Page 47 of A Touch of Fire
Megan looked pained in a way he hadn’t seen before, and he regretted that comment and would’ve paid God himself a million dollars to take it back. How could he forget her family?
“I’m sorry. That was unfair and mean. I’m not in a good place right now.”
“Let’s get some sleep. We’ll sort it out in the morning.”
Well, hell, it was still three in the morning. The witching hour.
Troy always woke up at this time. He sat holding the mug and feeling the warmth radiate through his hands. Megan looked at him, considering him as if he was a puzzle, which he probably was to her.
Slowly and in plain sight, she gently put her hand on his shoulder, moving slowly enough not to surprise him, which he hated and appreciated at the same time.
Her touch was lighter than a butterfly and connected her to him in a way he previously hadn’t realized he needed.
“Do you want to sleep?”
“Sometimes I can. You rest though. I might need to sit up and gather my thoughts.”
“That’s okay. I don’t work tomorrow.” She tucked one corner of her mouth up into her check and bit her lip. “Would you like company?”
Troy smiled. “That’s nice of you to offer.” He took another sip of tea, and then not knowing what to say, lamely added, “Tea is good.”
“I’m glad. We can watch TV or just sit in the dark.”
“They don’t come more than once in the same night, just so you know.” God, the idea that he had lashed out toward her made him want to dig a hole and fall inside, never to be heard from again.
Megan gave his hand a slight squeeze. “Thank you for telling me. I’m glad for you.”
They finished their tea in silence, before slowly easing back into each other’s arms. Megan’s head cradled nicely in the crook of Troy’s shoulder, and he let his own head rest on the top of hers. As if they had been made for each other, it was a perfect fit, which baffled him. Sometimes he felt crowded by cuddling, but not only was this easy, it was effortless. There was a sense of peace, calm, and true connection that filled a void deep in his soul.
After a while, Megan’s breathing slowed to a steady rhythm which told him she had fallen asleep. Whether it was the tea or her, or both, he wasn’t far behind and this time, sleep came blissfully without dreams.
Megan woke up to the sun streaming through her window and a very handsome man in her bed, which was a first. She considered him for a moment and took notice of his lashes resting peacefully over his cheeks. There was a slight frown and wrinkle between his brows, but otherwise he looked calm. Far more calm than he had last night.
He was beautiful to look at as he rested. He looked younger than when he was awake with his dark eyes watching everything. That he had checked the door repeatedly to make sure it was locked had not been lost on her. Without the confidence and defensive nature, he looked so gentle.
To let him sleep and get the peace he so desperately deserved, Megan slipped out of the bed and tiptoed toward the kitchen, taking care to shut the door behind her without any noise so the cats wouldn’t wake him.
She padded in bare feet over the wooden floor to the kitchen and started fixing a pot of coffee for them both. The act felt simple, domestic, and…natural.
The thought paused her hands.
Last night had been some of the best pleasure she had known. She hadn’t realized how much she had to learn or how much she could want what had happened. It had been wonderful. She had craved him, and as she stood here, she wanted even more.
She had thought it might be just physical, but that was before.
Megan had fallen asleep and was awakened by something jostling in her bed. At first she had thought he was awake—with how he was thrashing around, she had been sure of it.
He also was talking to someone, but Megan hadn’t been able to make out the details. When he had started shouting and thrashing, she had tried to grab his shoulders and shake him awake, only to be thrown off.
That’s when she knew not to touch him. He still hadn’t been awake when his knee landed on her crystal, which had to hurt like hell.
It must have been the smoke from the candle. It hadn’t caught on fire but had burned down to be extinguished naturally. The realization made her question what he had said at dinner, thatshewasn’t afraid of fire. Megan was too wrapped up in her own head to realize that maybe he was saying that because he was really afraid of fire. She was sure of that now.
His shouting echoed in her head. She could only imagine what he had seen that would cause that kind of nightmare.
Megan’s lips thinned as she hit the button and heard Mr. Coffee get to work.