Page 57 of Claimed By Daddy
Shit, now I’ve ruined everything!
She smacked the floor with her fist.Ouch, that didn’t help!Rolling onto her front, head in the crook of her arm, she gave way to furious tears.
Chapter Seventeen
Finally getting up, Penny mooched around upstairs but that soon became boring. Quietly, she made her way downstairs. There was no sign of David in the living room but entering the kitchen, she glanced about and spotted a note on the table.
Gone to the vet’s to see Honey.That was all, no signature, no term of endearment. What a mess she’d made of this day. She couldn’t have handled things worse if she’d tried. Perhaps she should pack a bag and go to her father’s, but would that make things more divisive? Tapping her nail against her teeth, she pondered her options.
David was annoyed with her for safe-wording after she’d asked him to spank her and then she’d behaved like a brat and turned on him. Instead of running away she quickly concluded she should remain here, be an adult, and cook dinner ready for his return. Going to the fridge she looked to see what she could find to make. Tomatoes, bacon, and onions. Okay, she’d make a pasta dish.
He arrived home far later than she’d anticipated. “In here!” she called as she heard him enter the hall.
Standing in the middle of the kitchen, he sniffed. “Something smells good.”
She smiled. “I made pasta, Italian style.”
“David, I-I’m sorry I safe-worded.”
“You have every right to safe-word. Although, I felt it especially unfair of you to do so today, under the circumstances,” he replied stiffly.
He sounded so reserved, distant. She swallowed, her mouth dry. “I’d like you to punish me, after dinner,” she told him quietly.
“I think we need to talk before we continue with any form of D/s relationship. Communication is the key to this lifestyle, and we seem to be failing miserably at that.”
“Um, yes, you’re right, maybe we should talk.” Anxiety increased her heart rate.
What have I done?
She turned away before he saw her tears gathering. She stirred the sauce.
“You said you went to the vet’s; how is, Honey?” she asked, in an effort to cover her emotion.
“She seems to be recovering. She was sleeping off the anaesthetic when I got there. Jim pinned the fractures successfully. We just have to wait and see if she has any swelling to the brain or unexpected internal bleeding. Thankfully I was only turning the car. Jim said it was fortunate the knock she received came from a slow-moving vehicle, it could have been much worse.”