Page 42 of The Sins of Silence
Icouldn’t stop staring at the three small diamonds on the thin golden band that wrapped around my finger. This wasn’t how I imagined the night going. If anything, I thought I’d have been curled up in a blanket with ice cream and my eyes so red and sore from crying at Christopher’s reaction. I honestly thought I’d be alone. That he’d have run away scared at the prospect of my news. I just never imagined that he’d been planning to ask me to be his wife in the process.
I couldn’t let Christopher feel trapped by not knowing about the baby when he proposed. My heart thundered in my chest, knowing this was the deciding point in our relationship. I wouldn’t blame him for retracting his offer and running from me. Instead, he had just reconfirmed my adoration for him by repeating his question.
How could I refuse? He was my everything; my one true love and soldier boy. I couldn’t deny I was scared at the speed we were moving but Christopher was right when he said about who we are to live by others’ expectations. If it felt right for us both, then that’s really all that mattered.
“Christopher,” I said as his hands continued rubbing my flat stomach. He hadn’t removed his hand all through the night and now even at morning break, it felt as though it was a comfort, a reassurance even, that he was there protecting us both. It was as if he was mesmerized that a little bean of life created by us both was in there. Our little one. “I think we need to talk about what we do next?” I don’t know why I phrased it as a question but I think I just needed to hear his thoughts on what he saw next for us in our future.
Instead, they had the opposite effect. He sat up and leaned back against the headboard with his brow furrowed and his eyes squinted down at me.
“Isobel… You’ve not changed your mind, have you?” he asked in a bare whisper. He reached for my hand with the ring on and entwined his fingers with mine. “I just…”
“Of course not.” I moved closer, kissing him slowly. “I just want you to know that just because I’m pregnant, it doesn’t mean we have to get married.”
“Baby, pretty girl, I was going to ask you without even knowing about our bean.” He pressed his mouth to my hand, kissing the ring as he gazed into my eyes. “I know what my heart wants and that’s you. Isobel, you just solidified that even further by telling me I’m going to be a dad.”
“I just thought…”
“I know what you thought and there is no need to worry about that.” Christopher leaned down and wrapped his arms around me. “It’s everything I’ve ever wanted.”
“Me too.” I sighed. The moment was soon ruined when my stomach flopped over and I quickly pushed the covers off myself and ran out of the bedroom with my hand over my mouth, heading straight to the bathroom as the sensation and dread of needing to be sick took hold.
“I’m guessing our little bean has already started to make their presence known,” Christopher whispered. I felt him gather my hair at the nape of my neck and he began to rub my shoulders in comfort as I emptied my stomach. “I’m here every step of the way.”
* * *
My heart felt full and complete knowing that I was surrounded by so much love. I never knew such content was even a possibility in life. I should’ve been back at work today but Christopher had pulled some strings and alongside Chrissie’s help had managed to ensure the pair of us could have the day off, especially after hearing my doctor was able to fit us in for an appointment.
If it wasn’t for the fact that multiple times a day, I was spilling up my guts with the morning sickness, I wouldn’t have even guessed I was pregnant but today we’d get confirmation. Today everything would become a little more real before tonight when we planned to tell our friends.
I’d set Chrissie on the job of getting everyone together tonight atThe Wilden Bar. It made sense with the short notice. In case anyone was working, at least we could share our news. I felt awful keeping Chrissie in the dark with the engagement but she already knew about the baby. I wanted some element of surprise after all.
“Are you ready to go and see the doctor?” Christopher asked, grasping my hand as my nerves settled in. “I’ve got your bag and the keys, and ordered a taxi…”
“Christopher, just take a breath for one second.” I turned to face him and closed the distance between us. I dropped my head onto his chest, feeling his rapid beating heart and waited until he calmed at my touch. I pulled back and gazed into his eyes, noticing the adoration for me within them. I knew I had to focus on that. I had to ensure Christopher focused on that and not on any fears. “Everything will be fine. It’s all under control,” I said slowly. “Today will go absolutely fine and then afterwards we’re going to celebrate with everyone. Share our joy with them all because they areourfamily. Does that ease your worries?”
“It does.” He grinned but I couldn’t help but notice the way he looked away when he said the words. I knew something was eating away at him but I couldn’t pinpoint what it was. I knew for now that I couldn’t force the issue. Right now, we had to go or we’d be late. It will come out later. I’d make sure of it.
“Come on then.” I took control and led the way out of my apartment. I waited for Christopher to lock up behind me, having grabbed the keys off the side. “Let’s go and find out what the months ahead hold for us.”
The appointment with the doctor was a breeze and she helped settle a lot of questions that the pair of us both had. I felt the weight had lifted off my shoulders as we left the building armed with a pile of information to read and a script for some prenatal vitamins and folic acid, alongside some anti-sickness medication. It seemed I may become a walking pharmacy with the amount of drugs I’d be ingesting but they’d be worth it if it kept our little bean safe. I couldn’t believe we even had a date for our first scan.
“Are you feeling okay to still go tonight?” Christopher tapped my arm, rousing me from a nap on the sofa. I’d only rested my eyes for two minutes it seemed but I must have drifted off for longer as my eyes felt so heavy and my muscles ached from the position I’d slumped into. “I can also call Chrissie and tell her you need to rest.”
“No, don’t be silly,” I replied, stretching my arms above my head as I sat myself up and yawned. “I’m fine. I’m just a little bit tired. Has Chrissie messaged to say she’s managed to sort a time for everyone?”
“Yes, in an hour,” Christopher answered with a wide grin across his face. “I can’t wait to tell everyone that you agreed to marry me and that we’re going to be parents.”
“I’m betting Freddie bursts into tears first,” I said, standing up and taking in my less than made up appearance and sighing. “Five minutes and I’ll be ready.”
“Isobel, you can go dressed in anything and still look perfect to me.” He caught me in his gaze and made my body melt. “But I bet Luke will cry first.”
“We’ll have to see who’s right, won’t we?” I laughed as Christopher tapped my ass as I swished my hips and walked away toward the doorway. I halted in the doorway, knowing that I’d rile him up. I wanted him to need me as much as I needed to feel his touch. “I’m sure whoever loses can make it up to the other one later.” I winked as I sauntered off to begin to change. I couldn’t miss the sound of the growl that left my guy’s mouth at my words, even if I’d wanted to. The noise shot straight to my core and it made my pussy flutter in response.
Why couldn’t I have woken up earlier? I wonder if we had time…
“Isobel!” I heard his voice bellowing through to me.