Page 43 of The Sins of Silence
It was as if our minds were completely in sync.
“Christopher!” I shouted as I dropped my clothes from my body and stood just in my underwear, debating whether I should walk back into the living room to tease him. I turned around and saw him standing in the doorway, noting how his eyes were hooded with need. “I was just going to come and get you. Fancy helping me get ready?”
“Oh, I thought you’d never ask.”
* * *
We were fashionably late and I couldn’t give a shit. The moment that Christopher asked the doctor if it was fine to continue with sex and she nodded, I was a horny mess desperate for Christopher to take control. I hadn’t planned on falling asleep but exhaustion quickly took hold. It hadn’t settled the sensations at all so when I got dressed, I knew I needed Christopher to help settle the frustration within me to help me manage through the rest of the evening ahead.
“And they’re finally here.” Chrissie beamed, clapping her hands before pulling me in for a hug when I entered the bar. “Where. Have. You. Been?” she spoke into my ear. Christopher’s eyes widened at Chrissie but as I stepped back, I just smiled at her. I kept my hand with the ring on in my jean pocket, knowing nothing could ruin this moment. “I was worried when I couldn’t get hold of you. Robert’s behind the bar and everyone else has now clocked on and arrived.”
I noticed the gang all sat in the corner and as Christopher wrapped his arm around my waist, he placed a kiss on the top of my head and guided me forward.
“Come on, pretty girl.”
The moment we sat down silence enveloped around us as they waited for one of us to speak. Luke and Freddie’s eyes flitted back and forth between the pair of us as if they were counting down while Chrissie’s widened grin spread across her face.
“Oh, come on. I can’t take the tension,” Everleigh said, breaking the atmosphere as everyone chuckled.
“Never the patient one, ever.” Dawson held her close.
“Well…” Christopher cleared his throat before he reached for my hand that was tucked away in my pocket.
I slowly removed my hand from my pocket and slipped it into his large palm. I watched Luke grab Robert’s attention and he began to walk over with a tray full of champagne.
“I asked…” he started. He stopped and we held our hands up into the air. “… Isobel to marry me.”
The squealed screams of delight as the girls rushed toward me and the guys to Christopher echoed around the room. I caught Chrissie’s open mouthed gasp as if she didn’t know what to say. I knew she wasn’t expecting that but I wasn’t finished yet.
“Drinks, everyone,” Dawson shouted, passing them to each of us. I tried to avoid taking one but Everleigh thrust one in front of me and I looked at Christopher who moved his drink away to match my mark of sobriety. “Let’s toast to the happy couple.”
I loved the fact that no one didn’t question the timing of Christopher’s proposal as the girls admired my ring, while everyone else lifted their glasses to congratulate us.
“I’ll let you all congratulate us,” I began, “unless someone wanted to grab me a glass of water.”
“What?! Are you saying?” Luke asked in shock.
“Isobel, are you…” Freddie grabbed Luke’s hand and he had tears forming behind his eyes as I nodded.
“We’re having a baby too, guys,” Christopher announced as everyone stared at us in shock.
“I can’t believe it.” Freddie allowed the tears to fall as he fought his way out of the seats to reach me. “Come here you.” He curled his finger, indicating for me to get closer. “You’re going to make the best parents.”
“Thank you,” I said, the emotions taking hold of me as I took in everyone’s happiness for us. “I just wanted you all to know.”
“Do Thomas and Lauren know yet?” Luke cautiously asked as Freddie let go of me and reached out for comfort from his man. Christopher wrapped his arm around my waist and I settled into his hold.
“No, but I want to run something past Dawson,” Christopher said as Dawson made his way toward us.
“Did I hear my name?” Dawson chuckled. He reached over and slapped Christopher on his shoulder. “What do you need?”
“I want some time to go and tell Thomas and Lauren in person, plus sort out my medication,” he admitted, turning me around in his arms. “Del’s back soon… Do you think you could clear it?”
“Not a problem. I’ll sort it all out for you,” Dawson said as I struggled to control my body’s tension within Christopher’s grasp. I couldn’t let myself cause a scene.
“Dawson, you know I’ll need Isobel with me.” Christopher lifted my chin as if realizing I needed to hear the words. “I need her to meet the rest of my family.”
“I wouldn’t have thought anything less,” Dawson proudly said. “Del’s back Thursday so anytime after Friday.”