Page 2 of The Naughty List
I woke up suddenly when it felt like the plane was falling out of the sky. My stomach rose up to my throat, and I looked outside. We were flying through a white-out. Far different than the sunny skies we had left behind in California.
I had never liked flying, especially in turbulence like this. I let out a small squeak when the plane shuddered once again. The seatbelt sign flicked on and an announcement came on just then from the pilot.
“Sorry folks, looks like we will be experiencing some turbulence until we get to Chicago O'Hare. The storms a lot worse than anticipated. Please stay in your seats and we’ll let you know when it's safe to get up.”
I began to grip my armrests for dear life as he finished. I loved how he had said "some" turbulence as the airplane once again felt like it was falling out of the sky. Another thirty minutes passed like this, and by the time the pilot announced that we were descending, my nerves were shot.
We landed, and I was so glad to be on the ground that I didn't even mind when my smelly neighbor let out a fart that sounded, and smelled, like it had come from an elephant.
When I stepped off the plane, I wanted to kiss the ground. Looking out the windows of the airport I could see that this was a really bad storm. My flight to New York was probably going to be just as bad with turbulence. I shivered just thinking about it.
I grabbed a Starbucks, my favorite white chocolate peppermint mocha of course, and set off for my gate. Chicago O'Hare was huge, and it took me ten minutes to get there. As I walked up to the gate, I was dismayed to see that the flight had been delayed by two hours.
I walked over to the front desk to talk to the airline employee and get more details. There was a line of anxious people, all complaining about the delay to the stressed-out employee.
I moved closer to hear what she was telling everyone.
“Sorry, ma’am. Until we are given the all clear, all aircrafts are grounded. We are hoping the storm passes soon and flights can recommence. It’s going to be at least a few more hours though,” the flustered employee told the woman standing in front of her who looked like she was about to cry.
The employee’s eyes flickered over to me and she smiled softly, probably a practiced smile she offered all commuters stuck here.
I decided not to bother her since she wasn’t going to say anything different to me. I stepped aside from the crowd of people that continued to line up to hear the same terrible news. Looking through the floor to ceiling windows that all airports seemed to have, I watched the snow blanket everything in sight. The planes. The runway. The buildings in the distance. The wind howled, blurring the view with white dust. I shivered just looking at the horrible weather.
The storm of the century had hit the day I landed in Chicago, leaving me and everyone else stuck due to our delayed flight. So what now? From the looks of it and the weather report I had pulled up on my phone, it didn’t seem like it was going to be a delay of just a few hours.
Glancing down at my phone, I sent my best friend, Myles, a quick message.
Stuck in Chicago. Flight to NYC delayed due to storm. Hope it’s just a few hours.
I waited for her response to pop up.
The weather is nasty here too, but I’m sure it will pass soon. In the meantime, find a hot guy. Tell him you’re not wearing any underwear then walk away. He’ll buy you drinks all night to pass the time.
My cheeks flushed just reading the words, and I looked around in case anyone had read her reply over my shoulder. Myles always sent the most insane messages. I quickly typed back a response.
Don’t tell me you’ve actually done that?
Maybe. But girl, you’ll never guess who I saw at the mall today. Your douche ex, Liam.
I furiously typed back, my blood boiling just reading his name. The dick had cheated on me, then tried to blame me, and dumped me via text.
Let me guess, I typed.He got into another fight?
He was with this girl, but don’t worry, she wasn’t that pretty and had greasy hair. They were kissing, so I bumped into them and told her he’s a pig.
I laughed to myself as I typed,You go girl.
“Oh, look she’s smiling,” a guy said, flirtatiously, and I glanced up to see the infuriatingly cute dark-haired guy from the plane with those blue eyes I could easily lose myself in.
“I’m standing right here. I can hear you,” I answered, feeling like I was back in high school.
His friend with the blonde hair and sharp cheekbones that looked like they belonged on a movie star, nodded. “Pretty sure she’s smiling because she’s going to join us for a drink at the bar.”
I rolled my eyes and snorted before turning back to my phone, although my cheeks were blushing from their attention. Myles hadn’t responded yet but her suggestion on passing the time slid over my thoughts. I stiffened. Not in this lifetime. That wasn’t who I was.
“What have you got to lose?” Blondie asked.