Page 8 of Finn
I nod, too tired and embarrassed to say anything else. I let her clean my face and then help me into the bedroom, where she helps me switch into some comfy joggers before heading across the hall into Finn’s room. Bella appears in the doorway just as Alex comes out of Finn’s room holding one of his T-shirts.
“What? She’ll be more comfortable in this than she would be in her vest.” Alex shrugs, like it’s no big deal, but I stand shaking my head at her.
“I can’t wear his clothes, that’s a little weird.”
Both the girls laugh. Alex helps me into his shirt as Bella sits on the bed. She looks up at me and smiles. “Cara, babe, we all wear our men’s clothes, it’s normal, and they kind of expect it. Whenever Killian goes away, I sleep in his shirts.”
“But Finn and I are…”
“Are getting married, sweetheart. You’re his woman. Bells, scoot over and order pizzas.
Cara, drink some water, then maybe we can talk about what is it that’s making you upset and see if we can’t help make you feel a little better.”
We sat on my bed, eating pizza when it arrived and talking about their lives. I couldn’t believe how open they were with me, especially Alex. She told me about her abusive ex and the time she was kidnapped, and the whole time I just sat there staring at her as she told each story in full.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“I’m sorry, I just… you’re so strong. I wish I could be like you.”
Alex smiles at me as she pulls her long chocolate brown hair into a loose ponytail at the back of her head. Some loose pieces fall out of the hair tie, but she doesn’t bother redoing her hair, she just lets them fall. She seems so relaxed and at ease, her bright blue eyes fixed on mine. “I wasn’t always so strong, but having my family around me made me stronger. You have us, Cara, and you have the guys––”
“But I don’t. I don’t know you, and I don’t know the men. I’m only here because Finn and I had a one-night stand and I ended up pregnant. It was either him marry me, or I’m forced to abort the baby.”
“Cara, babe…” Bella sits taller, grabbing my hand. “I know Finn, I’ve known him a long time, and if he is marrying you, it’s because he wants to, not just because you’re pregnant.”
“But it’s the only way he would get to have his baby.”
“Stop it. If he didn’t want to marry you, he’d figure out a way to make sure you kept the baby and he was in its life.” She gives my hand a light squeeze, and I smile at her, still not convinced but too tired and frustrated to argue with her.
The girls look at me, then share a look and something passes. “What?” I ask, a little worried.
Bella climbs off the bed and grabs the half empty pizza boxes, as Alex shuffles to the side of the bed, then places a hand on my arm. “Bells and I will clear this away. Why don’t you get some rest, you look a little tired, sweetheart.”
“Wait… please…” The girls both stop near the door and turn to look at me. “Could you please stay with me tonight? Finn isn’t coming home, and I don’t really want to be alone.”
“Sweetheart, we’re only going downstairs to clean up, we aren’t going anywhere.” I give a small smile, but Alex senses my hesitation and turns to Bella. She grabs the empty bottles and cartons Alex was carrying. “I’ll get rid of these and grab us some water.” She turns and leaves.
Alex walks back over to the bed and climbs on next to me. “Get some sleep, I’ll be right here.”
“I’m sorry, I’m just a little nervous being alone in here for the first time.”
She pulls me to her, wrapping her arms around me. “Stop. You don’t have to apologise. I get how scary it can be, so just rest. I won’t leave you.”
“Thank you,” I mumble, as I feel myself start to drift off to sleep, and for the first time in a long time, I feel like I can relax.
Chapter 5
“How many times did you spy on our women last night?” Connor asks from across the room.
Killian looks across at me from the stove, where he’s cooking our breakfast. We’re all pretty hung over, and after Ronan kicked our arses in poker, our pockets are also a little lighter.
I take a sip of my coffee, scrunching my nose when I realise it’s too damn weak for how I like it. Getting up to make myself another, Kill raises his eyebrow at me and tuts.
“Stop, you might as well drink decaf for how weak you make your damn coffee. And for the record, I wasn’t checking on your women, I was checking on mine. And only twice. They sat in Cara’s room with pizza and were talking personal shit, so I turned it off.”
Killian laughs as he plates up the eggs and bacon. “And this morning?”
“Not once… not yet anyway,” I grouch. I’m dying to check on Cara, but I know the women stayed in her room and it would be a bit inappropriate checking on them. Turning back to the island, my brothers and I notice Connor has his phone out. He increases the volume just as I’m about to sit down, and I hear Bella’s voice saying something about needing to get to work.