Page 20 of Trigger
“You two can’t do that again. Do you know what I thought when I got the call that Kelsey wasn’t at school? Do you know what your dad thought when he got the call? We thought the worst! Think next time.” By the time he’s finished, we’re back at the school. “I’ll be back to pick you guys up from school later. Stay here. We have men posted to keep an eye on things.” We nod our heads and get out of the truck. My phone pings and I look to see a text from Gavin.
Gavin:Hey Posey-pie. How’s your day going? I can’t wait to see you tonight.
Me:Considering Kelsey and I got busted skipping school, it’s not going to well right now. I have something to tell you when you come home. Can we talk when you get back?
Gavin:Why did you cut class? Of course, we can baby girl. I should be back by four. I love you Posey-pie.
Me:I love you too Gav. I’ll see you then.
We walk back in the school just as the bell rings. I go to my locker and get my things for my next class. The rest of the day drags by. I can’t focus on anything. I’m so scared, but I know that I need to tell him. I have to tell everyone about this, but I’m terrified. I don’t want to see the disappointment on my mom’s face. I don’t want to see it on my dad’s face either. I just got a dad and I don’t want him to think differently of me. After the final bell rings, I go to my first two classes that I missed and get the coursework that I missed. Walking to my locker, I get stopped by the skanks of the school. I swear every school has them. “If it isn’t the slut herself.” I roll my eyes and start walk around them, but they stop me.
“Leave me alone Cara. I’m not in the mood for your crap.” I tell her.
“I don’t care. I run this school, so you do as I say. If I want to keep you here for as long as I want, I will.” She says.
“What do you want?” I question, crossing my arms over my chest.
“I want you to go back to where you came from. No one wants you here. I want you to stay away from Gavin. He’s been mine since I could remember. Then you came here and took him from me.” She sneers. Typical. She’s been trying to get a rise out of me since Gavin and I started dating. Every time it doesn’t work, she gets mad and then comes back to try even harder.
“I’m not going anywhere, and he was never yours. Leave me alone. I’m tired of this conversation now. You may think you run this school, but you’re just the skank with her merry band of misfits around her. Now, go to hell.” I push past her and head towards my locker, ignoring her shouts following me. I’m not in the mood for her crap. I have enough on my plate as it is. I’m so over the skanks in the schools thinking they own a man who doesn’t want them. A man who has never touched them, nor would want to. I’m just over it all. I’m over this day. I just want to go home and change into comfortable clothes and wait for Gavin to come home.
After I get to my locker and grab all the books I need for my homework, I make my way out to the parking lot to see Ghost and my dad standing there. I can feel the bile wanting to spew, but I force it down. I can’t let him know. Not yet. I haven’t even told Gavin and I want him to be the first to know, Besides, my dad looks furious. As I make my way towards him, his eyes lock on mine. When I’m close enough, he brings me into his arms. “Don’t ever do that to me again.”
“I’m sorry dad. I just needed a minute to figure things out.” I tell him, letting my tears fly.
“Like what?” He asks. I take a shuddered breath and shake my head.
“I can’t tell you yet. I will soon. Are you going to tell me why you sounded upset on the phone today?” I ask him, changing the subject.
“Your mom was chased on the road today. Some things went down, and she can tell you the rest. She asked to be the one to tell you and Morgan about what happened. I can’t tell you much because it’s club business. Get in the truck. There’s a man sitting in his brothers living room waiting for you.” He says. I nod and get in the truck. I didn’t think Gavin was going to be here until four. It doesn’t matter though; I need him right now more than ever. “By the way, you’re grounded.” I nod and stare out the window. It’s better than I thought it would be.
I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy. I’ve always been a bit sheltered by my parents because I was born early. I’ve also gone through a lot of tests when I was younger to make sure nothing was wrong with me. The doctor’s couldn’t figure out how nothing was wrong with me. I was one of the medical mysteries, the doctors words, not mine. However, I’ve always been smart. I skipped from fourth grade to sixth grade and then in high school, I skipped ninth grade. It’s how I graduated at sixteen. I went to the local college to study to become an architect.
Three months ago, I met the woman of my dreams. Posey had my attention since I walked in the clubhouse and saw her with Kelsey. She’s fifteen, but I’m only seventeen, so there’s not a huge age difference between us. Of course, I still made sure it was okay with her mom before I asked her to be my girlfriend. I knew the moment I laid eyes on her that she was meant for me. I remember when my mom would tell us about how it would feel when we found our ‘one’. I never thought the stories were true, or that I would experience it, but I was proven wrong when I laid my eyes on her gray ones.
She was my first in everything. I never found any girls in high school attractive. No one had piqued my interest until Posey. I felt the energy around me changed when I saw her. Over the past few months, we got to know each other and spent every second we could together. I only come home on the weekends since I stay on campus during the week. We text and call each other throughout the day. It’s hard being away from her, but it won’t be much longer, and I’ll be home for good. I’ve already talked to my brother and Westyn about starting a construction company where I can be the architect. All that’s left to do is to get my degree. I’m halfway there.
Throughout the day, I’ve had this feeling in the pit of my stomach. A feeling that my life as I know it is going to change. As I’m sitting in my last class, that feeling has gotten stronger. I just don’t know what it means, or if it’s good or bad. I hope Posey is alright. I don’t know what I would do if something were to happen to her. She’s it for me. I decide to head straight to Posey’s house instead of going to my parents. They’re gone for a while longer, and I’d have the house to myself, but I need to make sure Posey is okay with my own eyes. I don’t stop by my dorm. I go straight to my car and make the drive back home.
On the drive back I think of everything that could be wrong. I know how her grandparents tried to take her a couple months ago. I was scared, angry, and thankful. Thankful that they didn’t get their hands on her. Mad because they would try what they did. Mad because I wasn’t there to protect her. Scared because I knew I loved her and didn’t want to lose her.
I told Posey I’d be there around four, but my class let out early, so I’ll be there about the time she’ll be out of school. The feeling in my stomach isn’t getting any better, so I decide to call my brother. He answers after a few rings. “Hey Gav.”
“Hey big brother. I’ve had this feeling in my stomach all day. I was just wondering if there was something going on?” I question.
“Are you sure it’s not just gas?” He jokes.
“Hardy har-har. I’m serious. I have a feeling that things are going to change and I’m not sure if it’s for the worst or best. Humor me asshole.” I snark.
“Everything’s okay now. We had an issue earlier today, but it’s been handled. I can’t go into more detail than that. Club business.” He tells me. It’s always club business. I get it. They don’t want to worry us unless they have to.
“Okay. I’m on my way home. I think I have about fifteen minutes left of the trip. I’ve been zoned out most of the time.” I tell him. Everyone knows that I zone out when I drive. Not enough that I don’t know where I’m going but zone out none the less. “I’m going to your place to wait for Posey to get home.”
“It’s unlocked. I’m at the clubhouse doing some shit. Be safe.” He says, disconnecting the call. I spend the rest of the drive home listening to the radio and thinking about what Posey needs to talk to me about. I don’t have much experience with women, but I know enough to know that when a woman says she needs to talk, it’s serious. Pulling into the cul-de-sac where the current executive members live, I pull into my brother’s house. He had it built last year, along with the other members, but doesn’t stay there much. I was going to stay with at my parents’, but if I stay with Blake, I’ll be closer to Posey.
I only had to wait about forty-five minutes to hear the vehicles pull up. All the kids have gotten a ride with one of the moms in the ‘mom squad’, as Hannah dubbed them, since I could remember. When I got my license, I was able to drive myself and whoever wanted to ride with me, but until then I was stuck riding to and from with one of the moms. I didn’t mind much though. I’m a mama’s boy and I’m not afraid to admit it. My parents have treated me with kid gloves pretty much all my life because I was born early. My mom had me four months early because she was working herself too hard to get things ready for the dads to arrive back from a ride. So, the family has treated me with kid gloves. There’s nothing wrong with me, so it gets irritating at times because I want to be treated like the rest of the kids.