Page 25 of Bittersweet Love
“An orgasm?”
“Well, yes, but we don’t have time for that now since you decided to have a battle of wits with your ex, so no, something better.”
“What’s that?” I ask as I wonder what could possibly be better than an orgasm right now.
“Well,you’vegot a plus one, don’t you?”
“Well…I guess? I don’t really have one since Drew is in the wedding, but I’m sure I could ask Charley.”
“You need a date to this wedding.” He taps my nose and I scrunch it in response.
I look at him curiously. “Why?”
“You want to hurt your ex? Jealousy is the way to do it. Show up with another guy and it will drive Drew insane. Especially because you got his new girl uninvited. It’s the perfect karma.”
“Doesn’t that make me a little…vindictive?”
“And calling out his family drama doesn’t?”
“I was not being vindictive! A little petty, yes. But it’s true. Besides, who am I going to find on short notice? It’s not like I’ve been dating. Drew and I broke up three days ago.”
“No…not dating.” He leans back and it causes me to fall with him, further into his lap. He tugs on the ends of my hair and sweeps it over my shoulder. “But you are sleeping with someone who may be willing to help you stick it to him.”
“You? You want to come to Atlanta? Like as my date?”
“I mean…only to not make a liar out of Scarlett Stone.”
Three Weeks Later
I let out a deep sigh as I settle into the middle seat on the six a.m. flight that Vince told me was the best deal, and also “gives my dick ample time with your pussy before you have to run off to do wedding shit.” He’s lucky he’s been supplying me with coffee ever since we woke up or I’d actually be as evil as Vince thinks I am.
“I am so tired.”
“Well, no one told you to keep riding my dick until two.” A snicker comes from the other side of me and I resist the urge to glare at the way-to-perky-for-six-a.m. blonde who fixed her gaze on Vince just a little too long as he lifted my bag into the overhead bin.
He takes a sip of his coffee innocently when I shoot him a dirty look. “Can you be any louder? I don’t think the pilot heard you.”
“Actually…” he says, his voice loud enough to be heard by at least five rows ahead. I slap my hand over his mouth and I can see he’s smiling at me behind his eyes.
“God, are you always this annoying in the morning?” I ask as I lower my hand from his mouth, taking my time to run my fingers through the facial hair. His beard has grown out a little more than usual, and while he told me he would trim it to its usual length for the wedding, I can’t stop touching it.
“Usually, but maybe you don’t notice since you spend most of our mornings together sitting on my face. You’re much more accepting after my tongue does that thing you like,” he whispers in my ear and I shiver at his sinful words.
The sounds of people still moving down the aisle towards open seating as well as the white noise of indistinct chatter are all around me, but all I can seem to focus on is the man staring at me with blue eyes that for once seem to be filled with somethingdifferent.
I rub my nose against his and let out a sigh when his lips brush against mine. His teeth grab my bottom lip and tug gently, causing me to let out a quiet whimper.
What is happening?
My eyes flutter closed. “You didn’t this morning…”
Hands find my cheeks and he presses his lips harder against mine. “I’ll make it up to you the second we’re within sight range of a bed,” he pauses and then shoots me his signature grin, “or we’re completely alone, whichever comes first.”
I pull back slowly as they lower the lights to prepare for takeoff. “Deal.” I smile and he nods before holding his hand out, palm facing upwards.
I look at his hand, before looking up at him curiously. “We do the hand holding thing now?”
Sure, we’re having sex, a lot of sex. We’ve shared a few meals together between the sex and maybe we do talk a lot when we aren’t doing either, but we aren’t together. We aren’t dating, and holding hands just seems so…intimate? Okay, maybe intimate is the wrong word seeing as how you can’t get more intimate then putting your tongue in someone’s ass but that is sex. This is…