Page 13 of Honor Among SEALs
With a toss of her head, she drew herself up straight. “Who are you? Why are you in my bed…with…without…?” Words to properly describe her outrage failed her, and Kellie waved a hand in his direction. She refused to look away, her anger and indignation vying for control over the humiliation that heated her skin.
“Name’s Matt Iverson, but, like I told you yesterday, most everyone calls me MacGyver. And…I’m not inyourbed. You’re inmine.”
Wait! Yesterday?There was something vaguely familiar about him, but she couldn’t piece together where she’d seen him before. Certainly she didn’t know this man well enough to spend the night with him. What was he trying to pull?
She snapped her mouth shut, trapping the retort that flew to her tongue, and closed her eyes, hoping the dizziness that was agitating her stomach would go away, along with this…Matt Iverson, who claimed to know her. It wasn’t even partially effective.
“Okay. Mr. Iverson. Where am I? And how did I get here? While you’re at it, tell me exactly how I ended up in your bed with next to nothing on.”Oh, God. Why can’t I remember?
Unfortunately, she was fairly sure she already had the answer to that one. The taste of road tar, or something equally as vile, plus the drum beating in her head was eerily similar to the last time she’d had too much to drink. An elusive memory teased the edges of her brain, but nothing came into focus.Kellie gripped the blanket with her elbow and raised her hand to the side of her aching head. A lump as hard as a golf ball made her hiss and jerk her fingers away.
“Yeah…that,” he said. “You passed out in the lady’s room. Hit your head. You really don’t remember any of this, Kellie?” Matt or MacGyver, or whatever his name was, almost convinced her he was concerned.
Wait!“How do you know my name?”
“It was on your license.”
“What?” She heard the panic bubbling up in her voice. Could he hear it too? Not that it mattered. If he didn’t explain what was going on in the next sixty seconds, she was going to lose it big-time.
MacGyver sat up and slid his legs over the side of the mattress. The sheet slipped into the dangerous category, baring more of his all-male anatomy.
Kellie fumbled with the blanket, wrapped it around her and tucked one corner under the top edge before she spun around and faced the wall. “Don’t get up on my account.” Dizziness overwhelmed her, and she reached toward the wall to steady herself.Oh good Lord. She was going to be sick.
His soft laugh came again. “Relax, Kellie. I’m getting dressed so we can talk.” Funny how sincere his voice sounded…for a con man or whatever the hell he was.
She waited a few seconds and glanced over her shoulder. True to his word, he’d pulled on a pair of sleep pants and was tying the string. That only left his incredibly muscled chest and shoulders, plus abs that literally rippled with each movement, for her eyes to avoid. She turned slowly, sagged against the wall and slid all the way to the floor. Once there, she folded her arms around her knees and buried her face.Maybe I’m still asleep. This can’t be happening.
MacGyver’s feet padded across the carpet until his leg rubbed her elbow. The next instant, he pressed against her side as he joined her on the floor with his back against the wall. Though he was totally invading her personal space, she had no energy left to move, nor would she give him the satisfaction. Oddly, fear wasn’t one of the emotions she was struggling with. Confusion. Disbelief. Regret. All of those were present, plus some others she couldn’t put a name to…but not fear.
Then again, she’d just woken up, nearly naked, wrapped in a complete stranger’s arms. Even though she’d been warm, comfortable and relatively safe, she wasn’t naïve enough to believe he’d merely held her all night. Why should she be afraid of him now when she’d apparently been at his mercy for some time? Unless he planned to kill her to keep her quiet about the rest.
“I’m getting the idea you don’t really remember me, and it’s wreaking havoc on my fragile ego.”
She didn’t look at him—just shook her head.
“Well, hell.” He sounded genuinely disappointed. “Why don’t you tell me the last thing youdoremember?”
It hurt too much to sort through the partially obscured memories that swirled in her mind at the speed of a comet. If she kept this up, she really was going to be sick.
“How’s your head?” He bumped her shoulder gently.
God! Does he have to smell so good?
Sudden pounding startled her, and she was halfway to her feet when the connecting door to the room next to them burst open. She closed her eyes, bit her lower lip and groaned as nausea enveloped her.
“Whoa. It’s okay.” MacGyver’s hand landed on her blanket-covered knee, and his calm voice encouraged her to sit again. “He’s a friend. In spite of incredibly lousy timing, he’s harmless.”
The new arrival wheeled a small, carry-on-sized bag through the doorway, then disappeared for a second before he returned and shouldered farther into the room. Kellie gaped between MacGyver’s reassuring smile and the largest African-American male she’d ever seen. She might have doubted his harmless status if he hadn’t been holding two cups and a steaming carafe. The rich aroma teased her senses, and she practically whimpered with need for the hot, dark liquid.
“I see you’re both awake. How are we today?” The man’s gruff voice and sober expression did little to convince her that he cared how they were. Besides, she loathed people who used the all-encompassingwe.
“Kellie, this is Travis Monroe.” MacGyver leaned into her shoulder and continued in a loud whisper. “He drove the getaway car last night, but you probably don’t remember him either.”
Her fists clenched as she turned her scowl on MacGyver.If he doesn’t start explaining, I swear I’m going to blacken both of his eyes.
Travis smiled, and two rows of sparkling white teeth appeared as he walked toward them. “I’d be surprised if shedidremember much.” He handed the cups to MacGyver, who passed one to her.
Really? I’m right here.She also despised men who talkedabouther instead oftoher.