Page 11 of Her Wayward Earl
He sat back on his haunches with a grin.
“Ah, well, that is another matter. I fear a couple of cups might have lost their handles… Have no fear, I shall compensate the landlord.”
Holly smiled.
“What a pair of stubborn boots you own!” She chortled.
Chuckling, he helped her up from the floor. She came level with his chest and peeked up at him. Their eyes locked. Slowly, his face filled her vision, and he moved closer still. His lips brushed against hers, and strong arms encircled her waist. Her arms wound about his neck, her senses assaulted by a whole host of sensations she’d never experienced before.
His tongue ran along the seam of her lips and parting her mouth, his tongue invaded and tangled with hers. While they kissed, she became acutely aware of her own body pressed hard against his. With each slight movement, her nipples chafed against the cloth of her gown. The buds hardened to aching peaks which sent a shaft of delight to her core, an area which suddenly sparked into life, molten with desire.
The tantalising moment was spoiled by a suddenrat-a-tatknock at the door. Breaking apart guiltily, a maid entered, and announced their supper had arrived. She placed the tray on a larger table, set beneath the window.
“Lawdy, what’s ’appened ’ere?” She exclaimed and surveyed the tumbled side-table and china scattered over the threadbare carpet.
“An accident I’m afraid, but I will reimburse the landlord, add it to my account,” Gregory reassured her.
The maid bent to gather the debris, stacking it onto the fallen tray.
Holly hung her head, feeling responsible for the breakages. Her gaze fell on the peculiar sight of Gregory wearing a single boot on one foot and a loose wool sock upon the other. She tried but failed to stifle a giggle.
When the girl had gone, Gregory turned to her, merriment twinkled in his dark eyes.
“What made you suddenly laugh?” he asked.
She pointed to his feet, and he glanced down.
“Ah, yes!” Grinning, he sat and pulled the remaining boot free, revealing another loose woollen sock.
Holly served him with a plate of rabbit stew from beneath the covered dish on the supper tray, adding a hunk of warm, freshly made bread to mop up the gravy. She had never eaten such a casual meal before and found the experience intimately charming. Afterwards, they ate a jam pudding covered in custard then simply sat, conversing.
Holly asked about the history of Lamberhurst, listening intently as he gave her information about each of the servants. She was appreciative that he named the important few, such as butler, housekeeper, and cook. She could not have remembered the whole staff of his estate; such a feat would take her a while.
At a natural pause in their conversation, Gregory offered to help her disrobe for the night. Before she could summon up a reply, a knock sounded on the door, and the maid returned for the supper tray. She was immediately followed into the chamber by Matilda and Gregory’s valet, Braxton.
The maid left, and Holly allowed Matilda to help her prepare for the night. While the maid assisted her disrobing, Holly cast surreptitious glances over at her husband, watching Braxton help him out of his clothes. A furious blush stained her cheeks as his breeches and linens were removed, revealing his firm, sculptured backside to her gaze. Frustratingly, Matilda chose that moment to drag a nightgown over her head, thus shielding her eyes from anything more.
Finally, they were alone. The atmosphere became charged with tension. Holly scuttled over to the double bed, scrambled onto it, and watched Gregory crossing the room naked. Her heart hammered at the sight of the hardened maleness protruding from his groin; surely, he must be as big as a horse? Holly had once seen a stallion cover a mare, but she’d never imagined a man would be quite so large.
Kneeling on the bed, he pushed the covers off her and lay beside her.
Eyes closed; she felt his lips graze hers. A hand slipped beneath her head and cradled it. The kiss deepened, and his tongue snaked into her mouth. Her eyelids fluttered open. Sweet sensuality washed over her; she wanted more of the same and moaned softly against his lips, shifting closer to him, she wound her arms about his neck.
His hand glided across her body, coming to rest upon her breast, fingers plucking at her nipple. Her flesh pebbled hard under the gossamer night-rail. Her breath hitched as he placed his mouth over the burgeoning bud. A sweet aching pull sent desire thrumming through her stomach, causing a gush of wet at the apex of her thighs. She whimpered.
He moved away from her, and she felt his loss keenly until he took hold of the hem of her nightgown, and she realised he’d only shifted in order to remove her night attire. Trembling, she welcomed him as his length pressed down on her nakedness. The strange, yet exciting sensation of his hardened male flesh against her skin.
“Are you afraid?” he asked, in a low husky voice.
“Nervous, yes, but not afraid,” she assured him.
“I’ll take it slowly, but you should know that the first time is uncomfortable for a woman. There is a barrier inside you, a skin known as your maidenhead. I have to breach that, but once it is done, the conjugal act shall not hurt again. Do you have any questions you would like to ask before I begin?” he enquired solicitously.
“Um, where abouts is this maidenhead?” She’d always assumed it to be in her tummy button.
He leant in and kissed the tip of her nose.