Page 32 of The Overlord's Pet
Maybe like the tentacle that was currently filling me so deeply. I moaned softly as it finally reached the end of my channel. And then it seemed to swell even more.
“Oh—it’s getting bigger!” I exclaimed.
“Yes, he’s probably preparing to come inside you,” Sir said, matter-of-factly. “Just relax, little one, and let it happen. Mycandallawants to claim you and mark you with my scent—that’s all.”
“But…if it—if he—comes in me, can he make me pregnant?” I asked anxiously. “Because I’m not on any kind of birth control right now. Er…Don and I mostly just use condoms.”
“No, you cannot get pregnant with my child unless mycandallafirst fills you with breeding cream and then I plant my seed in your belly,” Sir told me. “He will only be shooting more of the natural lubricant inside you—but it gives the same pleasurable sensation of orgasm. That’s why he was willing to settle for the lubricant, rather than filling you with breeding cream.”
The tentacle-tail inside me swelled even larger, making me moan in a mixture of pleasure and pain, and then I felt something hot and wet shooting directly into the mouth of my womb. I don’t know how I knew that—somehow I justdid.
“Oh!” I gasped. “It…it’s coming in me. Coming sodeepinside me!”
“Yes, thecandalla’svery tip has found the mouth of your womb to fill with lubricant, no doubt,” Sir said, matter-of-factly, confirming my own thoughts. “That’s generally where it shoots the breeding cream too—in order to prepare your body for fucking and impregnantion.”
“Oh,God!”I moaned, writhing on his lap. For some reason, being filled like this was anintenselypleasurable sensation. I felt closer to the edge than ever before—I just needed something to tip me over so I could finally come!
“Gods, little one—you’re lovely when you’re being filled,” Sir murmured, his eyes going half-lidded as he looked down at me. “I can feel how tight your little pussy is as it squeezes all around mycandalla.”
“So…you’re feeling this, too?” I asked breathlessly.
“Not as intensely as if I were actually fucking you with my shaft,” he said. “But enough. Your soft little pussy is delightful.”
I could only moan in response. I had never felt anything like the strange, intensely pleasurable sensations of being filled with his tail and then having it come inside me.
I was right on the edge of orgasm when it finally pulled out—and a rush of the shiny lubricant came with it. I could have moaned in frustration at being left wanting yet again, but Sir only nodded at the shiny tentacle which once more formed itself into the tip of his tail.
“There now—satisfied?” he asked it.
Thecandallawaved agreeably in the air in what seemed to be a positive manner.
“Good.” Sir looked down at my dripping crotch critically. “You’ve certainly filled her enough—thedringamoss carpet can only absorb so much, you know.”
The tail waved once more—apologetically this time, I thought.
Sir sighed.
“Yes, I know she’s very tight and wet inside. I guess I don’t blame you for wanting to leave an extra big load inside her. Well…” He looked down at my dripping pussy. “At least no other male will mistake her as being unspoken for. You certainly spread enough of my scent inside her. Are you ready for this?”
He held up the metal cap again and raised his eyebrows.
The tail wavered for a moment, then slid down to caress my thigh again.
“Oh, does he want to go again?” I asked—I wasn’t sure how to feel about that. On one hand, I was so sexually frustrated at this point I could nearlycry. But on the other hand, was it right to want to be fucked by a tail?
But Sir put my fears to rest.
“Mycandallais simply thanking you for opening yourself and allowing him to explore you and come deep in your pussy, little one,” he told me. “He greatly enjoyed the experience.” He gave me a significant look. “Webothdid.”
“Oh, uh, you’re welcome, I guess,” I said to the tail, which waved happily at me. “Um, anytime.”
“Don’t tell him that!” Sir said, frowning. “Or he’llforeverbe trying to slide inside you.”
“Oh, uh…” I didn’t know what to say to that. I hadn’t actuallymeantthat his tail could fuck me anytime it pleased—I had just said “anytime” out of polite habit. The way you do when someone thanks you for inviting them to your home, and you tell them to come back anytime, I guess.
“Ignore that,” Sir told his tail sternly. “If you keep on filling her with lubricant, you know eventually you’ll want to fill her with breeding cream as well. And, as I told you, little one isnota Sex Pet!”
If this was the life of anon-SexPet, I’d hate to see what an actual Sex Pet went through, I thought to myself—but didn’t dare say aloud.