Page 30 of The Overlord's Pet
“Exactly,” I said shortly. I didn’t trust myself to say more because the memory of his long finger inside me, stroking deep and caressing my inner folds was making my pussy feel hot and wet all over again.
“I told you, you must get used to me handling your body,” Sir said. He turned me over and I found myself suddenly lying face-up across his knees.
“Sir? Are we done?” I started to sit up, but he gave me a severe look and pushed me back down.
“Notnearly. Hold still while I pet the front of you, little one.”
“Oh, um…yes…yes, Sir.” I bit my lip and squeezed my hands into fists, trying to submit, though it was one of the hardest things I’d ever done. I felt so vulnerable, lying naked across his lap with my breasts and pussy on full display.
And the Sir started petting me again, which only made thingsworse.
“You must learn to crave my touch, little one,” he lectured as his big, warm hand traveled over my breasts, down my trembling belly, and over my pussy mound.
Though I wasn’t about to tell him, I was damn near craving it right then. He was giving me those strange sensations again—the pleasure I had read about and heard about all my life without ever experiencing it until he had touched me. How did he do that and why did my body react only to him?
I had no answers and I didn’t know what to say, so I just nodded and said,
“Yes, Sir,” rather breathlessly, because he was stroking my breasts again.
“Such full breasts for such a little female,” he remarked, cupping them each in turn and teasing my nipples by twisting them gently between his long fingers and thumb. “How does this make you feel, little one?”
“It…if feels good,” I admitted in a gasp. “But…I feel vulnerable too. I’ve never…no man has ever…touched me like this.”
Which was true—not even Don had taken the time to explore my body in such a leisurely fashion. He mostly just wanted to have quickie sex and then roll off me to either go to sleep or go play more video games. Not that I minded—I got nothing out of sex, so there was really no point in prolonging it.
I was getting something out of it now, though. Sparks of pleasure were running from my tight nipples straight to my pussy, which was getting uncomfortably hot and wet.
“It’s all right to be vulnerable with your Master,” Sir lectured me softly. “Spread your legs and let me pet you more deeply, little one.”
“I…I thought youweren’ttraining me to be a Sex Pet,” I protested weakly, even as I parted my thighs for him. God, why couldn’t I fight him, even a little? I really shouldn’t be enjoying this, should I? Was I deep in the grip of Stockholm Syndrome or what? But no—I wouldn’t be planning to escape if that was the case. Would I?
“I’mnottraining you as a Sex Pet,” Sir said, as his long fingers cupped my hot mound. “I’m trying to learn your body and your reactions. And of course, a little intimate touching doesn’t hurt—it helps to strengthen the bond.”
As he spoke, he spread open my outer pussy lips with two long fingers. I moaned softly as I anticipated feeling a third finger invading my inner folds.
Instead, I felt something smooth and hard and cool sliding over my wetness.
“Oh!” I looked down and saw that Sir’s tail—hiscandallaas he called it—had come around to get into the action. It had slipped between my legs and it was the metal cap on the tip of it I was feeling as it slid over my unprotected inner pussy.
Sir looked annoyed.
“I’ve told you, she isnotfor breeding,” he told his tail. “Or do you think you know something I don’t?”
The tail raised up and seemed to regard him for a moment, before dipping down to nudge me again.
Sir sighed and looked at me.
“I am afraid mycandallainsists on knowing you intimately. But please don’t worry—I won’t allow it to deposit any cream inside you.”
“What?” I propped myself up, my elbows resting against his left thigh while my bottom was supported by his right. My legs were still spread and his tail was hovering over me like a curious snake.
“It will only take a moment,” Sir promised me. Reaching out, he twisted the blunt metal cap off the tip of his tail, freeing it at last.
I don’t know what I expected to see—a bulbous head like one on the end of a penis? Or maybe a lot of little tentacles, like a sea anemone. But nothing so strange met my gaze—it just narrowed to a tip like a regular tail. For a moment I was almost disappointed…but then the tail began to change shape.
The tip curled in on itself and seemed to fuse together to make a kind of rounded ball, about the size of a golf ball. Then it dipped down again and began rubbing between my pussy lips.
“Oh!” I exclaimed. “What is it doing?”