Page 21 of The Overlord's Pet
“Um, were you just having a fight with your owntail?”I asked, raising my eyebrow at him.
“Mycandalla,”he said stiffly. “As I said, he has a mind of his own—quite literally, in fact. We Korrigons have a kind of secondary brain located in the base of our tails.”
“Youdo?”I looked at him, extremely surprised. “Why?”
“A Korrigon’scandallais very important to a male for reproductive purposes,” he explained. “Although I think mine may have mistaken you for a Sex Pet or a mate I wanted to breed with—for that, I apologize.”
I cleared my throat.
“No, uh, harm done,” I said. “Other than it feeling me up in my sleep, I mean.”
“Yes, well—as I said it must have mistaken you for someone I wished to mate with or breed.” Sir frowned at me. “But it appears that your body also made the same mistake.”
“What? What would make you say that?” I asked, closing my thighs tightly.
“No, little one.” He was looming over me now with a stern look on his face. “Don’t close your legs—let me see,” he commanded me.
“But why?” I protested, keeping my legs tightly closed.
“Because I am your Master and I said so,” Sir rumbled. “Your training begins now and part of it is that I will look at or touch any part of your body at any time I deem it necessary.” He raised his eyebrows at me. “Now are you going to spread your legs or are we going to start the day with a punishment?”
For a minute I wasn’t sure what I was going to do. Then a little voice whispered in my head,
Remember the plan! He’s not going to trust you enough to take you out on other planets where you can find a way to escape if you’re disobedient.
I knew the little voice was right, but it was extremely difficult to make myself spread my thighs for my Master. Still, somehow I did it, though I was nearly nibbling a hole in my bottom lip as I did.
“Hmmm… Lights medium,” Sir said as he leaned over me.
Immediately the blue glow in the room took on a more golden hue and became a bit brighter—not blinding but strong enough to see by.
I was lying on my back and Sir was kneeling over me. He put his big hands on either one of my inner thighs, spreading them wider. Then, very gently, he used his thumbs to part my outer pussy lips.
“Hmmm,” he said again, frowning. “You certainly get very wet in response to stimulation, little one.”
“I…I couldn’t help it!” I blurted, my cheeks burning. “I…I’ve never felt much of anything down…down there before. I mean, not until you took me. And now, I…I feeltoo much!I mean, it feelstoo goodand I’m just not used to it!”
“Is that right?” Sir raised an eyebrow at me in apparent surprise. “You’ve never felt anything in response to sexual stimulation before? Not even with your mate-to-be?”
“No,” I admitted miserably, because there didn’t seem to be any point in lying.
“But did he ever touch your pleasure button?” Sir demonstrated by slipping one long finger into my wet folds and gently circling my aching clit.
“N-no,” I panted as sparks of pure pleasure began to course through my entire body. “I mean yes—yes he did,” I corrected myself. I could barely think by now—his gentle touch was driving mecrazy.“But it didn’t…didn’t feel like much of anything. I felt…felt numb between my legs,” I admitted.
“Hmmm,” Sir murmured for a third time. He was still circling my clit thoughtfully with one finger and I could feel the pleasure building inside me as it never had before. “You don’t seem to be numb now,” he pointed out.
“No—now I feel toomuch,” I repeated. Or maybe not enough, since I had yet to come, despite his gentle stimulation.
“Your soft little pussy is getting extremely wet, little one,” he remarked. “Spread a little wider and let me see.”
Wordlessly, I opened even more for him. I barely had words to describe all the feelings that were flowing over me—longing, need, desire—yet they were mixed with resentment because he was doing what he wanted with me,notbecause I had asked him to, but because he thought he was my “Master” and that gave him a right to touch my body. But at the same time, Ireallyneeded to come.
To say I had mixed feelings was definitely an understatement.
“Yes, very wet indeed,” Sir murmured and the long finger slid down to circle the mouth of my pussy and then to slip gently inside me, just as he had the night before when he was washing me. He looked up at me. “And you say you’veneverhad this physical response before to sexual stimulation?” He seemed to find it hard to believe.
“N-no,” I stuttered, unable to lie. “N-never.”