Page 90 of Ashes of Aether
For a start, the midnight blue dress is barely thick enough to keep the wintry chill at bay. And the cut is straight across my shoulders, exposing them to the night.
Then there’s my hair, which Eliya has weaved into an excessively fancy updo. If only she let me wear it down. I’m still considering pulling out all the pins when she’s not looking. But if I do, she will be furious, and Eliya’s rage isn’t a pretty sight to behold. I definitely don’t want to be on the receiving end of it.
So, I press on through the streets in this ridiculous dress, doing my best not to shiver. With how thin the fabric is, I suggested teleporting us both to The Old Dove and avoiding the chill. But Eliya wanted to walk so she can see exactly where Nolan’s tavern is located. I tried to explain it’s the tavern which had the awful service, but she insisted that she didn’t remember. I think she just wanted me to suffer.
“Don’t forget we have our second Mage Trial in the morning,” I warn as we turn the corner and step onto Fairway Avenue. “We can’t stay too late tonight. Nor can we drink more than a few drops of wine.”
“I know, I know,” Eliya mutters under her breath. “You’ve already said so five times.”
“I mean it. One drink all night. Nothing more.”
“Yes, yes,” she says, waving her hand dismissively. She won’t admit it, but I know she is already scheming to get her hands on more than just one drink. Though we both spent all of our stipend last night at The Violet Tree, Eliya’s father was kind enough to top hers up. Mine didn’t, however. If my father knew I was heading to a tavern on the night before the Trial of Mind, he would flay me alive.
That’s why we need to be back early. And sober.
When we arrive at The Old Dove, Eliya pauses outside the door and peers at the white dove painted onto the swinging sign. Three men burst out, and we step aside to let them pass.
“You know,” Eliya says once they’re gone, “I haven’t been here in years.”
“Nor me. Well, at least not until last night.”
“Let’s hope this handsome new owner knows how to treat his customers properly.”
I clamp my hand over Eliya’s mouth and glare at her.
“What?” she demands, her voice muffled by my palm. She grabs my wrist and yanks my hand away, freeing her mouth. “It’s not like I said you thought he was handsome.”
The two people passing by shoot us curious looks.
“You’d better behave.”
“I’m always on my best behavior,” she says, mischief glinting in her eyes.
I groan. Bringing her here was a terrible idea.
“What’s his name, anyway?”
“Nolan Elmsworth,” I say, my voice hushed in case anyone overhears.
“Even his name is handsome!” Eliya remarks far too loudly. “Well, let’s see whether his face measures up to the rest of him.” With that, she shoves the door open and strides inside. I trail after her.
It’s busier than I expected, with many of the round tables full. There are six staff in total, including Nolan. He’s behind the wooden counter, chatting to a man and pouring ale from a nearby keg.
His hair is fair and tousled like I remember from last night, and his eyes sparkle like vivid emeralds. There is only one thing the moon-blossom wine caused me to forget: He looks far more handsome than I recall.
I lower my head as he passes the filled tankard across to the man and hope he hasn’t caught me staring at him. Warmth tinges my cheeks, incriminating me.
My pace must have faltered since Eliya grips my arm and drags me to the empty table in the corner. Last night, every table was gleaming beneath the aether crystals, but now this one is sticky from the ale spilled across it.
When we are sitting down, Eliya leans over the table, careful to avoid dipping her sleeves into the patches of ale. “Don’t tell me that’s him!” Again, her voice is much louder than I would prefer.
“Which one?”
“The one behind the bar!” she exclaims in a half-whisper. “I can’t believe how gorgeous he is. He practically looks like a god walking among us mere mortals. How could you think he might be hideous?”