Page 19 of The Overlord's Pet
He pulled on a pair of loose black trousers, half turning to me as he did, and I caught a glimpse of something that looked decidedlyunhuman.
My God—is that his cock or an elephant’s trunk?was my first thought.Thank God he doesn’t want to try to stick that in me,was my second. I had been right about our equipment being mismatched—that thing wouldneverfit inside me—it waswaytoo big.
Then the trousers came up and the Alien Overlord’s cock was out of sight—well, except for the sizable bulge in the silky black fabric.
He headed back to the bed and I turned over quickly and lay on my side, facing away from him. I didn’t want him to know I’d been watching him. He went around to the other side of the bed and climbed under the silver coverlet. Then he turned on his side, sighed deeply, and apparently drifted quietly off to sleep.
I lay there frozen for a long time, curled on my side of the massive bed. I held myself tight, my knees drawn up to my chin and my arms wrapped around them. I was trying to process my day from start to finish—trying to cope with what was happening to me—but it was damn hard to do.
How could I possibly have started my day picking up Princess Prissy from the groomers and ended it in the bed of an Alien Overlord who claimed I was his pet? It just didn’t seempossiblebut here I was and no matter how much I opened and closed my eyes, the scene didn’t change. I was still in Sir’s bedroom bathed in the eerie blue gloom and that appeared to be where I was going to stay.
By now my Mom would probably be frantic. Great Aunt Maizy would have called to complain that I was gone, deserting in the middle of the doggy ceremony and Mom would have asked my sister, Taylor, to go check on me. When nobody found me anywhere, they would probably tell Don, who would also be upset. Though probably not quite as much as my family, I admitted to myself.
Still, the point was, everyone I loved back on Earth was no doubt worried about me and I couldn’t even tell them I was alive and well. Sir had talked about taking me to other planets and from there we would presumably go back to his home galaxy and who knew how far away that was? I was literally light years from home and nobody knew where I had gone and that I was never coming back.
Tears came to my eyes, stinging and harsh, and a sob rose in my throat. I choked it back down with difficulty. I didn’t want to wake up my new Master—he might get mad and make me sleep in the crate and after the day I’d had, I simply couldn’t handle that. But I couldn’t quite stop the tears from flowing.
I lay there feeling miserable and trying to cry as quietly as I could for a long time, but finally my tears dried up, leaving a sense of determination in their place. Ihadto get out of here and get back to Earth. But how?
Well, if Sir had a ship that could take him all over the universe, then other people must too, I reasoned. And he had talked about taking me to other planets. So all I had to do was slip away from him and find someone headed back towards Earth. Basically, if I could just ditch my new Master, I could hitchhike home. See ya later, you big gray dickhead. So long and thanks for all the fish.
That’s exactly what I’ll do the very first chance I get,I promised myself as I dried my eyes on the silver bedspread.The minute Sir turns his head, I’m off like a shot to find someone who can take me home.
Feeling comforted by having a plan, I was able to relax and finally, I drifted off to sleep.
Ilay in the dark, listening to my new pet and worrying about her. She seemed to be in emotional distress and I didn’t know what to do about it. Should I turn over and try to comfort her? But I thought that might make things worse—she was still angry with me and we hadn’t formed our Master/pet bond yet.
We Korrigons, besides having mental, technological, and physical superiority to every other known sentient race, are also able to form special emotional bonds with other species. It’s one reason we are able to keep certain animals as pets that no other race has ever been able to tame.
For instance, my last pet—the one I’d had as a boy—had been a huge Carnosaur from T’Rexian Nine. My mother had felt this pet was excessive, but my father had been certain I could handle it. I raised Rex, as I named him, from the moment he first hatched from his egg and had grown extremely fond of him. Our bond had been strong—so strong that after he died, I hadn’t wanted another pet the rest of my life…well, until I had seen the little human female on the Commercians’ light screen, that was.
It wasn’t just the pale golden glow around her image that marked her as a La-ti-zal, either. There was something special about little one—or “Elli” as she called herself. I had felt an immediate attraction to her—a pull so strong I couldn’t deny it. And the first time I had touched her, I had gotten a little shock—a jolt that the Commercians had warned me ahead of time might happen.
“It occurs when the male touching the Pure One human female is sexually compatible with her,” Charnoth, their leader had informed me. “It is nothing to be concerned about.”
Naturally, I had dismissed his words and ignored the jolt when I felt it. I wasn’t looking for a Sex Pet, as I mentioned earlier—I simply needed a sentient pet from the most primitive planet in this galaxy to prove my point to the Sovereign of my home world. Splendara the Third and Thirtieth alone could settle the dispute that had arisen between myself and my rival, the Overlord of the Southern Continent.
But I had much to do before I was ready to make my presentation at Court. More research must be done on a sampling of planets so that I could get my point across. And then I…
A muffled sob from behind me cut into my thoughts. Little one was still crying—it was a sound that tore at my heart. I’m no monster—I know how difficult a parting from the home world can be for a new pet. And though I could never have any romantic feelings for a pet—even a sentient one—I already felt very attached to the little human female I had bought from Earth.
Again I considered rolling over to take her in my arms…and again rejected the idea. She was angry at me and we had not yet had enough closeness to begin making the all-important emotional connection. Tomorrow I would begin her training and keep her close to my side. I would also continue to bathe her regularly—the more I touched her, the more quickly our bond would grow.
This thought led to memories of cleaning her small, curvy body. Though I had done my best not to touch her in a sexual way, she had still reacted to me when I cleaned her sensitive areas. Her nipples had gotten tight and her soft little pussy had begun to get quite wet. In addition, her heart rate had increased and her breathing had become short and ragged. Her sweet scent had also become heavy with sexual need.
I couldn’t deny that her reactions had aroused me—though I would never act on such feelings. Still, I admitted to myself, bathing her was definitely going to be one of my favorite pet-related chores. I wouldn’t mind it a bit.
With her curvy, responsive body, she would have made an excellent Sex Pet. She was very lucky that I was the one who had bought her, rather than one of the Sex Pet traders from the Southern Continent. An exotic Pure One female from a distant planet that had been locked for billions of years would be intensely attractive to any collector. I reminded myself to keep a good eye on her at the spaceport when we stopped to refuel. I would synthesize both a collar and a leash for her in the Matter Synthesizer tomorrow.
I would also make time to read the pamphlet the Commercians had given me about the care and feeding of my new pet. I thought of going to read it now. But it had been a long, exhausting day and little one had finally settled down beside me. If I moved around, I might disturb her.
Finally, I decided to just wait until tomorrow and try to get some rest. It was late and I wanted to be up early to start little one’s training.
I hoped she would take to it well—good training sessions were very important in forming the Master/pet bond and I already knew I wanted a strong bond with her.