Page 12 of Her Wayward Earl
“I will show you.”
A hand skimmed over the flesh of her bosom, down the flare of her hip, moving slowly to lie between her thighs. She drew in a sharp breath and clamped her knees together. She felt his resonant chuckle.
“I think your reaction shows that you know full well where it is,” he teased. His palm spread over the thatch of hair that covered her sex. His fingers stroked her folds, tugging gently on her curls.
“You will need to trust me now; open your legs. I promise to make you happy, to bring you some pleasure, but you must do as I say. Open for me, wife.”
Slowly, she parted her legs. His hand slipped betwixt her thighs and pleasure built under his tender ministrations. Gasping as he lowered his head to each of her breasts in turn, she felt the sensation in her quim double then treble to the point she could no longer remain still and shifted restlessly, tossing her head. Whatever it was Gregory was doing was unexpected. Holly never imagined the marriage act would feel quite this good.
Her breasts felt bereft, missing his attention as he shifted down her body, settling his shoulders between her thighs.
“You are so wet!” he exclaimed.
“I am so sorry, I cannot seem to stop it,” she whispered, mortified.
“Hush, my dear, to be wet is a good thing, a very good thing. It is a sign that you want me to touch you and it will ease the way for your deflowering. You are a beautiful young woman, Holly.”
Relaxing at his praise, until he did something she could never have conceived. Gregory lowered his head and snaked his tongue over her sensitive flesh. A flame ignited that burned so bright she was forced to cry out, the sound escalated into a keening wail which grew in volume. Dazed, she wavered, hovering on an unknown crest. The feel of his mouth on her clitoris sent her soaring to unimaginable peaks, calling Gregory’s name repeatedly.
While she lay stupefied by passion, he moved to position his cock at her entrance. With gentle thrusts, he invaded her virgin channel. He felt so large; she wriggled her hips in an effort to move away. He gave a guttural groan.
“I’m sorry, did I hurt you?” she whispered. There was a huff of breath and a husky moan against her ear.
“No, but I fear I am about to cause you some discomfort. I am going to take you now, Holly and make you, my wife. Relax, and this will go easier for you,” he instructed, his voice hoarse.
The penetration began. A squealed a protest burst from her throat, but he covered her mouth with his and swallowed her cries. Thrillingly, she realised his tongue matched the thrust of his hips and although the whole mating process seemed strangely bizarre to her, it was also tremendously exciting. A pooling tension coiled tighter and tighter somewhere deep within her which she recognised as tension to a prelude to the culmination she’d experienced earlier with his tongue. Running questing palms over his taut backside, she dipped her head into the crook of his neck. He smelled divine and so utterly masculine.
Holly yielded to her bridegroom’s pulsating body. Something spiralled inwardly. He was creating aneedin her formore,somuch more. The delicious feel of his cock rippling in and out, pressing on a certain magic place which orchestrated overwhelming yearning, caused her to writhe beneath him.
Her nails dug into his shoulders, and she pleaded with him,yet she wasn’t cognisant of her words. Losing focus, she felt consumed by overwhelming sensations as passion overcame her in its mindless thrall. His urgent pounding released an intense euphoria, and once again, she felt herself soaring. If she was dying, then so be it, for she had no desire to halt death’s sweet progress.
There was a sudden growl. Gregory held himself rigid above her. The hardened flesh of his manhood swelled inside her, pulsating. With a throaty cry, Gregory collapsed atop her, his weight a delicious closeness which Holly embraced. After a few moments of recovery, Gregory shifted and laid beside her, pulling her into his embrace. He kissed her forehead and slipped his arm about her. She snuggled into him, limp and exhausted.
“Are you recovered?” he croaked.
“Yes… That waswonderful,”she breathed in his ear.
“It was?”
She stilled. He sounded perplexed.
“Why, did you expect otherwise?” she asked, fearing she had displeased him.
Reassuringly his arms tightened about her. “I have heard that occasionally the pain of a breaching turns a woman off coupling for good. I am glad that the act hasn’t had that effect on you.”
“Ah, I see.” But she didn’t, and wondered why any woman would not enjoy what she’d just experienced. The ultimate joy and the closeness that the marriage act had afforded, who would not enjoy that? Especially now, cuddled in her husband’s strong, manly arms. Giving a deeply contented sigh, Holly’s eyelids fluttered closed, and she slept soundly.
Gregory awoke before his wife and quietly rose. He used a spill from the fire to light the chamber stick beside the bed. It was early, still dark outside. The flickering glow from the candle played across Holly’s girlish face, younger in the repose of sleep. Idly he twirled a curl of her dark-gold hair and marvelled at how receptive she’d been to his husbandly advances. Gregory had taken her twice more during the night, and on each occasion, she’d clung to him, sleepily offering herself with open abandon. He’d felt humbled by her trust.
Here in this place where Bunty had never stayed, there had been no ghostly memories to ambush him, enabling him to perform as a loving bridegroom.
Today, however, they were to return to Lamberhurst where every corner of the estate reminded him of Bunty. How would he cope then?
The ridiculous possibility of bringing Holly here every time he wished to mate crossed his mind, swiftly condemned by common sense. Physically different to Bunty’s slight form, Holly with her ample bosom and curved hips delighted him, and both women shared a sweetness of nature that pleased him.
Holly deserved a husband who would cherish her, but once he stepped inside the walls of Lamberhurst, beset by dark shadows from the past, could he be what she needed? He moved his finger and traced the golden curl from her hairline down to where it lay covering the nipple of one exposed breast. Gently, he moved it aside, revealing the rosy-tipped bud. His cock reared up hungrily, as though it hadn’t already spent the night in gluttony.