Page 21 of Trigger
When I was a kid, I wasn’t able to do anything with the rest of the guys unless I was protected. I had to have knee and elbow pads when I rode a bike. I had to have my helmet on and couldn’t leave the house without a sweater. I was lucky my dad stopped my mom from wrapping me up in bubble wrap. She did try to put me in a human hamster ball once. That wasn’t going to happen. She was always so worried that something was going to happen to me. I understood where she was coming from, but I just wanted to be like the rest of the kids. Instead, I gave up on trying to go and do what they did. I took to reading and focusing on my schooling. I managed to graduate high school at sixteen and I’m hoping to graduate college by eighteen.
I walk out of Blake’s house and head next door to Trigger’s house. To get to the houses, you need to go through a gate then each driveway is connected by one single road. Each house is placed around the huge lake in the middle. Starting the houses is Axyl and Ali’s. Next to theirs is Jackson and Hannah’s. My brother’s place is next with Eliot and Alanis’s next to his. Westyn is next to Eliot, and after Westyn is Clinton. After him, there’s Patrick followed by Sebastian, with Braxton bringing up the end. When Axyl built his and Ali’s house, all the men decided to do the same. A place to stay when the clubhouse got to be too much, or when they found their ol’ ladies. They had a dock built to lead out to the middle of the lake. It’s one of Posey’s favorite places to go. It’s wide enough to have a patio set on it. She curls up on one of the chairs and reads her books while watching the rest of us goof off.
I’d like to build Posey and I a house one day. Sooner rather than later, but I still have a while before I can do that. I need to wait until she’s at least eighteen. I have two years and one month until that comes, and I can’t wait. I’m going to tie her to me in every way that I can. I’m going to marry that girl one day. I’d do it on her sixteenth birthday if I could, but I want her to concentrate on getting her high school diploma. Not that being married would stop that, but I want her to focus on that instead of a wedding. I do plan on proposing to her on her birthday, which happens to also be on Christmas.
I’m brought out of my thoughts by Posey throwing herself at me. I manage to stabilize us, so we don’t hit the ground and hug her to my chest. “Hey Posey-pie.”
“I missed you so much!” She says as she buries her head deeper in my neck. I squeeze her tighter because I missed her too.
“It’s only been a week babe.” I tease her.
“That doesn’t mean anything! A week is too long. You’re not allowed to leave again.” I chuckle and kiss her forehead. She owns my heart, body, and soul.
“I’ll be home for good soon enough babe. Now, what did you want to talk to me about? Also, just so you know, I missed you too.” I tell her.
“Before you two get too far into your conversation. You need to meet us at the hospital when you’re done. Alanis is there after some shit went down. Take care of what you need to and meet us there.” Trigger tells us.
“Is everything okay?” I ask. It’s never good when an ol’ lady is in the hospital.
“It will be.” With that, he walks to his truck and takes off with Morgan in tow.
“Let’s get you inside. It’s freezing out here. I don’t want you getting sick.” I tell her. I carry her into the house after unlocking the door. I set her down on her feet and lock the door back. It might be a closed neighborhood, but you can never be too careful. The clubhouse is surrounded by a wall and has a gate, but people have still managed to get inside. I’m not taking any chances. I may not want to join the club, but the club is my life. I’ll always be part of it, just not as a member. I have my own dreams and aspirations. The members of the club don’t take it personally. We all have a choice on if we want to prospect. If we don’t then they help us reach our goals. Whether it be by giving us a loan to start our lives somewhere else or becoming silent partners in any businesses we want to start up. They’re supportive and that’s all because of our parents. Our mothers have drilled into our heads on how to be supportive and not bossy. You get more accomplished when you take into consideration the persons’ ideas and opinions than you do with an iron fist.
“You should probably sit down.” Posey says in a quiet voice. This isn’t my Posey-pie. Something is going on. She’s never this quiet, or timid with me. I look at her closely and can see that she’s scared. Of what, I’m not sure yet. I intend to find out and fix it if I can. If not, I’m sure we can find a way to fix whatever has her looking scared. She won’t meet my eyes, and it’s starting to freak me out a bit.
“Posey. What’s going on. You’re starting to freak me out. You won’t look me in the eyes, you look scared, and I can tell you’ve been crying. Are you leaving me?” I question rapidly.
“Just sit down and we’ll talk. I’m not leaving you, but you might leave me.” I rear back in shock. I could never leave her. I bring her into my arms and sit on the couch, pulling her into my lap.
“Look at me Posey-pie.” She still won’t look at me, so I cup her face in my hands and bring her face up to meet mine. “Tell me what’s going on my love, and we can fix it.” I kiss her lips softly as the first tears fall from her eyes.
“I’m pregnant.” I freeze. Pregnant? We were careful. Protected. She was on the pill. We used condoms. How? “Please say something Gavin. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for it to happen. I don’t know how it happened. I’ve been on the pill since I started my period. We used condoms every time.” She’s wrong. We didn’t use a condom every time.
“We didn’t use a condom when I took your virginity. Remember? We sort of fumbled through it and forgot about it.” What are we going to do? “Your dad is going to kill me. I thought we would be okay. It was one time. The other times we’ve always used protection. Oh, God. I’m going to die before I get to meet my child. I’m going to die before I get to marry the woman of my dreams. Your dad is going to kill me and then the rest of the guys are going to take turns killing me after bringing back to life. Let’s not talk about your mom. Or mine.” I can’t stop the rambling and Posey laughs.
“No one is going to kill you. I know you had plans for your future. I’d understand if you didn’t want to be a part of the baby’s life.” I cut her off with a kiss
“I would never leave you to raise a baby on your own. Yes, I have dreams, but so do you. I’m going to make sure that both of us reach our dreams. We’ll do this together. You might just have to bring me back from the dead because I am a dead man walking. We have to tell your parents. We have to tell mine. We have to make sure you see the doctor. There’s so much to do.” This time she cuts me off with a kiss.
“We’ll do it. Don’t worry. We need to get to the hospital to see my mom. She can’t kill us if she’s in a hospital bed, can she?” I laugh at her statement. I lift her up from my lap and lead her out towards the car when we’re both bundled up. Time to face the firing squad.
We’ve been waiting for any news on how Alanis is for a few hours now and it’s not getting any easier. I’ve been going back and forth from pacing to sitting down in the uncomfortable chairs in the waiting room. I can’t stay still for shit. If I’m not pacing, my legs are bouncing from the unknown. I hate not knowing what is going on around me. It’s what makes me a great enforcer for the club. I always know what’s going on. I’m out of my element. When Doc arrived, he went back in there with Hannah. He rushed back as soon as he heard what was going on. Neither of them has been seen since. I’m about to turn around to pace the opposite direction when my phone rings. I pull it out and look at the caller I.D. to see that it’s the school. Why would they be calling? “Hello.”
“Hello. This is Ashley from the school. I was calling to see if there was a reason Posey wasn’t in school today.” Miss Evelynn and her husband joined our parents on their vacation, so the club helped find someone to take her place while she was gone. Ashley was needing a part time job to help pay for school and was the best fit for the job.
“She should be there. I dropped her off myself this morning.” I inform her. There is no reason my daughter shouldn’t be in class right now.
“She’s missed her first two classes and wasn’t present for the third on that started a few minutes ago. From what I’ve seen, this isn’t like her, so the principal wanted to make sure everything was okay.” I see red. I swear if they got to my daughter hell will rain down until she’s back. I know she was at that school this morning because I dropped her off myself. The prospects don’t show up until the first class starts.
“I’ll see what I can find out. Thank you.” I hang up and call Posey. Straight to voicemail. I’m trying to remain calm, but with her not answering and with what happened to my woman, I can’t keep the thoughts from running through my mind. She wouldn’t just skip school. It’s not like her. She knows there’s a threat against her out there. She wouldn’t be so irresponsible. They must have gotten to her when I left.
“What’s going on brother?” I look up at Griller’s voice.
“The school just called to tell me Posey hasn’t been in school all morning.” I tell him.
“I just got off the phone with the school too. Mom and dad left me as the person to contact for Kelsey while they were gone. She’s not been in school either.” He says. “They wouldn’t be as stupid to skip class knowing there’s shit going down in the club, would they? Kelsey hasn’t missed school unless she was sick. Her phone goes straight to voicemail when I call. I swear if she’s skipped class, I’m going to tan her hide.”