Page 9 of Mail Order Midnight
Who would have thought moving across the country to marry a stranger could possibly be the right thing to do? But for her it had been. She only hoped he felt the same way about her.
When Constance woke in the morning, it was to find Leonard had all the covers on the other side of the bed, while she lay shivering. Shaking her head, she got dressed and went into the kitchen to fix breakfast. It was past eleven, which was the latest she’d ever been allowed to sleep. Even when she’d been ill, her mother had thought she should be up before nine.
It felt good to sleep as late as she had. She made a quick breakfast, realizing she would probably be making four meals per day. That was all right though. As long as they were small meals it should all be fine.
She’d just taken the bacon up from the skillet when Leonard came out of the bedroom. “Did you put all the covers on me when you got up?” he asked, looking confused.
“No, I spent the night shivering while you stole the covers. You’d think you’d have better manners than that,” she joked.
“I’ll try to leave you some tonight.” He dropped a kiss to her nose. “What are you making?”
“Bacon, eggs, and toast. I hope that’s all right.”
“Sure. I like my eggs scrambled.”
“Then I’ll make them all that way.” She cracked six eggs into the skillet and added a dash of milk, immediately mixing them so they would be the desired consistency. “Are you still taking me for a tour this morning?”
“I’d love to,” he told her. It was exciting for him to finally have her there. They would be able to explore together, and he could already see she loved the idea.
After breakfast, he took her first to the mercantile, where she mailed the letter and chose the fabrics she wanted for the kitchen and parlor. She’d have to redo the bedroom eventually, but as she’d be asleep in there more than she’d be awake, the other rooms took precedence in her mind.
He purchased the fabric, letting the merchant know that she could always charge to his account, and the two of them left for the butcher shop. Constance chose a large piece of meat, knowing she’d make some for supper, and she could make a stew out of it the following night. She was well versed in using every last bit of meat.
“Do you hunt?” she asked Leonard as they were leaving the butcher. She could make meat last longer if he brought her fresh meat that way.
He shook his head. “I never really enjoyed hunting as a boy, so I stopped as soon as I moved out of my father’s house. My brothers will sometimes share the meat they kill with me, so I have a steady supply of meat, even without the butcher shop.”
“Oh, good. I want to stretch every penny as far as I can.”
He chuckled. “I’d like that a lot, but don’t go overboard. I make a good wage, and I don’t need you to hurt yourself trying to save money.”
“I’ll do my best,” she said with a smile. “Today I’ll be occupied with sewing all day. I’m excited, though sewing dresses is not something I’m fond of. I prefer to do the easy sewing projects like curtains and pillows.”
“Well, I won’t show you my mending basket for a few days then.”
“You have a mending basket?” she asked, surprised.
“Yes. My ma usually takes it home once a month or so, but she’ll expect you to do it now.”
“That won’t bother me a bit. I’ll enjoy working on your mending.”
“How do you know that if you don’t like sewing?” Leonard asked.
Constance shrugged. “Because I know I like you, and I want to do things for you. Beyond cooking, which I already enjoy.”
“I hope you’re right. It would be nice.” He carried her shopping basket home, and she put the meat into the ice box so she could cook it when it was time. “Let’s sit together for a while before I have to leave.”
She nodded. “All right.” He pulled her toward the parlor, and she was happy to sit beside him on the sofa. “Did you want to talk about something?”
“No, I just thought I’d enjoy kissing you a bit before I have to leave for work.”
“I’d like that,” she said, surprising herself. She had never really been kissed before Leonard, and she was truly astonished at how much she enjoyed kissing him.
He lowered his head, capturing her lips with his, a hand going to the nape of her neck to cradle the back of her head. Deepening the kiss, he used his tongue to touch hers, once again startling Constance.
“I don’t know if touching tongues is allowed…”