hands flexing at his sides. “You’re so refreshing. I’m going to enjoy your company, little Alice. Quite often.”
I open my mouth to speak when I’m suddenly lifted off the ground and my body is suspended briefly in the air. A scream tears from my throat as I’m forced backward. Tree roots that were previously twisted and gnarled are now encircling my feet and calves as they wind up and around, inching toward my thighs. More of the vines slip around my wrists as I lay back against something cool and flat. I briefly realize a wooden picnic table has suddenly emerged, and my horror comes full circle as my thighs are forced apart.
“Let’s see what treasures you’re hiding, little Alice.”
“What’s happening?” I shriek, my body fighting the vines, but I am much too weak to snap their hold.
“Your first lesson. Everything in Wonderland, dear Alice,” he says calmly as his fingers trail along my body, “belongs tome.”
I continue to struggle but it has no effect on the master.
He reaches down and pushes the material of my dress higher until it rests at my waist. The floral print bunches around my hips while his warm hands reach for the waistband of my panties, a smile so devious and revolting on his lips that I scream again. I can’t see his face or the rest of his expression. The sunlight and shadows play tricks on my eyes. He remains half hidden, too disguised to make out definitive features.