Page 14 of Honor Among SEALs
MacGyver glanced at her as though she might change her mind. “Apparently not.”
Travis poured her coffee and then MacGyver’s. “She doesn’t remember meeting you in the bar?”
This time MacGyver studied her, Travis’s question reflected in his eyes. He looked so grim, she almost hated to answer.
“Not us saving her ass from those biker dudes?”
Wait.A faint memory niggled at the back of her mind, but no—nothing substantial materialized. She shook her head miserably.
“MacGyver said you had a lot to drink. You’re lucky he got you out of there. Some bikers are okay, but others can be dangerous and unpredictable, especially if they’re drunk…and they’re drunk a lot.” Travis winked at MacGyver and hooked his thumb toward the bed with a knowing grin. “But…you really don’t remember all the…”
Oh God!Her face, neck and shoulders smoldered with the hot flow of blood through her body, and she couldn’t look at either of them. Surely she hadn’t…She would never…
Travis snickered. “Cuz, damn. Kept me awake most of the night. Our boy’s got stamina—I’ll give him that.”
“Travis, shut the fuck up.”
Kellie shrank back at the anger in MacGyver’s voice.
“In fact, why don’t you get the hell out of here for a while so Kellie and I can talk?”
From beneath lowered lashes, she watched Travis stare at MacGyver and then nod. “Sure, man. Sorry, Kellie. I was only kidding. Just my warped sense of humor. If I know MacGyver—and I do—he was a total gentleman.” Travis retreated the way he’d come, leaving the carafe on a coffee table by the fireplace.
When she and MacGyver were alone again, he rubbed the back of his neck, then shook his head. “Sorry about that. Not sure what got into him. He’s really a decent guy most of the time. I hope you won’t hold that against him.”
Kellie snorted, his implied suggestion that either he or his friend were the good guys magnifying her distrust. “I’m waiting for you to tell me exactly what happened. Why I’m here—wherever here is. And while you’re at it—what is it you want from me?”
He leaned his head against the wall and stared at the ceiling, but he didn’t respond.
Frustration made Kellie want to scream. She threw her hands in the air instead. “You know what? Never mind. I’m just going to get dressed and get the hell out of here.” She placed her coffee cup on the floor and pushed to her knees, bracing one arm against the wall. “If you’ll tell me where my clothes are.”
MacGyver stood in one fluid movement and offered his hand. No way did she want his help, but the blanket, twisting around her legs, apparently had a mind of its own. As she stumbled, the tucked corner of the blanket came loose and slipped toward the floor. Still off balance, she threw her arms out in front to catch herself and braced for the spectacular loss of what little dignity she had left.
Suddenly, MacGyver’s arms came around her waist, sweeping her against him just in time to catch the tip of the blanket before it fell. In relief, Kellie propped her hands on his chest. For a moment, they were suspended at an odd angle, gazes locked on each other. He caught her even closer as he pushed them both upright. The warmth of his breath on the side of her neck sent a small shiver through her nerve endings.
The fresh, clean, masculine scent of him surrounded her. His heart thumped rhythmically beneath her hands, quickening somewhat but strong and steady. Tucked against his surprisingly relaxed body, cradled by his muscled arms, Kellie felt as though she was safe, though safe from what was the question. She squeezed her eyes shut, and, for just a second or two, let herself enjoy the sensation.
When she opened her eyes, he was studying her face, the barest trace of a frown marring his chiseled good looks. Belatedly realizing how far the blanket had slipped and how much of her bare skin pressed against his shirtless chest, she tried to wiggle from his grasp. He held her without effort.
“Got your balance?” An amused grin emerged, lending a sparkle to his eyes.
“Yes, thank you. You can let go of me now.”
“Not quite yet.” MacGyver shook his head.
“What?” Anger instantly returned, replacing the safety she’d reveled in a moment ago.
“We need to talk before you leave. I’ll let you go after you give me your word you’ll hear me out.” He raised one brow, obviously used to being in charge.
She scanned his handsome features. Rough whiskers shadowed his face. His hair was short like the men she’d served with at security checkpoints inside Iraq. His shimmering blue eyes were confident, intelligent and sexy all at the same time. And that was an observation she had no business making. Uneasiness rocked her, and she squirmed in his arms…to no avail. It appeared the only way to end this face-off was to accept his terms.
“Okay.” She was more than a little curious about what he had to say anyway.
“Yeah?” His quizzical expression morphed into a frown as though he didn’t get why she’d agreed so readily and possibly didn’t trust her to keep her word.
“Sure. Frankly, I have a few questions about last night, and I’m dying to hear the answers.”