Page 16 of Tempted By Fire
“Stay there. I'm on my way.”
I sit behind the door, curl my knees into my chest and wrap my arms tightly around them. My head drops down and I breathe deeply, listening to the tick of the clock, and brace myself for the door to knock. Is this just my mind playing tricks? The scratches on the car could be an accident, I tell myself; it could be kids playing on their bikes who wobbled over falling into it, a drunk leaving the pub may have thought it was an ex’s car? It could be anything really, but if that’s the case in a small town. Surely someone would leave a note on the car with their contact number. No, this screams Rich. I honestly feel this is Rich’s way of leaving me his calling card to keep me on my toes. A way to say don’t get too comfy, Blaire. I know where you are.
My breathing starts to quicken again as the panic takes hold. My arms shake, and the fear runs through my veins as I catch sight of the scars that he’d left me with. How could I ever forget him when I had a permanent reminder?
“Blaire, open up. I’m here,” Aiden whispers through the door, but I just whimper louder into the air, leaving the sound the only thing he can hear. I feel the rattle of the door behind my back. “Good girl, you locked it and you’re safe. But listen, baby, you’re going to have to prove now how strong you are and unlock all those locks, to let me in.” I wanted to answer him, but I couldn’t. “Look, baby, it’s just me, okay? I need to see your gorgeous eyes to know your safe, okay? You want me to hold you, right? I’m alone out here, Blaire.”
The sigh of relief that leaves my lips, knowing he came straight to me and not Jake, eases the pressure, even if it's just for one moment. Aiden is here for me. I’m not alone. I’m safe. I allow my body to slowly move forward. I’m not alone, I’m safe. I allow myself to rise up and slowly I open each lock.
“Okay, Blaire, that’s great. Now, I’m going to open the door, okay, baby?” I slowly watch the door push open inch by inch and I watch him slowly edge through the open gap and he’s here. Unspoken words pass between us as our gaze locks and then I’m in his arms, sobbing again. I hear him close the door and the locks engage, then I’m being carried to the couch.
“Oh baby, what is it?” he says, as he rubs the tears from under my eyes. “Talk to me, please.”
“I… I…”
“It’s okay.” Aiden pulls me into his lap. “I’m not going anywhere… we have all the time in the world.”
“What about work?” I reply with a tremble in my voice.
“Blaire, it’s sorted, don’t worry.” He gazes deep into my sore eyes. “Liam’s covering my shift, for as long as I need.”
“But Jake… he knows something’s wrong, he kept calling and I don’t know what to say. I kinda lost it and I think Simon may have called him,” I say quickly.
“It’s okay, Blaire. Don’t worry about Jake, he’ll be fine. We’ll decide on how we deal with that later, okay?”
I nod. “Okay.”
I take a deep breath. This man is a diamond, a real treasure. I barely know him but even in this short time, he has made me feel like I matter, as though I’m a treasure. I know my secrets would be safe with him and wouldn’t become idle town gossip or shared with my brother.
“I have baggage…” I blurt out while I drop my head, unable to watch his reaction. “I came here to escape…”
“It’s okay,” he says quietly. He strokes my arms, softly caressing them like he instinctively knows what I’m about to say links directly to the scars I hide under long tops. “It’s okay Blaire, take your time, princess.”
“He was called Rich, and we were really happy together. Well, for a while we were happy. He seemed to change after several months. I don’t know exactly when it began, but things changed drastically. The mind games began and I seemed to be walking on eggshells, nothing I did or said was right. The constant criticism was relentless, and I wanted out, but I couldn’t… I didn’t dare leave.” I take a deep breath and lift my head up to look into blazing eyes and see him nod.
“He hurt you…”
“Yes, he did. It was the night I left; I knew after what he did to me that I needed to go. I wouldn’t give him the chance to touch me ever again. Once he passed out, I took my chance and ran. His brother, Levi was outside, and I thought I was screwed but Aiden, he helped me. He was angry, thinking I was running out on Rich, but when he saw… when he knew what Rich had done, he helped me.” I allow my shoulders to slump. This is hard to voice, but Aiden deserves the truth.
“What do you mean changed? Has he done this before?” Aiden raises his brow in question, gazing over my face.
“He has. Isla and her child got away; she was Rich’s girlfriend a year or so before me. It's always stuck with me, in the back of my mind, that he had a past, but he's never hid it from me. He was honest from the word ‘go’, but I always wondered why I was different to her. Until that night, anyway.” My mind was reeling from recalling so many bad memories. “I was stupid, Aiden. I thought he’d changed; I didn’t think he’d ever lay a finger on me. I truly believed he’d changed; a mistake I realized too late.” I breathed in Aiden’s scent and felt calmer. “Once Levi saw he’d hurt me, he helped me. I misjudged him, for a long time I thought he was like his brother and I was scared to trust him. I owe him an apology and my eternal gratitude. He gave me his friggin car, his Camaro is his pride and joy and he handed me the keys and told me to go.”
“Good, I like him,” he forces out through gritted teeth. “But I sense that doesn’t explain today.”
“Nope.” I shiver against his touch and my fingers run along the healing mark on his head before I curl my fingers around the back of his neck and lean in. I can feel his breath on my mouth. “Someone scratched up the side of Levi’s car,” I whispered. “I… I think.”
“You think he knows where you are?” Aiden asks. He drops his forehead against mine as he breathes me in.
“Yes, I think he knows, I think this was a message.” I pull Aiden in closer before brushing my lips gently against his.
“Looks like we need to contact Levi, baby,” he mumbles into my mouth. “I’m here now, okay?”
Aiden teases my lip with his teeth before he licks across and starts to devour my mouth. His tongue presses against the seam of my lips as he asks for entry. I melt into his embrace, matching his moves one by one. The deep thrust of his tongue coats my mouth and makes me groan as my hands run down his face and caress each groove and dimple of his body. His rough stubble brushes against my skin, making me inch closer, desperate for more before he stands up and holds my body to his. My arms close in tighter as my legs wrap around him. Unable to let go, I cling to his tight body; his security and warmth is like a necessity of life itself.
“Aiden.” I gaze up and my eyelashes flutter. “Take me to bed.”
“I want to feel your pussy bare again, my temptress, squeezing every drop of cum from my cock before I coat your pert ass like an artist's masterpiece. You've ruined me, my mind, my cock – these fingers and this tongue for anyone else – they are all at your mercy now…” he replies, allowing the dirty words to wash over my mind and my thighs to clench in anticipation.