Page 26 of Bittersweet Love
He rolls his eyes at me and sighs before lowering it slowly. “You don’t like flying. Neither does my younger sister, so I hold her hand when we takeoff. Wasn’t asking for your hand in marriage, Michaels.” I frown, hearing him use my last name, something he hasn’t done much recently. He’d taken to calling me Lauren or Lo and, in this moment, I realize how much I prefer that. He shifts his gaze out the window just as we begin to back away slowly from the gate.
“Hey,” I whisper, and he looks back at me, one eyebrow quirked in question and I lift the armrest between us. “How did you know I don’t like flying?”
“I heard you mention it in passing. I don’t really remember when; one of the times you were flying home to Atlanta.”
The idea that Vince had stored away that random piece of knowledge sparks something inside of me. Something I haven’t felt. Maybe ever. I don’t respond to his comment, I just press my head to his shoulder and take a deep breath, in hopes of calming my fears and also to breathe in his scent. I barely have time to unpack the thought that the feeling of Vince’s arms around me and his scent burrowing into my senses calms me before I’m asleep.
The hotel where all of the guests are staying is nothing short of spectacular. I take in my surroundings of the infamous Four Seasons Hotel before I let my eyes fall on Vince who seems to have caught the attention of a few women passing by as he checks us into the hotel. I watch as one’s appreciative glances move up and down his lean body and suddenly a feeling of territoriality spikes in my veins. I move towards the front desk and before I can think, my hand is sliding in his back pocket as I look up at him. “Everything good?” I blink a few times at the concierge, a woman with strawberry blonde hair who may have been struggling to focus under Vince’s charm as well.
“Umm yes, sorry.” She looks down and I note the blush painting her cheeks. “You’re in room 700. Most of the bridal party is on that floor as well.” Vince’s hand slides around me and his fingertips move gently down my side, gliding over my ribcage and causing my heart to flutter slightly.
I try not to focus on his hand placement or the fact that he’s moved even closer to me and his body heat is radiating off of him. “Thank you. Has Charlotte Pierce checked in yet?”
“No, but I can let her know you’re here as soon as she arrives, if you’d like? You’re the maid of honor, correct?” she asks just as Vince drapes an arm around my shoulder.
“Yes? How do you know that?” My hand that’s still in his back pocket, grips his butt hard, in attempts to get him to stop teasing me but he just chuckles and presses his lips to my temple.
“You’re going to pay for that,” he whispers in my ear.
“We have a list of the bridal party given to us by the wedding planner,” she answers as she shifts her gaze between us.
“Okay, wow, great. You guys are efficient. Yes, let her know I’m here. I’ll be in my room.” I give her a smile and pull Vince out of the lobby and away from watching eyes before he pins me to the floor and fucks the life out of me.
God knows I’d let him.
* * *
“You were awfully handsy down there.”I raise my eyebrow at him as he sets our suitcases in the room. The suite is gorgeous. An all-white room, complete with a king bed so inviting I want to take my clothes off this second and roll around in it…with Vince. I pull my jacket off and step onto the balcony that overlooks a terrace and a gazebo filled with flowers that I’m sure Charlotte has already spotted for pictures.
“Says the woman who made a point to grab my ass.” He makes his way over to me slowly uncorking the champagne that is part of the welcome basket in our room. It also includes Tylenol, water, gum, Chapstick, and various other wedding party necessities. He pops the cork and pours the bubbly liquid into two champagne flutes before handing one to me.“We’re trying to make your ex jealous, aren’t we?” he asks. “I gotta up my game a little.”
I take a sip and give him a pointed look. “That’s theonlyreason for your PDA?”
“What else would it be?” he asks as he downs his drink and heads back into the room. I follow behind him because I remember a certain promise and I’m planning to collect. “Hey,” I call after him. He turns around in time to see me pulling my top over my head and sliding my leggings down my legs. “I do recall a promise of you doing that thing with your tongue.”
I note something in his eyes, like he wants to say something, but it’s gone in a flash and then he’s on the move towards me. “Get on the bed,” he commands and I don’t waste a second before I’m on the move. I yank my hair from the confines of my ponytail, letting the messy waves from this morning’s shower fall around me. I reach around me to unclasp my bra, letting my breasts spring free, my nipples already two hard points, heavy and aching for his touch. My sex tingles in anticipation of what’s to come and I’m grateful I don’t have to wait long before he’s kneeling on the bed over me. “I want you to do that thing I like first.”
“What’s that?”
“Choke on my cock.”
“That wasn’t the deal.” I lean back on my elbows and stare up at him. Despite my pushback, I wet my lips in preparation as he tows off his shoes and lowers his pants to the ground.
He leans down so that his lips barely touch mine. “Then why has your breathing changed? Why are you struggling to swallow past that lump in your throat? Why are you pressing your legs so tight together? Is it because you know the second I push my dick through those plump lips of yours, that space between your legs gets slicker? Because sucking my cock isn’t just foreplay for me…but for you?” I let out a breath when he leans back out of my space.
“I want…I want to come first.”
“Well, that’s not your call, Michaels.” He grips my chin hard. “Open your mouth.” I comply with his order as my eyes flutter shut. I wasn’t expecting him to shove his cock in my mouth, especially with this awkward angle we’re in, but I wasn’t expecting his tongue either. He feeds me his tongue, greedily, sloppily, letting it roam the inside of my mouth. He pushes me down into the comforter and I sink into the plushness as his body melds to mine. I wrap my legs around him, crossing my ankles behind him and pushing his cock harder against my pussy as he grinds against me. He pulls back, his lips wet with our spit and stares down at me. “You’re so beautiful, Lo,” he whispers before he presses his lips to mine gently. I feel his hand between us sliding my panties to the side and then he’s rubbing my clit, hard at first and then in gentle circles. His fingers glide easily, because if I’m being honest, I’ve been wet since he made that scene in front of the woman in the lobby.
Things are changing between Vince and me. I can see it in his eyes and feel it in his touch. I’m not sure what these changes mean, only that the last of our hate for each other seems to be floating away with every swipe over my clit. “Vince, I don’t…I don’t want to come like this.”
“Mmm. Not all over my fingers?” he whispers in my ear and I shake my head, the words failing me as my eyes float back.