Page 10 of Mail Order Midnight
He chuckled. “We’re married. Everything is allowed now.”
Moving closer to him, she said, “Okay, do it again then!”
They sat there together for a long while, kissing and getting to know one another’s bodies. When his hand cupped her breast through her dress, she gasped in surprise. “Is that all right? You’re certain?”
He nodded emphatically. “I’m positive. God made women beautiful so men could enjoy them…after they’re married of course.”
“Oh, of course.” She looked at him. “Does that mean I can touch your chest? Is that allowed?”
He smiled. “Do you want to touch me there?”
“I want to touch you everywhere!” she said.
“I have a feeling we’re not going to wait terribly long to go to bed together,” he told her.
“We slept together last night.”
“I mean before we consummate the marriage, and I think you knew exactly what I meant, didn’t you?”
She laughed, nodding. “I wouldn’t object if you wanted to consummate.”
He took a deep breath. “Tonight then. We’ll skip the walk and exercise a different way.”
Leaning toward him she kissed him once more. “I need to fix your meal before you leave for work. Do you want the chicken and dumplings again or the fried chicken?” She’d already made up his lunch pail with bacon sandwiches from their breakfast that morning.
“Fried chicken,” he told her. “And I hope there are mashed potatoes and gravy left!”
“There’s enough of everything. I’ll need to bake some more bread today, now that I have an idea of how much you’ll eat. I want to keep you satisfied.”
He nodded. “I have a feeling you will.”
Before leaving for work a short while later, he once again kissed her passionately. “I’m going to think about you all day.”
“I hope so. I like when you think about me,” she said, watching as he walked away until he was out of sight. Then she did the dishes and thought about the idea of consummating their marriage. As a farm girl, she knew the mechanics of the marriage act, but the cows had never seemed pleased when they were mounted by the bulls. Hopefully it wouldn’t be as bad as it was for cows.
Her married friends had told her it was wonderful though, and she was going to cling to that thought all day. It couldn’t be all bad if her friends said they enjoyed it, could it?
It didn’t make sense to wonder and fret about it she finally decided. She’d find out for herself in a few short hours, and then she would know for certain.
As she worked on the pillows for the parlor, she thought only of Leonard. Who would have thought she could start falling in love on her first full day in South Dakota?
Chapter Four
Constance had finished the curtains for the kitchen and the tablecloth by the time Leonard was home from work. And there was a pot roast ready to come out of the oven. As soon as she heard the door open, she pulled out the pot roast and added some of the liquid from it to a pot, mixing in the water and flour she’d already mixed together.
It took less than five minutes to get supper on the table. Leonard nodded at the tablecloth. “This is nice. And I really like the curtains!”
Constance carried their plates to the small table. “I do too. This is just what I’d pictured when I said I wanted to do it as well. Some of my projects don’t turn out exactly as I want them, but this one did.”
“I think it looks wonderful,” he told her.
She set their plates on the table and then sat down with him. “I’m glad you like it as much as I do. How was work tonight?”
“It was good. Busy as always. One of my favorite things about working the shift I do is I rarely have to deal with the owners of the stores. I’ve heard that’s an absolute nightmare. But I have a key and I just take everything inside and leave it. Much better than it could be.”
“Where all do you go at night?” she asked, fascinated by his work.
“I go to small cities around Sioux Falls, different ones each night. I have four stores on Mondays, five on Tuesdays, three on Wednesdays…That sort of thing.”