Page 56 of Claimed By Daddy
“Can you ever forgive me?”
David gave her a little shake.
“Would I be cuddling you if I hadn’t? There is nothing to forgive. Accidents happen, we are human, and not infallible, Penny.”
“I want you to punish me,” she replied.
“Now you’re being silly.”
She tugged away from his embrace and stormed into the hallway. “No, I am not! Why would you say that?” she shouted.
“If you keep yelling at me, I just might, calm down!”
She ran up the stairs and into their bedroom where she headed to the en-suite and slammed the door behind her. No knock on the door. She waited and waited but it soon became obvious that he hadn’t followed her.
“Well, shit!” she muttered aloud. Glancing at herself in the mirror she saw she looked a fright. Her hair was tousled and snarled, her mascara had run, she looked pale, like a particularly sick raccoon. She washed her face and hands and unlocked the door. David was seated on the bed.
“We should talk,” he said.
“I don’t think I want to live age-play all the time,” she told him sulkily.
“O-kay, what do you suggest?”
“I-I don’t think it’s good for me to abdicate all responsibility. I must be accountable for my actions.”
“I agree.”
“You—you do?”
“Yes, but don’t I hold you accountable when you behave in an unacceptable way?” he asked.
“Ye-s, but I should be adult enough to be liable for my culpability.”
“How about you spend part of the time being little and the other part being an adult then?”
“You mentioned taking me away on a break,” she said.
“I did and I still want to.”
“I think from now until we return, I’ll take a rain check on age-play.”
“I see... So... no more kinky stuff?”
“The kinky stuff is fine, just no more age-play.”
“Penny, this doesn’t make sense. You love your little time with your colouring books and playing. Why would you want to call a halt to that?”
“Because I nearly fucking well killed Honey, that’s why, you fuck wit!” she shrieked.
“Yeah, that’ll do it... you want spanking? You got it, babe!”
Remaining where she was made it easy for him to reach out and pull her to his side. In moments she was upended over his hard thigh.
Red mist overcame her. “Ice cream! Ice lolly! Ice cube!” she yelled, forgetting her correct safe-word in the thrall of temper.
“You finally get what you’ve been begging for, and now you safe-word?” he said, the disgust clear in his tone. He rose and stalked out of the room.
“Dav-id!” she wailed, but he didn’t return.