Page 5 of The Dragon's True Mate
And thenhewalked into the room, speaking of magic. As soon as the best man stepped through the door, it was like he’d cast a spell over my body. My legs quivered. Actually quivered! Something I only thought happened in fiction.
I clung to my glass of wine, suddenly fearful I wasn’t going to be able to stand much longer. My knees got wobbly and there was a tingle between my legs I hadn’t felt in too long to count. I swallowed hard, unable to drag my eyes away from him. My whole body flushed with heat, and I finally looked down to try and get some control back over my body.
Holy hell! All that fromlookingat one of the most majestic men to ever walk the earth.
The best man. Now I was sad I’d only caught a glance earlier. Clearly, I’d missed out on quite the specimen. Long, dark hair that gracefully fell to his shoulders. And he was so tall! Even from a distance he towered over everyone and everything. A broad frame, too. Those arms...that chest...I’d kill to have them wrapped around me.
I’d kill to wrap parts of me around him too, for that matter. He was imposing enough I wouldn’t feel like I was squishing a bug.
A gentle hand on my arm startled me out of my trance. My sister, the happy bride, Sarah, smiled at me.
“Let’s go say hi,” Sarah said, nodding her head toward Tall, Dark and Dangerous.
More heat flushed through me, this time primarily in my cheeks. “What? To him? Why?”
“He’s my husband’s brother, and family should meet family, right?” She winked suddenly. “Besides, I think you two would hit it off.”
Smashingly well, I’d hope. Yes, I’d love to do that too...
I cleared my throat. “Good point.”
Sarah slipped her arm in mine, and we walked across the room together. Each step towards him was like floating on a cloud. No way was my sister about to introduce me to the most gorgeous guy on the planet. No way!
Then, the next thing I know, I’m standing in front of him and gazing up into his deep, soulful, dark eyes.Hot damn...
“Lucian,” Sarah said and gestured to him. “This is my other sister, Katerina.”
He gazed down at me with such intensity, I lost my footing and stumbled just a tiny bit. Toward him, I should add—much to my embarrassment. Lucian caught me before I face planted into his rock-hard abs. I didn’t know that part for sure, but based on what I’d seen it was easy to assume. His whole body was probably chiseled from stone.
“Heels,” I said, struggling to find an excuse for my incompetence. “They’re big. Long. Tall.”
Oh God, I was mortified, because immediately my mind went to other things that were big, long, and tall. In my four-inch heels, I barely made it to his shoulder, I should add. He was just so fucking tall in comparison, and I was all for it. But, I doubted a guy like that would be into a woman likeme.
“You should be careful with those,” he said, his voice a low rumble that caused my insides to churn with desire.
I laughed, awkward and loud. “Just need more practice with this pair. I bought them for the wedding.” The conversation was tanking fast. “Anyway, it was really nice to meet you...”
I turned back toward my sister and shot her a warning look that suggested she better not stop me.
“Kat!” Sarah insisted, clearly not caring or not catching what I was trying to communicate. I walked past her, and she turned her attention to Lucian. “We’ll be right back.”
I found an empty table to sit at. The music for the dancing had started, and the loud thumping of the base was a nice distraction from my thoughts, but also made it impossible to think clearly.
No, if I was being honest, Lucian made it impossible to think. Simply having him in the same room as me turned my brain into a pile of glittery, hopeful, mush. Story of my life...I see an attractive guy and let lust cloud my logic and that always resulted in heartbreak.
“What is wrong with you?” Sarah gasped out, standing over me with her hands on her hips. “ bolted before you even got a chance to actuallytalk!”
“Clearly, the conversation wasn’t all too riveting,” I snapped, pressing the palm of my hand to my forehead. “My shoes, of all things...I had to talk about those. He’s going to think I’m some kind of shallow ditz!”
“No, he’s not.”
“No, who’s not?” our other sister, Nadia, asked, joining us at the table. “What did I miss?”
I groaned. “My humiliation with Tall, Dark and Dangerous.”
“Lucian?” Nadia asked, looking over at him.
We all did, and I noticed he was staring intently me. He wore a deep frown that seemed almost concerned. For me? I gave him a small wave, and that brought a smile to his face and that was such a beautiful sight to behold I had a difficult time looking away.