Page 31 of The Overlord's Pet
“Just getting to know you,” Sir assured me. “Don’t worry—I won’t let it get you ready for breeding—that would be anintolerablestate to be in when we have to go out in public very soon,” he added, giving his tail a warning look.
The rounded ball the tail had formed itself into felt silky as it rubbed gently over my throbbing clit. And then I felt something new—something hot and wet and slippery was bathing my aching button. It felt a little bit like the time Don and I had tried warming gel, back before he realized that no matter what he did, he wasn’t going to be able to turn me on.
“What…it’s squirting stuff on me,” I told Sir. “I…I thought you said no, uh, cream?”
“So I did. Move, if you please and let me see,” he said sternly, speaking to his tail.
Reluctantly, I thought, thecandallapulled away. Looking between my legs, I saw that my pussy was completely drenched with some clear, shiny liquid. It looked like someone had gone crazy and squirted a whole bottle of lube on me!
“Ah, that’s all right then,” Sir said, nodding at his tail. “It’s only a natural lubricant,” he told me. “Not the breeding cream—don’t worry.”
“But…but why is it—is he—wanting to, uh, get me all lubed up?” I asked anxiously.
“To explore you, of course. Watch,” he directed.
Sure enough, the golf-ball sized tip of his tail had stopped teasing my clit and was now sliding down to find the mouth of my pussy.
“Oh!” I gasped, as I felt it start trying to push its way inside. Have I mentioned I have a pretty small entrance? Well, Ido. Don is on the small side, dick-size-wise, so it’s not generally a problem. But even something the circumference of a golf ball was too tight of a fit for me.
Sir seemed to realize this.
“Little one is extremely delicate and you’re too big,” he told his tail. “Smaller please, if you wish to slide inside her soft little pussy.”
The tail withdrew a moment and then changed shape again, this time becoming more of a tentacle—thin at the tip and more girthy at the base.
“That’s better,” Sir said, approvingly. “Apologize for hurting my pet.”
His tail—orcandalla—stroked my thigh gently and then slid between my pussy lips once more, to stroke and caress my clit.
“Is…is that his way of saying ‘sorry?’” I asked breathlessly. If so, I wished he would keep it up. Despite how bizarre this situation was, I found I was getting close again—close to that elusive orgasm I had never been able to have on my own back on Earth.
“It is, indeed.” Sir nodded at his tail. “Very nice. You may explore her now as long as you’re gentle. And remember—nobreeding cream!”
The tentacle wavered in the air for a moment, and I had the feeling it was arguing in some way with my new Master.
Sir frowned.
“No, Itoldyou, breeding cream would make her go into heat and need to be fucked. Little one isnota Sex Pet.”
The tentacle waved some more.
Sir sighed.
“Very well, you may fill her with as much lubricant as you like—just no cream.”
This seemed like an agreeable compromise because the tip of the tentacle caressed my aching clit lovingly once more and then dived between my legs. It circled the mouth of my pussy teasingly several times, before finally sliding inside.
I barely felt it at first, because the end of it was quite thin, but as it slid deeper and deeper into me, it got thicker and thicker.
“Oh!”I moaned as I felt it stretching the mouth of my pussy and my inner walls.
“It’s all right, little one,” Sir murmured, cradling my shoulders with one arm as he held my pussy lips wide with his other hand and watched as his tail invaded me. “Just let mycandallafill you. He needs to satisfy his curiosity or he’ll never let you alone.”
“It’s…it’s getting really thick,” I whispered. “I mean, it doesn’t hurt but I…I’ve never had anything this big inside me before!”
“Yes, youdohave a very narrow entrance.” Sir frowned. “If Iweretraining you as a Sex Pet, you’d need to wear expanders regularly—or else let mycandallapenetrate you often—to help you open for my cock.”
Remembering the huge thing I’d seen dangling between his legs, I felt a shiver go down my spine. There was no way I could ever take all ofthat.But at the same time, I couldn’t help wondering what it might feel like…