Page 20 of The Overlord's Pet
One that would last a lifetime.
Iwoke up to find I was pressed against something warm and hard which was moving slowly up and down. I had no idea what it was, but it smelledamazing—warm and spicy and masculine.Mmmm…was it Don, I wondered sleepily?
But no, my fiancé didn’t smell like that. He never wore any kind of cologne and only unscented deodorant because he was allergic to a lot of things. In fact, he never smelled of anything much at all—except when he was doing a gaming marathon with his friends on the weekend. Then he tended to start smelling a little ripe. But whether he smelled or not, he never smelled likethis—this was a scent I wanted to wrap myself in and never stop breathing it in.
Pressing closer to the hard, warm wall, I rubbed my face against it and inhaled deeply.Mmm, so damn good!
But as I was breathing it in, I became aware of another sensation. Something long and smooth was wrapped around my thigh.
What the hell?I wondered sleepily, letting my eyes open just a crack. It felt like a rope—a very smooth rope—was twining around my leg and thigh and I just couldn’t figure out what it might be.
What if it’s a snake?a wandering thought whispered in my mind.A snake that got into bed with you and now its trying to wrap you up and strangle you so it can eat you?
But that was silly—how would a snake get into my bed? I mean, I live in Virginia, notFlorida.
Still, the thought was enough to keep me from snuggling closer to the delicious-smelling wall and just drifting back to sleep. Cracking my eyelids open again, I saw that I was under a shiny silver coverlet. Well that wasweird. I didn’t own anything like this, did I? Was I in someone else’s bed? Had I had too much to drink and crashed at a friend’s house? Oh God, had I forgotten to set an alarm on my phone and now I was late for work?
This thought woke me up even more and I sat up in a panic. But the room around me wasn’t remotely familiar—all the furniture was too big and the lighting was deep, underwater blue. I was in an enormous bed covered by a shiny silver coverlet. There was a big lump under the coverlet, which was presumably what I had been sleeping against.
For a long moment, my mind was a total blank. I think maybe it was trying to protect itself by not letting me remember the predicament I was in because nothing seemed to be making sense.
“Wh-where am I?” I whispered to myself and then I felt the thing around my thigh move again.
This time, I reacted quickly. Whipping back the silver coverlet, I saw something long and gray had twined itself around my upper thigh. It had a metal cap on one end and that cap was presently nudging against my crotch—which was completely bare because I wasnaked.
I gave a little scream and tried to push the gray thing off me, but it only tightened its grip on me. Then I noticed it was connected on the other end to a tight, hard ass. A male ass, if I wasn’t mistaken, which was covered in silky black sleep trousers.
Then a deep, rumbling voice said irritably,
“What is it, little one? What are you doing to mycandalla—my tail?”
Suddenly everything came rushing back to me and I knew where I was and who I was with. The realization came with a headache—a pounding in my temples as though my brain was bulging from the unwanted information it had finally remembered.
I rubbed them briefly to ease the ache, which left almost as soon as it had come. I must have gotten cold and crawled under the covers with Sir last night. Damn, Ireallyshouldn’t have done that.
I looked down at the gray tail again, which was still curled around my thigh with the metal cap at the end of it still nudging against my bare pussy lips.
“I think the question is, what isyour taildoing tome?”I finally managed to get out.
“What?” Sir turned his head and looked over his broad shoulder. He frowned when he saw how his tail had twined itself around my thigh. “What are you doing?” he demanded and I realized he was talking to his tail, not me. “Little one isnotfor breeding—she is apet,”he told it.
The tail twitched in response and nudged a little harder against my pussy. This caused the rounded metal cap on its end to press between my pussy lips and rub against my clit.
I gasped and froze, not certain what to do. On one hand, was I being molested by a freakingtail?And on the other hand, why did it feel so good? I had never had much sensation in this area back when I was on Earth. But now that I was out among the stars, it felt like my whole body was waking up. Ever since Sir had given me that bath the night before, it seemed like a part of me that had been dormant had finally come to life and it washungry—hungry forpleasure.
So I didn’t protest too much when the tail continued rubbing the smooth end of its metal cap against my swollen clit. I even shifted, opening my legs just a bit more to give it better access. Oh God, if it would just rub me a little harder, I mightfinallyhave an orgasm—which I had been reading and hearing about my whole life, though I had never managed to have one before.
My inner folds were getting really wet as the smooth metal slid over and around my hot little bud and the feeling of building pleasure was rising inside me. I wondered what would happen if it tried to slip into my pussy—would I try to stop it…or spread my legs and let it in?
But at that moment, Sir actually reached around and grabbed his tail, giving it a hard jerk. Reluctantly, I thought, the tail stopped stroking me and uncurled itself from around my thigh. It waved in the air between us, as though not certain what to do next.
“Sorry about that,” Sir rumbled, turning over to face me, thereby putting himself between me and his tail. “Sometimes mycandallahas a mind of his own—that’s why I keep him capped when I’m away from home.”