Page 5 of Reaper
“I don’t have church until eleven, so we can go see your surprise and then you can head into work, and I’ll head back to the clubhouse.”
“Sounds good babe. I’m exhausted and need a shower…but I haven’t seen you in a few months…so I was thinking we could spend some time cuddling in the bed…naked.” Her idea sounded better. I could point out that it’s her fault since she wasn’t around these past few months, that I was trying to contact her every day that she was ignoring me, but that would make me into a petty asshole and I’m not an asshole to those I care about. Hannah is the woman that I’m going to spend the rest of my life with. I won’t be able to do that if I’m a complete asshole.
“I like the sound of that my love. I know you’ve been busy since Ali hasn’t been into work and all, so let’s just forget about our time apart.” When Hannah first met my parents, my mom instantly fell in love with her. I haven’t met her parents, obviously, since I didn’t know they were the mafia. I plan on changing that, and soon, because the ring I’ve been hiding at Ali’s house is burning a hole in the drawer.
If I have anything to say about it, she’ll be wearing my ring by the end of the year. Hell, I might even work on getting her knocked up. Now that the image of her round with my kids are in my head, I can’t seem to get them out. I’ve been waiting for this girl to say yes for two goddamn years and I’m not waiting any longer for what I want.
“Take me home big guy.” With that, she puts her helmet on and climbs on my bike after me. The way her body feels pressed up tight against mine, her thighs tight around my hips. The way her hands are pressed against my abdomen under my shirt, not sure why she does that, but she’s done it from the first time I’ve taken her on my bike. The way she lays her head in the middle of my back. Even though I can’t really feel her head on my back because of the helmet, I still know it’s her and it soothes me.
I went out and bought her a helmet after the first time I took her on my bike. She’s the only woman I’ve had on my bike. We don’t allow any women to ride on the back of our bikes unless they’re going to be our ol’ lady. Axyl had Lana on the back of his bike even though she wasn’t his ol’ lady, but she was his wife. They were always toxic together, but they never realized it until shit hit the fan about two years ago between the two of them. He made Aliana his ol’ lady as soon as she came back. Which if we’re all honest, she’s been his since we were all teens. Lana was just the second choice.
I’ve never had a woman on my bike, except for the sisters of club members, and I don’t plan on having another one on there. Hannah is the one for me and for those people who think that it’s insanely fast, they can fuck off. I’ve been waiting for this woman foryearsand no one is going to judge us. If you don’t know us, or our story, then shut the fuck up and keep your nose in your own damn business.
Every year, a few of us and our families go on a vacation somewhere for a few days to a week and on this trip, not only will my brother be back from the SEALs, but I’m going to either make this woman my wife, or I’m going to put my ring on her finger. Either way, she’s going to be mine and no one is going to stop that from happening.
Hannah may have killed people, but so have I. I’m the Reaper for a reason and I’ll make sure she never has to get her hands dirty again. I’ll be damned if she has to darken her soul any more than she already had to. I’ll darken mine more before I let her do the same because with her, my soul is never dark. She’s the light that lights up my entire being and I’ll make sure that light never goes out.
I love the feeling of being on the back of a bike. Not just any bike though. I love being on the back of Reaper’s bike. The way my body molds into his. The feeling of freedom that comes from being on the back of his bike. That’s what riding is, freeing. I’ve never been on the back of a bike until I got with Jackson. I always put my hands on his abdomen, under his shirt when we get ready to ride. Even when it’s hot outside. I’ve done it since the beginning. I do it for a few reasons. One, my hands stay warm. Two, I get to feel his six pack under my fingers. Three, touching him this intimately gives me that connection to him that I crave more than my next meal. Feeling his skin on my own, even if it’s my hands on his stomach, makes me feel connected to him. It’s the only connection that I would allow myself to feel for him. Now, I got my head out of my own ass and finally, after almost two years, agreed to be his ol’ lady. Now, I can always have that connection to him because I don’t plan on letting him go any time soon.
I thought I had everything I could have ever wanted when I was with Blake. I thought we were in love. I had the man, I was almost done with med school, and I had my family. Turns out, I didn’t have the man that I thought I did. I lost my youngest sister the same night I lost the man I thought was the love of my life. That’s why I fought my feelings for Jackson so hard. I didn’t want to put my heart out there for it to get broken once again. I may have made it through Blake betraying me and breaking my heart, but something deep in my gut told me that if Reaper were to break my heart, I would never recover. He has the power to destroy me and that scared the hell out of me. I’m just tired of fighting what I feel for him. I want to live my life. This week has been great and Ali’s words to me keep running through my head. I can’t let my fear keep me from my happiness, and I don’t plan to.
Fighting did me no good. I was in his bed almost every night…except for these past few months. I tried to avoid him and create some distance between us in a last-ditch attempt to fight the feelings that I have. Somehow, without me even realizing it, he wormed his way into my heart, and I fell for him. I just had to admit it to myself.
I’m brought out of my thoughts when Reaper stops the bike in my driveway. I sit there for a moment and just relish in his scent. I am slightly curious about what he wants to show me tomorrow, but I know he won’t tell me, so there’s no need to even try and get the information out of him. I hear his chuckle before I hear his deep, gravelly voice. “You need to let go so we can get off the bike babe.” I squeeze him tighter, not yet ready to let him go. He places his hands over mine, which are still under his shirt, and squeezes. “What’s going through that pretty little mind of yours babe?”
I sigh before removing my hands from his to take my helmet off and climb off the bike. “Just thinking.” It’s evasive. I know, but how do you explain to someone something that isn’t even clear in your own head?
“Like what babe? You can always talk to me. You know this. We went over this last week.” I know we did, and I know he’s right. I just need to get everything straight in my head before I even attempt to explain it to him.
“I know Jackson. It’s just still jumbled up in my head.”
“How about we head inside, I’ll draw you a nice warm bath and we can relax a little bit before I hold you in my arms while we sleep.” I nod and we make our way to the door of my apartment.
Walking up to my door, I notice that it’s not shut. It’s cracked open just enough that a passerby wouldn’t notice it unless they were right up on the door. I look towards Reaper and notice he sees the same thing I do. Gone is the gentle Jackson and in his place, is the Reaper. Cold and out for blood at a moment’s notice. He reaches under his cut and grabs his gun. He pushes me slightly behind him before pushing the door open.
Reaper goes in first and I follow close behind him. My hand has his cut fisted in a death grip. It’s not that I couldn’t take care of myself if needed, but I know how he likes to do things. We’ve been in this situation once before. We were at the clubhouse when a rival club decided to try and take a shot at taking down the BAMC. They cut the power and Reaper made sure that I held onto his cut the entire time. Whatever move he made, I made. Granted at the time, he didn’t know about my past, but I don’t think that would have mattered either way. He is the typical Alpha-Male.
After making our way through the front door, we head towards the living room. There’s a soft glow from the lamp I have in the corner of the room by my bookshelf. Reaper stops in the entrance to the living room before his voice booms out. “Who the fuck are you and what are you doing in my house?” Damn, his voice does things to me. I peak around his shoulder, which isn’t an easy feat, might I add. He’s well over six foot and I’m a measly five foot-two.
Who I see has me freezing in my spot. My body tenses and my heart rate accelerates. I don’t understand why he’s here. I haven’t heard anything from him in years. Not since I walked in on what I did. How the hell did he know where I lived? Why now? After almost four years? I make sure that he’s gone before I even go home to see my family. I don’t want to see either him or my sister. Last I heard, Kai, my eldest brother, decided that he wasn’t going to make Blake his second anymore. He broke my brothers trust when he broke my heart. That still doesn’t explain why he would show up here after so many years of no contact.
“Blake?” I finally find my voice and make my way around Reaper. Reaper snaps his head towards me, and I can see he didn’t like me moving from behind him, but that’s not what has the deadly look in his eyes. He knows who Blake is and what he did to me. He’s not Blakes biggest fan and his face shows it. He turns his attention back towards him and his face is stone cold. No emotion shows on his face. No emotion shows in his eyes. He’s fully became the Reaper and only two people have been able to get him out of that place. If he’s too far gone, like he is now, Ali is the only one that can get him back. I’m the other person that can get him to come back, but I don’t think I’ll be able to this time.
I don’t take offence to not being able to get him back from the darkest pits of his mind because I know he and Ali have that special bond. Just like he and I have a special bond. His bond with Ali is different than ours. Where ours has the physical aspect, theirs has the sibling’s aspect. Shaking my head to clear it, I place a hand on Reapers back to try and calm him. I can feel his tense muscles relax a little bit, but not much. I’ll take what I can get though. “What the fuck are you doing in my house?” I snap at the intruder. Looking at him now, I don’t know what I ever saw in him.
“You took everything from me. My best friend, my position in the family,everything.” He sneers at me. He’s got a crazy look in his eyes. His once brown eyes are now completely black. His hair is slicked back and greasy. He’s let himself go. He’s not as in shape as he used to be.
“I didn’t take anything from you. You did all that when you decided to fuck my sister behind my back. You two deserve each other and I’mnotsorry for what happened to you. You deserve everything that comes to you and more. Get the hell out of my house and don’t come back.”
“I was supposed to be the second in command. You ruined that for me! It’s your fault this happened. If you wouldn’t have pulled the trigger, no one would have known what was going on and we could have moved passed this. Because of you, everything changed. I got stuck with your sister. She was a good fuck when I needed to get my rocks off, and you were off to school. Now I’m stuck with her for the rest of my damn life.” Pathetic. That’s what he is. Plain and simple.
“I don’t see where any of this falls on me. The truth would have come out one way or another. It didn’t matter if I shot you or not, the truth would have come out when my family asked why I dumped your ass. You think I didn’t want to get my rocks off, as you so kindly put it, while I was away at school? Of course, I did! I waited until I got home to see you! Each and every fucking time! I never strayed. That was all on you. You got her pregnant, didn’t you? That’s why you’re stuck with her for the rest of your life. Her coming up pregnant would have brought light to the situation! You knew how things worked in our family when you did what you did. I don’t pity either of you. I pity that child for having to deal with a gold-digging bitch for a mother and a pathetic, slimy, cheating bastard for a father. Now, get the fuck out of my house and never come back.”
“You heard my woman. Get the fuck out and don’t come back.” Reaper says in a calm voice, maybe a little bit to calm. He walks his way over to Blake and grabs him by his throat, leading him to the front door. He not so gently, throws him out the door before slamming it and making sure it’s locked. I don’t say anything while he makes his way through the house, checking that everything is still the same and is locked up the way it’s supposed to be.
After about twenty minutes, he makes his way back towards me and brings me into his arms. His body relaxes even more and I’m glad he’s calming down. We don’t say anything while he holds me close to him, his face in the crook of my neck. I run my hands through his hair and feel his body relax more. “How about we skip the bath and lay down. Can I just hold you while we fall asleep?” I question softly. Jackson nods and pulls away, leading me into my bedroom before stripping both of us down and pulling me into the bed along with him. This is where I belong, and I don’t plan on going anywhere any time soon. I’m home in his arms, safe when encompassed in his them. I love this feeling and I never want to go back to not having it. He owns me…heart, body, and soul.
Pulling up to Hannah’s house, I had a feeling something was wrong, but I chalked it up to her just overthinking. I couldn’t blame her; she fought the connection we have for so long that she needs to get her head on straight. Then she didn’t want to get off the bike. She just hugged me tighter and sat there. I’m not complaining though. I love the feeling of her wrapped around me. I just wanted to get her in the house and into my arms. Holding her tight, not just as us being fuck buddies, but as her being my ol’ lady. This would be the first night we are spending together this week. We always went our separate ways at night. It killed me, but I did it. I had to be at the shop in the morning and she had to be at the clinic. Her house was closer to the clinic and the clubhouse is way closer to the shop.