Page 4 of The Dragon's True Mate
“Next time, I’ll be more prepared,” I said, much calmer than I felt. I couldn’t guarantee that, but I’d pretend for the moment. “If nothing else, it won’t be such a big surprise.”
“I need to go and speak to my wife. Shall I leave you with your thoughts?” Stavrok asked.
No. My thoughts frightened me. All the same, I said, “Yes.” I picked up my glass of whiskey. I’d intruded on him long enough.
“I’m always happy to help,” Stavrok said in a soft voice. “I’m glad you felt enough trust in me to come here.”
I appreciated him saying that more than I could say. He was treating me as an equal, when I was only King Damon’s bastard brother.
“Thank you for your assistance.” Despite the fear creeping through me, I knew what I had to do, and I had a plan of action to take.
Stavrok left me, and I took the time to finish my whiskey, letting the warmth soothe my inner dragon. My strength began to return, and a new determination stirred within me.
Once I was able, I transformed into my dragon once more and flew back to Damon’s castle. There I found a private place to change back into human form.
I’d missed the ceremony, and felt terrible for that. But Dymitri would understand, I felt sure. I’d seen it in his eyes before I’d fled the castle. Sarah would as well. Everyone would, except forher.My one true mate.
By the end of the night, I would make it up to her.
I gathered all the courage I had and made my way to the hall where the reception was being held. My heart was pounding like a battering ram, but I had enough control over my dragon to walk into the room without feeling like I was going to shift.
My gaze settled on my mate sittingt across the room, and a piece of me I thought long dead sprung to life once more.
Chapter 2.
My sister’s wedding was small and simple, which was fitting for her. The fact that she was marrying a guy she’d just met wasn’t very typical, but I tried not to judge her too harshly for that.
It was easy to understand her falling in love so quickly, especially considering her new husband was one of the men who’d rescued her and Nadia from hell.
I wouldn’t be following that path any time soon, of course. Love at first sight just wasn’t my style. But I was glad at least one of us was getting an epic whirlwind romance worthy of a romance novel. As long as he loved her and took good care of her, he’d stay off my shit list. I’d give this... Dymitri the benefit of the doubt.
Dymitri.Even his name sounded like something from a fairytale. I tried to keep my jealousy at bay, not wanting to be bitter. That wasn’t right. Instead, I focused on the joy I felt for her as I watched her walk down the aisle. When she glowed as she gazed into the eyes of her new husband.
As Sarah and Dymitri exchanged their vows, a strong yearning tugged at my heart. That part of me that didn’t want to be alone anymore. I knew nothing came easy. Trust me, as a chubby girl, I understood that I had to work a lot harder to stand out in a crowd full of size-zero wannabe supermodels.
Easy would be a nice change.
I gazed through the small crowd of mostly strangers and noted the original best man still missing from the group. I’d caught one glimpse of him earlier, and then he’d disappeared. Strange. And even stranger was how much I’d felt his absence. I’d tried to shake off the feeling and refocus my attention on Sarah. This washerday.
Tears were shed as the bride and groom were officially pronounced husband and wife. Up next was the reception where I fully intended on hiding behind a drink and pretending I belonged. Something about the party guests seemed unique. Not bad, just different.
Everything about the wedding was different, in fact. Sarah was being married in a picturesque mountain village the castle loomed over like a medieval dream. I had so many questions, and yet didn’t want to ask, not wanting the magic of the day destroyed.