Page 4 of Reaper
“I’m fine! Why does everyone keep telling me to sit the fuck down. I swear! It’s just fucking back pains!” She snarls before plopping down on a stool. I sit next to her and notice the instant relief on her face. I rub her back and she relaxes more.
“I had Gavin four months early. It was the worst time in my life.” Novaleigh, Snoopy’s mom, starts. “I was just like you Ali. I wanted to be up and going. I was rushing around trying to help with getting the clubhouse prepared for the guys to arrive back from a run. Everyone kept telling me to sit down and take a break, but I didn’t listen. I wanted to do my part in helping get things ready. I should have listened though because the next thing I knew, Brock’s walking through the door at the same time as I go into labor. I remember being so scared that Gavin wouldn’t make it and the months that followed were even worse. Seeing him with all those tubes and wires coming out of him from everywhere. He was no bigger than Brock’s hand.”
“I remember sitting there with you the whole time. Holding you while you cried, blaming yourself. He was our miracle baby. The doctors gave him less than a one percent chance at survival but survive he did. I remember being scared out of my wits. I wasn’t able to go back there with her. They had to work fast. She worked herself so hard, her placenta detached.” Brock walks over to his wife and wipes a few of her tears away. “We had to watch him in that incubator as he fought for his life. I wouldn’t wish that on even my worst enemy.”
“I think I was too young to even remember that. He’s so strong now. I’ve read about preemies having the chance of having a lot of problems growing up, but Gavin is the smartest one out of all of us. He’s sixteen and already a senior!” Ali says through her tears.
“He was a lucky one. We were blessed and he was watched over by someone above. He’s our little genius and I couldn’t be prouder of him. Now, I didn’t tell you this story to scare you. I just wanted you to understand that it’s okay to let someone else be in charge. Take the breaks you need. I understand why you’re doing it. You want this day to be perfect for your daughters, but it is. They won’t remember a lick of it. Let everyone help you. A party is not worth the chance of spending months watching your baby in an incubator with tubes and wires.”
“She’s right Aliana Jean Marie. We’re all here to help you. It was the hardest thing I’ve had to watch in my life. Knowing one of my best friends and his wife were in so much pain, and I couldn’t do anything to help. I just had to sit there and give them my support and a shoulder to lean on when they needed it. We all love your children. Now, go tell everyone dinner is ready.” Her dad tells her. He decided to help the ladies cook, to give them a break, but we all know it was so he could ‘taste test’ the food. He said it was to make sure it wasn’t ‘poisoned’.
“Thank you. I’ll start taking it easier. I just wanted everything to be perfect. Thanks for sharing your story. I’d rather this little nugget cook a bit longer. I’m ready to meet him, but not right this minute.” Ali gets up from her seat and walks into the main room. “Foods ready!” She hurries back into the kitchen as everyone rushes into the dining room.
We bring the food out and set it on the table before taking our seats. Robert leads us in grace, and it brings me back to family dinners at home before Demy died. After she died, we didn’t have as many family dinners and being here now, makes me wish we did. Once he’s done, we pass dishes of food around and load up our plates. I look over to Jackson and know that no matter where we are, as long as we’re together, I’ll always be home.
I never thought I wanted kids until I found Hannah. After she walked into the clubhouse, and my life, I pictured our future together. I pictured her swollen with my kid and finally realized why Axyl wants to keep Ali pregnant. If the real thing is anything like I’m imagining, I’m never going to want to see her not pregnant. To think that she’s thinking of our future together makes my chest swell with pride and happiness. I want everything with this woman. “So, does this mean you’re my ol’ lady?” I ask her. It’s been a week since the girls’ birthday party and family dinner. We’ve spent all our time together that we weren’t working. We had a lot of conversations about our future and to say that I’m not happy that we want the same things would be a bold-faced lie.
“I’ve always been yours. It just took me longer to figure it out.” She replies. We’re cuddled up on one of the couches at the clubhouse watching the kids play. The moms decided that we needed to start up the weekly dinners again. After things started to go sideways with the Ali situation last year, we were all too focused on trying to keep her and the girls safe that we didn’t take the time to have them. We were all too busy.
“I would have waited a lifetime for you sweetheart. You’re well worth the wait and then some. I’m just glad you didn’t make me wait that long. Only two years.” She snorts and the doors to the clubhouse open to reveal Axyl with a goofy ass smile on his face. “Did you get some of that fancy ass yoga sex you were talking about last week?” Axyl shoots me a glare before a hand comes up behind him and slaps the back of his head.
“Talking about our sex life to everyone again?” Aliana retorts. “Our family doesn’t need to know about how you like to have your leg up to your ears as I’m sucking your cock and have my finger in your ass.” The clubhouse is completely silent as Axyl’s face goes from pain filled too angry. This just got good. We haven’t had entertainment like this since Ali shot Westyn last year after causing the “Cannon” to come out.
“I do not! Don’t start spreading that shit around. No one will take me seriously if you do Aliana. Is that what you want? Your husband to be walked all over? I’m the VP, I can’t have my brothers doing that.” Axyl states in mock offense.
“Is it a lie though?” Ali retorts.
“Yes! You know it is!” Everyone in the room bursts out laughing. “I do not likeanythingin my ass and I’m definitely not that flexible. Do I like you sucking my cock? Hell yes, I do. You take my cock like a fucking champ. I especially love the way you shove it down your throat while you’re…” Ali clamps a hand over his mouth.
“Don’t you fucking finish that sentence! You will be sleeping on the couch, or I’ll make you stay here.” Ali’s face is bright red. Aliana embarrassed? Oh, this must be good. She’s never embarrassed. Ali takes her hand from his mouth before walking over to her dad.
“I really didn’t need to hear what I just did princess.” Robert says.
“Blame your son-in-law.” Ali says. Axyl turns his attention towards me.
“To answer your question, no I didn’t get any hot yoga sex, I got road head, but that’s not why I was smiling. We just went to the baby doctor and got to see Brantley. He’s healthy as a horse. He’s measuring a week bigger than they originally thought, but everything is just fine.”
“Well, that’s good. Can we eat now?” Westyn chimes in.
“Yeah, the food’s ready. Come on and eat.” Elaine says. Everyone gets up and rushes towards the dining room, sounding like a heard of elephants. Dinner goes by with all of us eating, shooting the shit, and just enjoying each other’s company. We joke and play around, and the moms had to stop a food fight before it could actually turn into an actual fight. The men cleaned up since the women cooked. The parents went home, taking the kids with them, leaving just the executive officers and the ol’ ladies. We talk for a few more hours before everyone gets up to leave.
“Alright everyone. Head on home. Church in the morning.” Westyn says, walking towards his room. I grab Hannah’s hand and pull her up and into my arms.
“You ready babe?”
“Yeah. Take me home babe.” I’ll take her home alright. Back to my place, where she belongs. She doesn’t know it yet, but I bought us a house. It just so happens to be close to where Ali and Axyl have theirs. Pretty sure all the guys are planning on building a house, or buying one, to put on the land. It’s only a few minutes from the clubhouse, so that makes it easier. I just hope she likes it. I haven’t furnished it yet because I wanted her to help me. I wanted our home to be a combination of both mine and Hannah’s taste. Maybe it was a bit presumptuous, but I knew I’d have her in the end.
“Your wish is my command.” I’ll take her to see the house tomorrow. Right now, I want to get this woman in bed again. I miss having her body pressed up against mine. Since she had been avoiding me the past few months, I had missed having her in my arms, it felt like a piece of me was missing. Call me a pussy, but I don’t give two fucks. She had me by the balls from the first time I saw her and I’m not ashamed to admit it. “Tomorrow I want to take you and show you something.”
“What’s that?” She asks when we both get onto the bike. It’s cold, but the ride is worth it on a night like tonight. It’s not too cold, but it’s not warm either, but that doesn’t seem to matter.
“You’ll find out soon babe. Your place or the clubhouse?” Even though we have a house, I’ve been staying in the clubhouse, so if she wants to stay here, then we’ll just walk right back inside.
“My place is closer to the clinic. The clubhouse is further from the clinic, so let’s just leave here and go to my place? I’ve had a busy schedule and people haven’t been the most patient with the fact that Ali hasn’t been in the past few days.”
“Your place it is. When do you have to go in tomorrow? I’d like to show you this before you go to work or right after you get off. The only thing I have in the morning is church.”
“I don’t have to be in until noon. Fridays are the days we open at noon and close at five. I’ll probably go in around eleven or so to get caught up on paperwork.”