Page 95 of A Dangerous Game
Unknown:Wrapping things up here – hoping to be back by tonight.
Carter:Hey Nathan?
Carter:I miss you too…
Unknown:Hopping on the plane – probably last check-in text. See you soon.
Taking over Miller’s region is… anticlimactic. If Nathan wasn’t so relieved that he’ll be able to continue keeping Carter safe, he’d be disappointed.
Fourteen of Miller’s men leave when Nathan offers them an out – nine of which just foot soldiers, the rest upper level positions. It’s a simple arrangement Nathan provides them. They’re free to take their money and their families and go wherever they’d like, remaining unharmed as long as they never participate in the industry in a region owned by Nathan. The men that chose to remain are rewarded with money, promotions, and slaves. The man who was the right hand to Miller’s right hand man stayed. He and Mica schedule a time to go out for drinks and chat. If he’s willing, Mica will ask him to be his own second hand.
Miller didn’t have slaves in the compound. He believed that having them around would cause too many issues. He was also paranoid about a slave uprising. Nathan doesn’t give a fuck about any of that. He arranges the purchase of ten slaves that will be delivered from his most trusted sellers within the next week. That makes all the men extremely happy.
After almost three full days of introductions, subtle ass-kissing, and business meetings that Vasco facilitates with Mica and Nathan so that they’re introduced to the major players of other industries in the area, Nathan and Benny finally get to fly home.
Home to the boy who admitted he misses Nathan.
Carter and Casey are fast asleep in Nathan’s bed when he and Benny enter the room. Nathan leans against one of the bed posts, arms crossed over his chest. When he exhales, it feels like he’s been holding his breath for days. Relief floods through his veins. Miller’s region is handled. Nathan and Benny made it through the transition safely. Nothing bad happened to Carter while they were gone. Casey seems to be doing better.
Nathan might actually pull this off.
He might actually fucking pull this off.
Casey stirs on the bed, blankets rustling. He jolts awake when he catches sight of Nathan but settles a moment later when he sees Benny beside him. His voice cracks as he says, “You’re back.”
“We are,” Benny confirms.
“Thank fuck.”
Nathan frowns at that. “Were you worried something bad would happen?”
“Yes.” Casey laughs softly, gaze falling to Carter’s sleeping body. “I thought I was going to have to kill him. I was debating suffocation with a pillow or drowning in the bathtub. Anything to get him to stop.”
“Stop?” Nathan asks.
“Worrying out loud about you,” Casey explains with another laugh.
Nathan’s stomach flutters. He wants to grill Casey for more details on that, but Benny rudely interrupts the moment. “You want to stay here with them, or come back to the room with me? I’m fucking beat. Need to get some rest.”
“Oh.” Casey looks at Carter, frowning. Then he looks at Nathan and laughs softly. “We can give them some space. I’ll come with you.”
Why is he saying that? What did Carter tell him? Have things changed?
When Benny leaves with Casey, it takes all of Nathan’s self-control not to shake Carter awake and demand answers.
It helps that he told Benny he’d do the check-in with Maison tonight. His head already feels clearer when he gets into the bathroom and can no longer see the tempting boy in his bed.
“Hey man. Right on time. How’d it go?”
“Great. Better than great.” Nathan settles back against the counter and sighs. “It was damn near flawless.”
Maison chuckles. “Why do you sound so upset about that? You realize that’s good, right?”
“I realize it means we’re on the last step of the case now.” Nathan rubs at the spot between his eyes. He’s had a headache radiating from there ever since they boarded the plane. “The hardest and most dangerous part.”