Page 1 of The Naughty List
Naughty List #1: Get Drunk In The Middle of the Day
"Flight 793 to Chicago, will be boarding soon. Please make sure that you have all of your belongings with you," a robotic airline employee’s voice said over the intercom.
It was Christmas break, something I'd been dreading the whole semester since it meant that I'd be returning home. A home that was the epitome of hell ever since my father had decided to remarry a woman who I was pretty sure doubled as Maleficent in her spare time. Add in her psychotic son and we were set to have a holly, jolly Christmas.
I picked up my shoulder bag and made sure that my carry-on was still in one piece. I had the luggage forever, and one of the zippers was broken. I was forever worried that all of my underwear was going to spill out in the middle of the airport one day...yet I never bothered to get a new one from a lack of funds.
I began to walk over to the gate entrance. I was one of those people that even though my zone would be one of the last called, I had to be ready. Flight anxiety, I guess.
As I weaved through the rows of chairs, I couldn’t help but notice some eye-candy sitting over by the windows.
Eye-candy didn’t really do them justice though. I was reasonably sure they were the most attractive guys I had ever seen. They were about as far apart in looks as possible. One was a blonde Adonis while the other one looked like a fallen angel with hair so dark that it almost looked blue under the airport’s bad lighting.
They looked like they had been carved from marble with their bodies that were so good even under their clothes that I wasn’t sure if they were real...I was drooling. I hadn’t thought it was possible to actually see a six-pack through clothes, but the proof was right in front of me.
The dark-haired dreamboat caught me staring just then and shot me a wink with piercing blue eyes that threatened to do me in. I quickly averted my eyes and walked faster to where people were starting to gather to get in line. I could feel a hot blush creeping up my neck at the fact that he had seen me staring at him. Ugh.
First class was called and of course the two perfect specimens got up and strolled to the line. We wouldn’t want them to have those looks and be poor.
I couldn’t help but watch them as they headed down the tarmac. I felt a little bit like a stalker. They slipped out of sight, and I suddenly got antsy to get on the plane myself, just so I could stride by them again.
Get your crap together, I muttered to myself, causing an old lady in front of me to give me a sharp glance.
The airplane was almost full when they finally called my section, perks of buying the cheapest flight available...which honestly still wasn't that cheap since it was the holidays.
Someone bumped me from behind and I dropped my bag. The top of it ripped open, and I moaned when some books tumbled out. I was so flustered by the time I got on the plane, that I'd all but forgotten the two hotties from before.
That changed quickly when I began to walk through first class and saw them. The dark-haired one was already nursing a beer, and the blonde one held a tumbler in his hand full of some kind of amber colored drink, probably a fancy liquor.
It must be nice to have that kind of money, I thought to myself a little bitterly as my bag popped another stitch, threatening to spill its contents all over the aisle.
I tried to keep my eyes from gazing at them as I passed by, but of course I couldn't do that. They were both looking at me when I turned to gaze at them, and I was sure that my face turned a bright cherry red when our eyes met.
The dark-haired one winked at me again while the blonde just watched me stoically. I hurried past them, bumping the person in front of me who shot a glare over his shoulder. I was still blushing when I got to my seat. Of course, it was the middle seat in the very back row.
At least I won't have to go far for the bathrooms, I tried to reassure myself as I heard a toilet flush through the thin wall behind me.
I picked up my phone to check Facebook before the flight took off.
I had a message waiting for me from Todd, the creepiest stepbrother you could imagine. He was a year older than me, but there was some kind of screw loose in his head. Whenever I went home for breaks, he always managed to be there as well. I couldn't tell you the number of times my butt had been groped passing him in the hallway and I always made sure to lock my door while I slept just in case he decided to creep in while I was sleeping. I shivered and deleted his message without reading it.No, thank you.
My thoughts flickered to the guys currently sitting in first class. Why couldn’t my stepbrother have looked like one of them? Not that I would ever have done anything with a hot stepbrother to begin with, but...
I was the quintessential good girl. I'd really never done a darn thing out of line in my life. See, I couldn't even say the word d-a-m-n. Probably the naughtiest thing I'd ever done was to pick a college in California when my dad had wanted me to stay close to home.
Not that he cared about that after step-monster came into the picture.
I leaned back into my seat and sighed.
I had one semester of college left after I got back from Christmas break, and what did I have to show for three and a half years of angelic behavior? Nothing. My grades weren’t even all A's.
My phone buzzed again just as the flight attendant reminded us to turn off our phones in preparation for take-off.
Can't wait to get close to you this break.
I gagged. It was Todd again. I didn’t know what his deal was. Not responding once again, I turned off my phone and closed my eyes, trying not to lean too far left or too far right and bother my seatmates. The one to the left of me had a bad case of body odor. I opened my eyes once the smell got to be too much, and I leaned over to grab my bag, pulling out my favorite peppermint lotion. I knew it was bad etiquette to open something that smelled strong on an airplane, but I was fairly positive that everyone in these back rows would much rather smell “Holiday Peppermint” then my neighbor’s smelly underarms.
The plane began to accelerate down the runway as I finished applying my lotion. Leaning back in my chair, I put on my headphones, turned on Taylor Swift, and settled in for the flight.