Page 55 of Claimed By Daddy
“I would hazard a yes, but delayed shock is a funny old thing, I cannot categorically say she will. However, I am optimistic.”
“Thank you so much! I’ll call later then.”
“If any problems arise in the meantime, I’ll be in touch.”
Clicking off the phone, she leaned back against the couch, closed her eyes, and prayed to any or all deities that the dog would pull through and without further complications.
She’d been sceptical about the age-play lifestyle. Enjoying reading daddy books was one thing, but living the lifestyle twenty-four/seven, well, that was a whole different matter. Yet she’d discovered that she loved it. Who would have thought she could become dependent on David so quickly, or fall in love so fast!
That was Allie’s voice.What is she doing here?
“In here,” she called; walking to the door, she met Allie in the hallway. She rushed over and wrapped her arms about her sister.
“David phoned me. Are you alright?” she asked.
“What did David say?” Had he told Allie he wanted her to leave?
“That he was worried about you...”
“He’s worried aboutme?” Tears filled her already sore eyes.
“Yes, of course he is; he felt bad that he had to rush off when he knew how upset you were about the accident.”
“He told you what I did?”
“Penny, this is not your fault. It was a simple error of judgement. Accidents happen. Has the vet called yet?”
“Yeah, Honey has a broken leg but she might be brain damaged... Oh, Allie, David will hate me if she dies. Shit, I will hate me if she dies. I hate me now!” she wailed.
“Oh, sweetie, that is not true, David loves you! Come on, let’s go get a drink. You need to calm down.” Allie led her through to the kitchen and pushed her down onto a chair at the table. Busying herself at the counter, Allie filled the kettle and rummaged in the cupboard for some biscuits.
“I left the door open; this is on me, my fault. I have been too wrapped up in myself and this age-play. I never thought I would take to it the way I have but Allie, I am no longer certain that it’s good for me.”
Allie frowned. “Why so, if you’re happy? You aren’t hurting anyone!”
“I nearly killed Honey today. I wasn’t concentrating. I seem to abdicate adult responsibility and that is fine for a short period, but I’m no longer certain I should be living this life, full time.” Placing her elbows on the table Penny cradled her head in her hands.
Allie set a mug before her and took a seat opposite. “You should discuss this with David, but for now, stop worrying about the long term, be grateful Honey is in good hands and it sounds as though she is almost out of the woods.”
“Do you thinkhisPenny would have left the door open?”
“I asked myself the same question, and concluded that, yes, I think she would have, she’s gone out and left the door open in the past.”
Both women looked up at the sound of the unexpected male voice. David stood in the doorway. He held open his arms.
Shoving back her chair, Penny leapt up and ran to him. He held her close while she buried her face in his chest and sobbed her remorse.
“Hey, that’s enough tears. I spoke to Jim on the way home. His view is that Honey is going to be alright.”
“I think I should go, you two need some time. You’ve both had a shock. Penny, I’ll phone you tomorrow.” Penny felt her sister’s touch on her shoulder as she passed by.
“Thanks, Allie,” she mumbled.
“Thank you for coming over, I appreciate it,” David said.
She waited until she heard the front door open then close and spoke.