Page 15 of Tempted By Fire
“Blaire, he’s mentioned you in the past a few times, telling me a story or two.” I wince at the admittance. “Why do you think I've stayed away?” I look away and bite the inside of my cheek. “I'm an idiot, okay… does that help?”
Blaire giggles before quickly covering her mouth. “At least you're honest.”
“I am.”
“Well, I think it's time you go get some rest. I don't want my brother to be suspicious of the pair of us.” She winks while I take steps toward the door. “Aiden.”
I turn around and smile at her. “Blaire.”
“Night,” I say as I unlock each lock from top to bottom. I notice the red blush on her cheeks, but neither of us mention it. I finally open the door and say goodnight again, before I give her a kiss on the cheek and step outside into the corridor that leads to the stairs. I stop to watch her close the door and then I hear each and every lock latch and click into place.
What the hell just happened? Ninety to zero in seconds all because of my huge fucking mouth and now my bruised ego is suffering in the process. I couldn't just let it go. Have I ruined everything? I run my finger over the butterfly stitch and smile, although I don't give up that bloody easy.
It's been nearly two weeks since I moved to Armstrong and my heart is still jumpy at the slightest thing, but I'm starting to realize this place could really be my new home. I just need to overcome these issues inside and realize I'm fine and that I have people who care around me.
I feel my cell vibrate in my jeans pocket before I pull it out and glance at the caller ID; Mom.
“Hey, sorry. I've been preoccupied.” I sigh as I wave bye to Ricky from Pete’s bakery when I pass him on the street and nod. “I've just been getting settled. I've got a part time job at a small bed and breakfast just over...”
“Blaire, you shouldn't have lied about going to Jake,” Mom says, as she cuts me off without a care in the world, more bothered about the fact I have ignored her for two weeks.
“I know but I just needed that time. I've caught up with Jake, he's doing well,” I say, in an attempt to change the subject away from me and onto her golden boy, when I see Simon ushering me across the street with a look of confusion.
“I'm glad, but Blaire, I called to talk about why you did,” she snaps back.
“Sorry Mom, Simon has just spotted me. I gotta go,” I reply and put the phone down to her mumbles at the end of the call.
Great, another drama I’d need to deal with. I’ll send her a bouquet of flowers, it’s always Mum’s weakness, along with an apology note. I’m sure it will alleviate any drama, especially if I get Jake to explain I was just settling in too.
I skip across the road, checking both ways with a huge smile on my face. I pat the roof of my Camaro that Simon is stood next to at the end of the street, and wonder why Simon has such a long face.
“Blaire, why's your car parked this far up?” he asks, his head cocked to the side. “I thought you normally used the space further down, near the apartment?”
“I normally do, but it was busy after my shift at Paradise B&B, so I just parked here. Why, has there been a complaint?” I scrunch my brow together in confusion, hoping I haven't upset anyone. “I don't want to cause –”
“No, it's just this…” He gulps and guides me around to the passenger door and points out the missing paintwork and bright white scratches now in its place. “Blaire?”
“I… I've got to go,” I shout, while I head straight back for the apartment. Not before I notice a figure around the corner who’s hiding behind a jeep that makes my heart jump into my mouth.
“Blaire, wait,” Simon shouts, but my feet start to move faster and my heart races in my chest as thoughts travel through my head rapidly. Levi's car; no. This is a small town. I place my hand over my chest and ignore the people around me. The need to get into the safety of my apartment overwhelms me. My cell starts to ring constantly, the tune I have programmed in as my brother’s ringtone alerts me to his constant calls. FUCK, FUCK, FUCK. Simon must have told him about my meltdown a moment ago.
I shut the door and instinctively slide every lock I have installed in place before I press my back against the door and slide to the floor. I have to think fast before I have Jake pounding on my door. I text him that I’m fine, and I’d realized I’d left the iron on in the apartment. No need to call the cavalry as no fire was ignited. I end the message with a wonky face emoji, but know I’ll be in for a long safety lecture about how to leave appliances. Right now, I’ll take the lecture.
I go to my favourites in my cell and pressed the call button. My breathing is ragged and the tears now won’t stop as I wait for the call to connect.
“Aiden,” I whimper. “Aiden.”
I hear a door shut before he speaks. “Blaire, what's wrong?”
I can't control the sobs as the tears flow freely. “I need you, please.”
“Where are you?” he growls.
“H... Home.”