Page 18 of The Overlord's Pet
“I don’t know any such thing,” I said with as much dignity as I could muster. He was looking at me with that expression on his face—the same one I always wear when I’m watching cute and funny cat videos online—and it pissed me off. “Do you want me to sleep at the foot of the bed?” I asked, deciding not to dignify his laugher any further.
He shook his head.
“No, as I said, I don’t want to kick you in my sleep. You can stay here beside me as long asyoudon’t kick either.”
“Don has never said I kicked,” I said. “And I never really slept with anyone else all that much.”
“Ah yes—the mate you left behind, correct?” He raised an eyebrow at me. “The one you claimed you were going to be Joined to when you thought I wanted you as my bride?”
“He’s not my mate, he’s myfiancé,”I corrected him. “But that means we weresupposedto be mated. And we would have been if you hadn’t taken me away,” I added accusingly.
Sir shook his head.
“You’ll forget him soon enough, little one. He’s in your past now and soon enough you and I will form a bond. The bond between a Master and his pet is quite strong, you know,” he added.
Angry words filled my mouth so fast they nearly choked me. How dare he compare the bond of an owner and pet with the bond of two equal and loving romantic partners? How dare he condescend to me like this—acting like I was a puppy that was missing its littermates but would forget them soon enough?
Then I remembered I was only sleeping on the bed instead of the horrible coffin-like crate because my new Master was letting me. And if I went pissing him off before bedtime, I would probably wind up back in the crate.
So I only said tightly,
“I don’t think so.”
He frowned slightly.
“You’ll see. For now, it’s time to get some rest. I’m going to change into my nighttime attire.”
“Right—youget pajamas because you’re a real person and not apet,”I muttered resentfully.
“That’s right,” he said matter-of-factly. He rose from the side of the bed and pointed a finger at me. “Remember, you have to stayonthe sleeping platform or your privileges will be revoked.”
“Like I could get in or out of it without your help,Master,”I pointed out sarcastically.
He frowned but didn’t seem to take offense.
“Thereisthat,” he said, nodding. “Well, give me half amernto get changed and then we can get under the wrap.”
“I’d rather sleep on top of the covers if you don’t mind,” I said stiffly.
Sir shrugged, his impossibly broad shoulders rolling with the motion.
“Whatever you like, little one.”
Then he went to one of the blank walls and tapped on it twice.
A door slid open, revealing lots of the same kind of business attire he was wearing, as well as a few other items of clothing.
I wondered if the doors and appliances would work for me if I tapped on them as I tried not to watch my new Master undress. It would be rude to stare, right? But then I had a change of heart—if he got to see me naked all the time, I would damn well look at him naked too! I was going to watch all I wanted to, damn it!
I stared at his broad back pointedly, looking my fill of the man who had abducted me.
If Sir knew I was watching, he didn’t show it. He probably didn’t care if I watched or not, I thought resentfully. I mean, who gives a damn if their dog or cat watches them undress?
He toed off his tall black boots and peeled down the tight black trousers quickly. The boots he stood just inside the closet but the trousers he sent down a kind of chute, which appeared when he tapped on the wall beside the open door. The shirt went in next and then the vest, which was long on the sides but cut short in the back, presumably to make room for his tail.
Speaking of his tail, it was interesting to watch it flow and twitch as he moved. The root of it was directly above the cleft of his buttocks, which I admit I also watched—he had a great ass—I mean, for an Alien Overlord, anyway. Though truly, it would have looked good on any man. It was high and tight and firm—the kind you’d love to squeeze, though I was betting I wouldn’t be allowed. I doubted the bond between a Master and his pet extendedquitethat far.
But it wasn’t just his admittedly impressive physique I was interested in—when he was fully naked, I could see the purple undertones of his marble-gray skin again. He almost seemed to glimmer faintly in the dim blue glow, like an otherworldly creature. Which of course, was what he was, even though he was bipedal and had two arms and legs and a face which was mostly human. Well, except for the full-black eyes and the curly horns.